T: Sweet and Low
C: words: Alfred Tennyson
C: music: J. Barnby
Q: "Larghetto."
N: This is version 2, for ABC software that understands tremolo notation.
U: Q=!diminuendo(!
U: q=!diminuendo)!
%R: air, waltz, jig
B: "The Everyday Song Book", 1927
F: http://www.library.pitt.edu/happybirthday/pdf/The_Everyday_Song_Book.pdf
Z: 2017 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/EverydaySongBook/083%3DSweet_and_Low-V2.abc 2024-11-23 234055 UT
K: C
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[| !pp!E2 E A3 | G2 G c3 | c B A G>- G ^F | (A3 G2) z |
w: 1.~Sweet and low, sweet and low, Wind of the west-*ern sea;*
w: 2.~Sleep and rest, sleep and rest, Fa-ther will come to thee soon;*
"^<>"E3 "^<>"A2 A | G2 "^>"E HA3 | !p!d B c A>- A B | (A3 G2) z |
w: Low, low* breathe and blow, Wind of the west-*ern sea;*
w: Rest, rest, on moth-er's breast, Fa-ther will come to thee soon;*
!mf!G B A (G A) G | (G c) A G3 | !pp!(G2 B) A
w: O-ver the roil-*ing wa-*ters go, Come from the
w: Fa-ther will come to his babe in the nest, Sil-*ver
GA G | (G c) "^>"^F G3 | !f!c c c c2 B | ("^>"A3 H_A3) |
w: dy-*ing moon* and blow, Blow him a-gain to me,*
w: sails* all out of the west, Un-der the sil-ver moon,*
!p!G2 G G> A G | "^rall. e dim."G2 G G> A G | "^pp"Qc6- | qc3- c2 z |]
w: While my lit-tle one, while my pret-ty one sleeps.__
w: Sleep my lit-tle one, sleep my pret-ty one, sleep.__
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -