T: A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc. (book 3)
% %musicspace 0
% %partsspace 0
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/Gow/CSR3-abc1.abc 2025-03-11 050026 UT
%%center A
%%center Third Collection
%%center of
%%center Strathspey Reels &c.
%%center for the
%%center Piano-forte, Violin, and Violoncello
%%center Dedicated to the Most Noble
%%center The Marchioness of Tweeddale
%%center By Niel Gow, at Dunkeld
%%center Entered in Stationers Hall
%%center ====================
% = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: the_Highland_Chieftain
C: by Nath. Gow.
%R: air, strathspey
N: This is version 1, for ABC software that doesn't understand voice overlays.
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.1 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
g |\
!p!Tf>e{c}d>B AFFd | (A<F)A>E {E}F2Fg | Tf>ed>B A>B {B}d>B | (A<F)F>D {D}[E2C2][EC]g || Tf>de>f d>fB>d |
A>dAF {F}A2AB/!f!c/ | Td>f {e}dc/B/ AFFd | !p!(A<F)TF>D {D}[E2C2][EC] |]| B | !f!A<FTF>B A<FF>d | AF {F}A>E {E}TF2FB | A<FA>B
Td>e{e}f>e | {c}d>BAF {F}[E2C2][EC]B || (A<F)F>d (A<F)F>B | (A<F){F}A>E {E}F2F>B | !f![AD]>B [dF]>f e<fHd>B | A>B {AB}dF {F}[E2C2][EC] |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | !p!d2fg f2d2 | d2c2 dA D2 | d2bg f2dg | f2d2 AaAz || d2a2 b2g2 |
f2d2 Dd f!f!g | fd aA d2D2 | !p!d2B^g aeA |]| =g | !f![f3d4]g [f2d2]D2 | d2c2 dA D2 | d2fg
fedc | BGFD AaA2 || d2[d2a2] d3[dg] | d2c2 dA dg | !f![F2f2] [D2d2] [A2a2] Hbg | f2d2 AaA |]
T: the Parks of Yester
%R: air, slip-jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.1 #f
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: In bar 1, the tie (BE-E) is probably a typo; there are others like it on the page not near notes.
M: 9/8
L: 1/8
Q: "Slowish Distinctly"
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 8-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
A |\
[| A |\
Td3 AGF BGE | Td3 AFA d2A | TB>cd {B}AGF BGE | FDD AFD Td2A ||\
Td3 AGF BGE | (d/c/B/c/).d AFA d2A | TB>cd {B}AGF BGE | FDD AFA d2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | d3 d3 e3 | d3 d3 f3 | d3 d3 e3 | d3 d3 f3 || d3 d3 e3 |
d3 d3 f3 | d3 d3 e3 | d3 A3 d2 |]\
[| z | f3 d3 e3 | f3 d3 d3 | g3 f2d e3 |
d3 d3 f3 || f3 d3 e3 | f3 d3 f3 | g3 f2d e3 | d3 d3 [d2f2] |]
% The following text was at the bottom of the 1st page, after The Parks of Hester.
% Perhaps they should be moved to above the 1st tune, since they apply to all the tunes.
%%sep 2 2 500
%%sep 2 2 500
%%begintext align
%% The Author thinks proper to mention, that the Tunes which are not Composed by him are
%% Published by Authority of the Different Composers, which has induced him to secure the Book
%% in Stationers Hall According to Act of Parliament.
%%begintext align
%%* N.B. The small Notes throughout the Book shows the Chords for the Piano-Forte.
%% (But the ABC transcription doesn't include note-head sizes.)
% Continued from p.1 (Gillie Callum da pheithein)
% %newpage
T: Lady Charlotte Bruce's Favourite
C: by Nath. Gow.
%R: air, waltz, jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.2 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: F
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 not reformatted this time.
