T: Carrousel
N: (Singing Game: See page 8.)
O: Swedish
%R: air, march
B: "The Everyday Song Book", 1927
F: http://www.library.pitt.edu/happybirthday/pdf/The_Everyday_Song_Book.pdf
Z: 2017 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/EverydaySongBook/045_Carrousel.abc 2024-11-23 232222 UT
K: C
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[| "^I Start slowly and gradually quicken."G G G G G G c2 | E E E E G2 G2 |
w: Lit-tle chil-dren, sweet and gay, Car-rous-el is run-ning,
E E E E G2 G2 | G G G G c2 c2 | D2 E E G2 |
w: It will run till eve-ning, Lit-tle ones a nick-el, Big ones a dime.
G G | A2 A A B2 B B | c c c c c3 z |: "^II Fast."G2 G2 G2 z2 |
w: Hur-ry up~ get a mate~ Or you'll sure-ly be too late, Ha! Ha! Ha!
A2 A A A2 z2 | B B B B B G A B | c2 c c c3 z :|
w: Hap-py are we, An-der-son and Pet-er-son, and Carl-strom and me!
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -