T: When Johnny Comes Marching Home
C: Louis Lambert
Q: "With Spirit.
%R: air, jig, march
B: "The Everyday Song Book", 1927
F: http://www.library.pitt.edu/happybirthday/pdf/The_Everyday_Song_Book.pdf
Z: 2017 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Bars 1 & 5 have an odd "grace note" that has a syllable in one verse; ABC can't represent it very well.
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/EverydaySongBook/063_When_Johnny_Comes_Marching_Home.abc 2024-11-27 172804 UT
K: Gm
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"^Solo."G | D2 {G}G G2 A | B2 A B2 "^Chorus."G | F3- F2 D | F3- F3 ||
w: 1.~When Johnny comes march-ing home a-gain, Hur-rah,* hur-rah!*
w: 2.~The old church-bell will peal with joy, Hur-rah,* hur-rah!*
w: 3.~Get read-y for the Ju-bi-lee, Hur-rah,* hur-rah!*
"^Solo."G | D2 {G}G G2 A | B2 A B2 "^Chorus."c | d3- d2 B | d3- d2 ||
w: We'll give~him a heart-y wel-come then, Hur-rah,* hur-rah!*
w: To wel-come home our dar-ling boy, Hur-rah,* hur-rah!*
w: We'll give the he-ro three times three; Hur-rah,* hur-rah!*
"^Solo."B/c/ | d2 d dc B | c2 c c2 A | B2 B BA G | A2 A A ||
w: the* men wil cheer,* the boys will shout, The la-dies, they* will all turn out
w: The* vil-lage lads* and las-sies gay With ro-ses they* will strew the way,
w: The* lau-rel wreath* is read-y now To place up-on* his loy-al brow,
|: "^Chorus."B c "^Repeat ad lib."| d3 c3 | B3 A3 | D G G G2 ^F | G3- G :|
w: And we'll all feel gay, When John-ny comes march-ing home.*
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