V: 1 staves=3
B |\
A2c (A/B/c).A | TB2d G2B | A2B {d}cAF | TE2F G2B ||\
A2c (A/B/c).A | TB2d GAB | (cA).F (BG).E | [F3C3A,3] [F2C2A,2] :|
f |\
(e/f/g)e f2c | Td2e f2a | {a}gfg a2f | Te2f g2a ||\
(e/f/g)e f2c | {Bc}d2B Acf | (cA)F (BG)E | [F3C3A,3] [F2C2A,2] f ||
(e/f/g)e f2c | Td2e f2a | {a}gfg a2f | Te2f (ga)b ||\
afc Td>ef | {d}cBA TB>cd | (cA).F (BG).E | [F3C3A,3] [F2C2A,2] |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | (fa)c' (fa)c' | fbd' egc' | fac' fac' | cgc' cgc' || fac' fac' | fbd' egc' | fac' cgc' | fcA F2 |
z | gbc' fac' | b2g a2f | egc' fac' | cgc' cgc' || gbc' fac' | fbd' fac' | fac' cgc' | fcA F2 z ||
gbc' fac' | b2g a2f | egc' fac' | cgc' c3 || [a3f'3] [b3f'3] | [f3a3] [f3b3] | c'3 c3 | fcA F2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 3 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 3 clef=bass middle=d
z | f3 F3 | B3 c3 | f3 F3 | c3 c'3 || f3 F3 | B3 b3 | c'3 c3 | fcA F2 :|
z | c'2b a2f | B2c d3 | e3 f2d | c3 C3 || c2B A2f | B3 f3 | c3 C3 | FAc F2z ||
C2B A2F | B2G A2f | e2c f2F | c3 c'3 || f3 b3 | a3 b3 | c'3 c3 | fcA F2 |]
T: Mrs Macdonall Grant's Strathspey
C: by Nath.Gow.
%R: air, strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.2 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
Q: "Slowish & Distinctly"
K: F
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 12-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
B |\
(A/B/c) (.c.c) | B<d Td2 | (A/B/c) AF | E<GTG>B ||\
A/B/c (.c.c) | (B/c/d/e/ f).d | cABG | {E}F2F :| f |\
Tg2{fg} ae | fcf>a | ({a}Tgf/g/) af | egga ||
Tg2{fg} ae | fc {g}fe/d/ | cABG | {E}F2 Ff ||\
Tg2{fg} ae | fcfa | {a}Tg2{fg} af | eg Tgf/g/ ||\
afdf | ecfd | {d}cB/A/ {c}BA/G/ | {E}F2 F |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | f2 F2 | b2 B2 | f2 f2 | c2 c'2 || f2 a2 | b2 B2 | c2 c2 | d2 d :| z |
f2 f2 | f2 f2 | f2 f2 | c'2 c2 || f2 f2 | a2 b2 | c'2 c2 | f2 F2 || f2 f2 | f2 f2 |
f2 a2 | c'2 c2 || f2 b2 | a2 b2 | c'2 c2 | f2 f |]
T: Lady Madelina Sinclairs Strathspey
N: Yes, the title is missing an apostrophe.
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.3 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: A
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
f |\
eAc>A c/d/e Tf2 | eA {f}ed/c/ {c}B2Bf |\
eAcA c/d/e Tf2 | eA TcB {B}A2A :|\
f/g/ |\
a>eTf>e f/g/a {ga}b2 | a/g/f/e/ a>c {c}B2Bg |
a>eTf>e (3fga (3gab | a/g/f/e/ f/g/a/e/ Ta2 ef/g/ ||\
afge fdec | d<bc<a {c}B2BA |\
c/d/e Tf2 c/d/e Ta2 | A<ATc>B {B}A2A |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | a2a2 a2a2 | a2a2 c2c2 | a2a2 a2a2 | e2e2 A2A :|z | a2a2 d2e2 |
c2A2 e2A2 | a2A2 d2e2 | c2d2 c2A2 || f2e2 d2c2 | B2A2 e2E2 | A2d2 A2c2 | e2E2 A2A |]
T: Miss Nisbet of Dirleton's Reel
C: by Nath:Gow.
