T: Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean
C: words: D. T. Shaw.
C: music: David T. Shaw.
Q: "Spiriten
%R: air, march
B: "The Everyday Song Book", 1927
F: http://www.library.pitt.edu/happybirthday/pdf/The_Everyday_Song_Book.pdf
Z: 2017 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/EverydaySongBook/116_Columbia_the_Gem_of_the_Ocean.abc 2024-11-23 232918 UT
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D-> D | G2 G> G A2 d> c | B G z2 z2 D- D | E2 e d (cB)
w: 1.~O Co-lum-bia, the gem of the o-cean, The* home of the brave*
w: 2.~When* war winged its wide des-o-la-tion, And* threat-ened the land*
w: 3.~The* star-span-gled ban-ner bring hith-er, O'er Co-lum-bia's true sons*
A G | (G4 F2) z A/- A/ | A2 A> A A2 B ^c | d A z2 z2 d- d |
w: and the free,* The* shrine of each pa-triot's de-vo-tion, A*
w: to de- form,* The* ark then of free-dom's foun-da-tion, Co-*
w: let it wave;* May the wreaths they have won nev-er with-er, Nor its
(^cB) A G (FE) A ^C | D2 z2 z2 (D F) | A2 A A (GF) E D |
w: world* of-fers hom-*age to thee. Thy* man-dates make he-*roes as-
w: lum-*bia rode safe* thro' the storm: With the gar-lands of vic-*t'ry a-
w: stars* cease to shine* on the brave: May the serv-ice, u-nit-*ed, ne'er
D G z2 z2 (G A) | B2 B B cB A G | A2 z2 z2 (G B) |
w: sem-ble, When* lib-er-ty's form* stands in view; Thy*
w: round her, When so proud-ly she bore* her brave crew, With her
w: sev-er, But* hold to their col-*ors so true; The*
"^:S:"d2 d d cB A G | F E z2 z2 ed | cB A G F2 E F "^FINE."| G6 |]
w: ban-ners make ty-*ran-ny trem-ble When* borne* by the red, white and blue;
w: flag proud-ly float-*ing be-fore her, The* boast* of the red, white and blue;
w: ar-my and na-*vy for-ev-er, Three* cheers* for the red, white and blue;
"^Chorus."FG | A2 A> A A2 d c | B2 z2 z2 (FG) | A2 A A A2 d c | B2 z2 z2 ("^D. S."G B) |]
w: When* borne by the red, white and blue, When* borne by the red, white and blue Thy*
w: The* boast of the red, white and blue, The* boast of the red, white and blue With her
w: Three* cheers for the red, white and blue, Three* cheers for the red, white and blue The*
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