T: Old Folks at Home
C: Stephen C. Foster. 1851.
%R: air, march
B: "The Everyday Song Book", 1927
F: http://www.library.pitt.edu/happybirthday/pdf/The_Everyday_Song_Book.pdf
Z: 2017 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The book uses braces and extra spacing to separate the verses, but ABC doesn't have a way to do this.
N: Instead, the verse numbers have been added to the 2nd staff's lyrics.
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/EverydaySongBook/050_Old_Folks_at_Home.abc 2024-12-03 192828 UT
K: D
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[| F4 E D F E | D2 d2 B d3 | A4 F2 D2 | E6 z2 |
w: 1.~'Way down up-on the Swa-nee Riv-er, Far, far a-way,
w: All up and down de whole cre-a-tion, Sad-ly I roam;
w: 2.~All roun' de lit-tle farm I wan-dered, When I was young;
w: When I was play-ing with my broth-er, Hap-py was I;
w: 3.~One lit-tle hut a-mong de bush-es, One that I love,
w: When will I see de bees a hum-ming, All roun' de comb?
F4 E D F E | D2 d2 B d3 | A4 F> D E2 E>- E | D6 z2 :|
w: 1.~Dere's wha my heart is turn-ing ev-er, Dere's wha de old folks* stay.
w: Still long-ing for de old plan-ta-tion, And for de old folks at home.
w: 2.~Den ma-ny hap-py days I squan-dered, Ma-ny de songs I* sung.
w: Oh! take me to my kind old moth-er, There let me live and* die.
w: 3.~Still sad-ly to my mem-'ry rush-es, No mat-ter where i* roam.
w: When will I hear de ban-jo tum-ming, Down in my good old* home?
"Refrain."c3 d e2 A2 | A3 B A2 d2 | d2 B2 G2 B2 | A6 z2 |
w: All de world is sad and drear-y, Ev-'ry-where I roam;
F4 E D F E | D2 d2 B d3 | A4 F> D E2 E> E | D6 z2 |]
w: Oh! dark-ies, how my heart grows wear-y, Far from de old folks at home.
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