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.3 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: Amix % and/or Ador
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
e | A<ATe>=c BGGB | AAeA Tc>def | gde=c BGGB A<ATe>B cAA :| (^g | a)eeg BGG(^g | a)eef g>baf |
Tg>de=c BGGB | A<ATe>B cAA(^g || a)ee=g BGG(^g | a)eef gbaf | gde=c BdGB | Aaef cAA |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | a2a2 g2g2 | a2a2 a2a2 | a2a2 g2g2 | a2e2 A2A :| z | a2a2 g2g2 | a2a2 a2a2 |
b2=c'2 g2g2 | a2e2 A2A2 || a2a2 g2g2 | a2a2 a2a2 | b2=c'2 g2g2 | a2e2 A2A |]
T: Mr Muir Mackenzie's Favourite
C: by Mr Sharpe of Hoddom
%R: air, march, reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.3 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 6-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
f |\
{c}d2TA>G {G}FD DE/F/ | TG>FED CA,TBc |\
Td>e {e}d{c}B AFAB | A<FTE>G FDD :|\
f/g/ |\
Ta>bag Tfefd | Tg>fed {d}cBcA |
Ta>bag Tfefd | Tg>ea>f d2 Tdf/g/ ||\
Ta>bag fdef | gfed cABc |\
Td>e {g}f{e}d Te>f {a}g{f}e | (f>a) Tc>e Td2 D |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | D2d2 D2d2 | efg^g a2=g2 | f2[d2g2] fdeg | fd aA dA D :| z |
d2d'2 d2d'2 | efg^g a2=g2 | f3e d2b2 | g2aA dAD2 || dd'dd' dd'dd' |
efg^g a2=ge | dd'z2 Aaz2 | d2aA dAD |]
T: Miss Sharpes Fancy
C: by Mr. Sharpe
%R: air, jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.4 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Q: "Slowish"
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
f |\
{c}d2A AFA | {GA}B2A AFA | {Bc}d2A {B}AGF | ECA, TA,2 B/c/ ||\
d2A AFA | {GA}B2A ABc | d(gf) (ea)c | d3 Td2 :|
f/g/ |\
afd (df).a | ged (ce)g | fed {e}Tdcd | ecA A2 (f/g/) ||\
afd dfa | ged (ce).g | (fa).d (eg).c | {c}d3 Td2 f/g/ |
afd (df)a | gfe (ce)g | fed {f}Tdcd | ecA TA2G ||\
(FA).d (FA).d | (GB).d (GB).d | (Ag).f (ea).c | {c}Td3 D2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | D3 d3 | D3 d3 | D3 d3 | A3 Aeg || f3 d3 | g3 f3 | g3 a2A | dfa d2 :|
z | d'3 d3 | a3 A3 | d3 d'3 | a3 A3 || d3 d'3 | a3 A3 | d3 a2A | dAF D3 |
d3 d3 | A3 a3 | d3 d'3 | a3 A3 || d3 d3 | g3 g3 | a3 A3 | dfa d2 |]
T: Lady Ann Hope's Favourite Strathspey
%R: air, strathspey
N: This is version 1, for ABC software that doesn't understand voice overlays.
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.4 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/16
Q: "Slow"
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 6-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
ge |\
Td3B G2Bc (dc)BA G2Bc | {Bc}d3B{B}g3B {B}[A4F4] [A2F2]Bc |\
{Bc}d3BG2B2 d2ga {ga}b3a | {f}g3ed2B2 TG4 G2 :|\
a2 |\
(ga)ba Tg2d2 (ef)gf {e}d2cB | d2ef (ge)dB {B}[A4F4] [A3F2]a |
(ga)ba Tg3d efgf {f}e2dB | Td2ef (ge)dB {B}d4 d3a ||\
(ga)ba g3d (ef)gf {f}e2dB | d2(e/g/)(f/a/) gedB{B}A4 A2ge |\
~d3BG2B2 d2ga {ga}b3a | g3e{e}d2B2 G4 TG2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 | g4G4 g4G4 | b4g4 d'4d4 | g4G4 g4G4 | B2c2 d2D2 G2g2G2 :|
z2 | g6B2 c6G2 | B2c2 B2G2 d2A2 D4 | G2g2G2B2 c4B2G2 | B2c2d2D2 G2g2G4 ||
G2g2 b2g2 c2c'2c2g2 | b2c'2 b2g2 d2d'2 d4 | g4G4 B4G2c2 | B2c2 d2D2 G2g2G2 |]
T: Lady Ann Hope's Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.4 #3 (and top 2 staffs of p.5)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/16
