T: Birds Are Singing
C: Jesca
Q: "Allegretto."
%R: air, waltz
B: "The Everyday Song Book", 1927
F: http://www.library.pitt.edu/happybirthday/pdf/The_Everyday_Song_Book.pdf
Z: 2017 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/EverydaySongBook/076_Birds_Are_Singing.abc 2024-11-27 170637 UT
K: Ab
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A B | !p!c2 c2 B A | B2 B2 A B | c d e2 (dc) |
w: 1.~Birds are sing-ing, flow'rs are spring-ing, Green are fields and woods once*
w: 2.~Birds are sit-ing in their bow-ers, We of late have sat at*
w: 3.~Joy is burst-ing forth a-round us, O'er the hills, a-cross the*
w: 4.~Let us, then, go forth and wan-der By the stream-let, thro' the*
B2 z2 e f | (ed) B2 B B | c2 e2 e f |
w: more; We will go* and seek earth's treas-ures, We will
w: home; Gone is gloom-*y win-ter's sad-ness, We can
w: vales; Far and wide* by breez-es draft-ed, On the
w: lane; By the hedge-*row flow-er-stud-ded, By the
(ed) B2 B B | c2 e2 f d | c e c2 (BA) | A2 z2 |]
w: taste* our new-sent pleas-ures, Wan-d'ring o'er earth's grass-y* floor.
w: now* go forth in glad-ness, Ev-'ry-where we now may* roam.
w: scent-*ed flow-ers waft-ed, And the songs of night-in-*gales.
w: trees* which now have bud-ded, Thro' the new-born world a-*gain!
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -