T: To the Moon
O: German Folksong.
Q: "Tranquillamente."
%R: march
B: "The Everyday Song Book", 1927
F: http://www.library.pitt.edu/happybirthday/pdf/The_Everyday_Song_Book.pdf
Z: 2016 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: In bar 6, the [cE] chord has only a part of a tail, but it's needed to get the rhythm right.
M: C
L: 1/8
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/EverydaySongBook/200_To_the_Moon.abc 2024-11-23 234606 UT
K: F
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[cA]> [BG] | [A2F2] [A2F2] ([AF][BG]) ([cA][dB]) | ([cA][BG]) [G2E2] z2 [cE] [BG] |
w: 1.~Sil-v'ry moon, so calm-*ly* glid-*ing 'Mid the
w: 2.~Sil-v'ry moon, so soft-*ly* mov-*ing Thro' the
w: 3.~Sil-v'ry moon, so mild* and* gen-*tle, Shin-ing
[A2F2] [A2F2] ([GE][FF]) ([GE2]A) | [F4F4] z2 [cA]> [BG] | [A2F2] [A2F2] ([AF][BG]) ([cA][dB]) |
w: clouds that fload* on* High, 'Tis thy Ma-ker's will* that*
w: dark and sol-*emn* night, Where by God, to tell* His*
w: in the star-*ry* sky, Thro' the realms of light* e'er*
([cA][BG]) [G2E2] z2 [cE] [BG] | [A2F2] [A2F2] ([GE][FF]) ([GE2]A) | [F4F4] z2 |]
w: guides* thee On thy course a-long* the* sky.
w: glo-*ry, Thou wert set to give* us* light;
w: glid-*ing, In thy si-lent maj-*es-*ty,
[GE]> [AF] | [B2G2] [G2E2] z2 [AF]> [BG] | [c2A2] [A2F2] z2 [cA] [fA] |
w: Shed thy ra-diance on the wea-ry, As they
w: Look thou kind-ly on us mor-tals, Let on
w: Sweet con-sol-er sent from heav-en, High on
[d3B3] [cA] ([dB][cA]) ([BG][AF]) | ([A2F2] [G2E2]) z2 [cA]> [BG] | [A2F2] [A2F2] ([AF][BG]) ([cA][dB]) |
w: seek ttheir qui-*et* rest;* Let thy light bring peace* and*
w: us thy mild* rays* fall;* Keep us e'er from harm,* and*
w: clouds of peace* thy* throne,* To the fair-est dawn* dost*
([cA][BG]) [G2E2] z2 [cE] [BG] | [A2F2] [A2F2] ([GE][FF]) ([GE2]A) | [F4F4] z2 |]
w: com-*fort To each heart that's sore* op-*prest.
w: show* us How God loves us, one* and* all.
w: lead* us, Thanks to thee, O sil-*v'ry* moon.
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