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 6-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
c2 |\
BcdB GB3 EG3DG3 | TF3A {c}B2AG F2D2D2c2 |\
BcdB G2B2 E2G2D3g | efge fgaf g2G2G2 :|\
d2 |\
Tg3bg2d2 Tg3bg2d2 | e2a2Ta3g f2d2d2ef |
Tg3bd2B2 c2e2d2g2 | e2g2f2a2 g2G2G2d2 ||\
Tg3bg2d2 Tg3bg2d2 | e2a2Ta3g f2d2 d2ga |\
b3ga3f g3e d3c | B2g2A2f2 g2G2G2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 | g4B4 c4B4 | A4G4 d4D4 | g4G4 c4B4 | c4d4 g4G2 :| z2 | g4G4 g4B4 |
c4^c4 d4D4 | g4G4 c4B4 | c4d4 g4G4 || g4G4 g4B4 | c4^c4 d4D4 | g4d4 c4e4 | d4D4 G4G2 |]
T: Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey [D]
C: by Nath.Gow
%R: air, strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.5 #1 (top 2 staves continued from p.4)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Published in E major; transcribed to D for the benefit of scale-limited instruments (or musicians).
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
Q: "Very Slow"
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 clef=treble staves=2
A,2 |\
(DEF2) A,2A,2 | TB,2CD A,3D | B,2E2TE2D2 | TC3D E2FG ||\
{FG}.A2.F2 .D2.A,2 | TB,2CD A,2D2 | !f!B,2G>E F>DE>C | D2[D2F,2][D2F,2] :| A2 |\
Td3e f2f2 | (.e2.e2) Td4 | B2e2 e2d2 | Tc3d e2g2 ||
{g}f>efg (.a2.a2) | !f![e2c2][e2c2] [f4d4] | TB2g>e f>de>c | d4 D2F2 ||\
!p!(G2e2) TE3G | (F2d2) TD3F | G2B,2!f!TE3D | {D}C4 {C}TB,3A, ||\
!p!A2A2B2c2 | {e}d3B A2F2 | !f!D2D2 [G2C2][F2D2] | F2TE2D2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 |\
d4 [d4f4] | [d4g4] [d4f4] | [d4g4] [e4^g4] | a4 A4 ||\
D6 [d2f2] | [d4g4] [d4f4] |!f! [d4g4] a2A2 | d2A2D2 :|\
z2 |\
d'2d2 d'2d2 | c'2a2 d'2f2 | g4 e2g2 |
a2e2 A4 ||\
d2d'2 d2d'2 | !f!a2a2 b2f2 | g4 a2A2 | d2A2 D4 ||\
!p!e4 c4 | d4 F4 | E4 ^G4 | A4 =g4 ||\
!p!f2d2 g2e2 | f2g2f2d2 | !f!z2f2e2d2 | a2A2d2 |]
T: Earl of Elgins Favourite Strathspey [E]
C: by Nath.Gow
%R: air, strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.5 #1 (top 2 staves continued from p.4)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Published in E major; also transcribed to D for the benefit of scale-limited instruments (or musicians).
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
Q: "Very Slow"
K: E
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 clef=treble staves=2
B,2 |\
(EFG2) B,2B,2 | TC2DE B,3E | C2F2TF2E2 | TD3E F2GA ||\
{GA}.B2.G2 .E2.B,2 | TC2DE B,2E2 | !f!C2A>F G>EF>D | E2[E2G,2][E2G,2] :| B2 |\
Te3f g2g2 | (.f2.f2) Te4 | c2f2 f2e2 | Td3e f2a2 ||
{a}g>fga (.b2.b2) | !f![f2d2][f2d2] [g4e4] | Tc2a>f g>ef>d | e4 E2G2 ||\
!p!(A2f2) TF3A | (G2e2) TE3G | A2C2!f!TF3E | {E}D4 {D}TC3B, ||\
!p!B2B2c2d2 | {f}e3c B2G2 | !f!E2E2 [A2D2][G2E2] | G2TF2E2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 |\
e4 [e4g4] | [e4a4] [e4g4] | [e4a4] [f4^a4] | b4 B4 ||\
E6 [e2g2] | [e4a4] [e4g4] |!f! [e4a4] b2B2 | e2B2E2 :|\
z2 |\
e'2e2 e'2e2 | d'2b2 e'2g2 | a4 f2a2 |
b2f2 B4 ||\
e2e'2 e2e'2 | !f!b2b2 c'2g2 | a4 b2B2 | e2B2 E4 ||\
!p!f4 d4 | e4 G4 | F4 ^A4 | B4 =a4 ||\
!p!g2e2 a2f2 | g2a2g2e2 | !f!z2g2f2e2 | b2B2e2 |]
T: Earl of Elgin's Strathspey (D)
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.5 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Published in E major; transcribed to D for the benefit of scale-limited instruments (or musicians).
