T: Battle Hymn of the Republic
C: words: Julia Ward Howe
C: air: "John Brown's Body"
Q: "Allegretto."
%R: air, march
B: "The Everyday Song Book", 1927
F: http://www.library.pitt.edu/happybirthday/pdf/The_Everyday_Song_Book.pdf
Z: 2016 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/EverydaySongBook/196_Battle_Hymn_of_the_Republic.abc 2024-11-23 231520 UT
K: Bb
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
F-F | F> F F> E D> F B> c | d> d d> c B2 B> A |
w: 1.~Mine* eyes have seen the glo-ry of the com-ing of the Lord; He is
w: 2.~I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hun-dred cir-cling camps; They have
w: 3.~I have read a fier-y gos-pel writ in bur-nished rows of steel: "As ye
w: 4.~He has sound-ed forth the trump-et that shall nev-er cal re-treat; He is
w: 5.~In the beau-ty of the lil-ies Christ was born a-cross the sea; With a
G> G G> A B> A B> G | F> G F> D F2 F> F |
w: tram-pling out the vin-tage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath
w: build-ed Him an al-tar in the eve-ning dews and damp; I can
w: deal with My con-tem-ners, so with you My grace shall deal." Let the
w: sift-ing out the hearts of men be-fore His judge-ment-seat; Oh, be
w: glo-ry in His bos-om that trans-fig-ures you and me; As He
F> F F> E D> F B> c | d> d d> c B2 B2 | c2 c2 B2 A2 | B4 z4 |]
w: loosed the fate-ful light-ning of His ter-ri-ble swift sword, His truth is march-ing on.
w: read His right-eous sen-tence by the dim and flar-ing lamps, His day is march-ing on.
w: He-ro, born of wom-an, crush the ser-pent with His heel, Since God is march-ing on.
w: swift, my soul, to an-swer Him! be ju-bi-lant, my feet! Our God is march-ing on.
w: died to make men ho-ly, let us die to make men free, While God is march-ing on.
F3 E D> F B> c | d4 B2 z2 | G3 A B> A B> G | F4 D4 |
w: Glo-ry! glo-ry! Hal-le-lu-jah! Glo-ry! glo-ry! Hal-le-lu-jah!
F3 E D> F B> c | d4 B2 B2 | c2 c2 B2 A2 | B6 z |]
w: Glo-ry! glo-ry! Hal-le-lu-jah! His truth is march-ing on.
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