T: My Heart's In the Highlands.
C: music: J. M. Courtney.
C: words: Burns.
%R: _
B: "The Everyday Song Book", 1927
F: http://www.library.pitt.edu/happybirthday/pdf/The_Everyday_Song_Book.pdf
Z: 2015 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 9/8
L: 1/8
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/EverydaySongBook/220_My_Hearts_In_the_Highlands.abc 2024-11-23 235313 UT
K: Bbm clef=bass middle=D
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z2z z2A, D> F A | B3 A2 F D> E F | B,3- B,2 B E> F G |
w: 1.~My Heart's in the High-lands, my heart is not here;* My heart's in the
w: 2.~Fare-well to the High-lands, fare-well to the North,* The birth-place of
w: 3.~Fare-well to the mount-ains, high-cov-ered with snow;* Fare-well to the
w: 4.~My Heart's in the High-lands, my heart is not here;* My heart's in the
c3 B2 B A E G | F3- F2 F F G F | B3 F2 F c =A F |
w: High-lands a-chas-ing the deer,* A-hunt-ing the wild deer and chas-ing the
w: val-or, the coun-try of worth,* Wher-ev-er I wan-der; wher-ev-er I
w: straths and green val-leys be-low;* Fare-well to the for-ests and wild hang-ing
w: High-lands a-chas-ing the deer,* A-hunt-ing the wild deer and chas-ing the
d3- d2 d E F G | F3 A2 B A A, E | D3- D2z z2z :|
w: roe;* My heart's in the High-lands where-ev-er I go.*
w: rove,* The hills of the High-lands for-ev-er I love.*
w: woods;* Fare-well to the tor-rents and loud-pour-ing floods.*
w: roe;* My heart's in the High-lands where-ev-er I go.*
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