M: C
L: 1/16
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 6 8-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
F2 !segno!|\
D3FA2F2 AAA2 A2F2 | Acde gfed e2E2E2F2 |\
D3FA2F2 AAA2 A2g2 | {g}f2ed {f}e2dc d2D2D2 :|\
g2 |\
Tf3ed2A2 d2f2d2A2 | Bcde dcBA B2e2-e3g |
Tf3ed2A2 d2f2{df}a3A | TB3A BAGF A2d2d2g2 ||\
Tf3ed2c2 d2f2d2A2 | Bcde dcBA B2e2-e3g |\
fa3ef3 df3Bd3 | A3d (Te4 {de}f3)d d2!segno!f2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 !segno!| d4d4 d4d4 | d4d4 c4A4 | d4d4 d4d4 | g4a4 d4d2 :| z2 | d4d4 d4d4 |
d4d4 g4a4 | d4d4 d4d4 | g4a4 d4d4 || d4d4 d4d4 | d4d4 g4a4 | d'4c'4 b4g4 | a4A4 d4!segno!d4 |]
T: Earl of Elgin's Strathspey [E]
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.5 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Published in E major; transcribed to D for the benefit of scale-limited instruments (or musicians).
M: C
L: 1/16
K: E
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 6 8-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
G2 !segno!|\
E3GB2G2 BBB2 B2G2 | Bdef agfe f2F2F2G2 |\
E3GB2G2 BBB2 B2a2 | {a}g2fe {g}f2ed e2E2E2 :|\
a2 |\
Tg3fe2B2 e2g2e2B2 | cdef edcB c2f2-f3a |
Tg3fe2B2 e2g2{eg}b3B | Tc3B cBAG B2e2e2a2 ||\
Tg3fe2d2 e2g2e2B2 | cdef edcB c2f2-f3a |\
gb3fg3 eg3ce3 | B3e (Tf4 {ef}g3)e e2!segno!g2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 !segno!| e4e4 e4e4 | e4e4 d4B4 | e4e4 e4e4 | a4b4 e4e2 :| z2 | e4e4 e4e4 |
e4e4 a4b4 | e4e4 e4e4 | a4b4 e4e4 || e4e4 e4e4 | e4e4 a4b4 | e'4d'4 c'4a4 | b4B4 e4!segno!e4 |]
T: Miss L Johnston's Compliments to Neil Gow (D)
C: by Miss Johnston of Hilton
%R: air, strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.5 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Published in E major; transcribed to D for the benefit of scale-limited instruments (or musicians).
M: C
L: 1/16
Q: "Slow"
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
F2 |\
[B6F4D4] FD {F}TE3F ({A}G2F)E | D3E {G}F2ED E2C2C2F2 |\
[B6F4D4] FD {F}TE3F {EF}G2FE | (DE)FD (CD)EC {C}D2B,2B,2 :: F2 |\
[B4F4D4] {d}f3d {e}g3e f3d | B3d gfed c2cB A2F2 |
[B4F4D4] {d}f3d {e}g3e f3B | G3e dcBA {A}B4 B3F ||\
B3df2b2 {b}a2ga b3Tf | e3cd3B (cB)TAG (FE)TDC |\
D2B2 E2c2 F2d2 G2e2 | {e}d2cB (DE)FE TD2B,2B,2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 | b4B4 c4A4 | B4B,4 F4f4 | b4B4 b4B4 | B4F4 B4B,2 ::\
z2 | B4d4 e4d4 | B4e4 f4F4 |
B4d4 e4d4 | e4f2F2 B2F2B,4 || B4b4 f4d4 | c2a2b2B2 f4F4 |
[B4b4][c4a4] [d4_a4][e4g4] | d2e2 f2F2 B2F2B,2 |]
T: Miss L Johnston's Compliments to Neil Gow [E]
C: by Miss Johnston of Hilton
%R: air, strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.5 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Published in E major; also transcribed to D for the benefit of scale-limited instruments (or musicians).
M: C
L: 1/16
Q: "Slow"
K: E
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
G2 |\
[c6G4E4] GE {G}TF3G ({B}A2G)F | E3F {A}G2FE F2D2D2G2 |\
[c6G4E4] GE {G}TF3G {FG}A2GF | (EF)GE (DE)FD {D}E2C2C2 :: G2 |\
[c4G4E4] {e}g3e {f}a3f g3e | c3e agfe d2dc B2G2 |
[c4G4E4] {e}g3e {f}a3f g3c | A3f edcB {B}c4 c3G ||\
c3eg2c'2 {c'}b2ab c'3Tg | f3de3c (dc)TBA (GF)TED |\
E2c2 F2d2 G2e2 A2f2 | {f}e2dc (EF)GF TE2C2C2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 | c'4c4 d4B4 | c4C4 G4g4 | c'4c4 c'4c4 | c4G4 c4C2 ::\
z2 | c4e4 f4e4 | c4f4 g4G4 |
c4e4 f4e4 | f4g2G2 c2G2C4 || c4c'4 g4e4 | d2b2c'2c2 g4G4 |
[c4c'4][d4b4] [e4_b4][f4a4] | e2f2 g2G2 c2G2C2 |]
T: Hilton Lodge. Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.6 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: C
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
e/f/ |\
g<cg>e fdTde/f/ | gcg>e c>ege | f>de>c dD-D.E | C>Ec>E G2G :| E | CEcE FD-D.E | C>EcE G>cEc |
G<cE<c dD-D.E | C>EcE {E}G2GE || C>EcE FDDE | C>Ec>E G<cE<c | FdEc Dd-de/f/ | ecdB {B}c2c |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | c'2c'2 g2G2 | c'2c'2 c'2c'2 | | b2c'2 g2G2 | c2G2 E2C :| z | c2c2 G2G2 | c2c2 c2c2 |
c2c2 G2G2 | c2c2 e2c2 || c2c2 G2B2 | c2c2 e2c2 | B2c2 G2g2 | c'2g2 c2c |]
T: Hoddom Castle
%R: air, jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.6 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: Bb
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 8-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
F |\
B2B TB>cd | {c}e2c/B/ {B}AGF | B>cB (Bd).f | f>gf {f}edTc ||\
(dB).B (BG).G | (ec).c (cA).A | TB>cd {d}cBA | [BD][BD][BD] [B2D2] :|
|: Td/>e/ |\
(fd).d (dB).B | (ec).c (cA).A | TB>cd cc/d/c/B/ | AFF FGA ||\
BBB (Gc)c | (Ad).d (Be).e | cfe {e}dcB |1 cFA (B/A/)B/c/ :|2 cFA [B2D2] |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | B2b B3 | c2e f2e | d3 B2b | ded c2f || B3 e3 | c3 f3 | d2B f2F | bfd B2 :||: z |
Bdf b3 | FAc f3 | d2B c2=e | f2F f2_e || d3 e2=e | f2^f g2g | a3 b2B |1 f2F B2 :|2 f2F B2 |]
T: Lady Grace Douglas's Reel
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.6 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: Bb
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
g |\
Tf2dB Tc2AF | B2FD ECCg | Tf2dB Tc2AF | BFGE DB,B, :| E | (D/E/F) FB GBFB | EBDB cCCE |
(D/E/F) FB GBFB | DFBF DB,B,E || (D/E/F) FB GBFB | EBDB cCTC>E | DFBd cFBg | fdce dTBB |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | b2B2 f2f2 | d2B2 f2F2 | B2B2 f2f2 | b2f2 B2B :| z | B2d2 e2d2 | c2B2 f2F2 |
B2d2 e2d2 | f2F2 B2B2 || B2d2 e2d2 | c2B2 f2F2 | b2B2 f2B2 | f2F2 B2B |]
T: Miss Clementina Loughnan's Strathspey
C: by Nath.Gow
%R: air, strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.6 #4 (and top 6 staves on p.7)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: F
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 (slightly) reformatted for 4 12-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
A/B/ |\
Tc2 f>d | {d}cB/A/ cd/e/ | {e}f>d cA | {A}[G2E2] [GE]A/B/ |\
Tc2 f>d | {d}cB/A/ ca/g/ | TfdTcA | {A}[F2C2A,2][FCA,] :| c/B/ |\
TA>B cc | dBBd | {d}c{B}A fA | {A}[G2E2][GE]c/B/ |
TA>B cc | dBdg | (eg)ce | f2 {ef}Fc/B/ ||\
TA>B cc | dBBd | ca/g/ fA | {A}[G2E2] [GE]c/B/ |\
Acf_e | dBgb | (b/a/g/)f/ (c/f/)(e/g/) | Tf2 {ef}F |]
|: !f!c/B/ |\
A[FA,][FA,][FA,] | T[FA,]>[GC][AF]>[BG] | cc {d}cB/A/ | ([AF][GE]) Gc/B/ |\
AFFA | (Bd) (GB) | (Ac) (EG) | T[F2C2A,2] [FCA,] :| c |\
f2 {b}gf/g/ | {fg}a>g fd | {d}cB/A/ fa | {b}[g2e2] T[ge]a |
Tf>a {b}gf/g/ | {fg}a>g fd | {d}cB/A/ {A}fA | [F2C2A,2] [FCA,]c ||\
f2{a}gf/g/ | {fg}a>gfc | BgAf | TG>ABd |\
(ca)Ac | dfBb | {b}ag/f/ c/f/e/g/ | Tf2 {ef}F |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z |\
Ff ab | [f2a2] ab | ab af | c'g c2 |\
afab | a2[f2a2] | abc'c | fc F :|\
z | FfFf | Bb Bb | a2 fa |
c'g c2 | f2 [f2a2] | [f2b2] B2 | c2 c'2 | fc F2 ||\
Ff af | Bb d'b | ab af | c'g c2 |\
f2 a2 | b2 B2 | c2 c'2 | fd F |]
|: !f!z |\
F/f/c/f/ F/f/c/f/ | F/f/c/f/ F/f/c/f/ | fa bB | cc' c2 |\
f3 _e | d2 B2 | c2 C2 | Ff F :|\
z | af c'c | fedB | A2 Ff | cc' c2 |
af c'c | Ff ab | c'2 c2 | fc F2 ||\
af c'c | Ff af | gefF | c2 C2 |\
a2f2 | b2B2 | c2c'2 | fcF |]
T: Earl of Home's Strathspey
C: by Nath:Gow.
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.7 #1 (top 6 staves continued from p.6)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: F
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
f |!segno!\
c<FTc>A dGBd | c<FTc>A dBcA | B<dA<c TG>ABd | cFTc>A cFA :| c | Tf>g {fg}af e>fga | Tf>g {fg}a>f gefd |
cAf>A TG>ABd |cFTc>A cFAc || (f/e/f/g/) af e>fga | Tf>g {fg}af gefd | c<Af>A TG>ABd | cA cd/e/ fcd<!segno!f |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z |!segno!\
f2f2 g2g2 | f2f2 f2f2 | e2f2 c'2b2 | a2f2 f2f :| z | f2f2 c2c2 | f2f2 c'2b2 |
a2f2 c2B2 | A2F2 f2F2 || f2f2 c'2c2 | f2f2 c2B2 | A2f2 c'2b2 | a2f2 F2!segno!F2 |]
T: Mrs Muir of Caldwall's Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.7 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: D % ending on Bm
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
d |\
AFA>B A>B {AB}dF |AFA>B A3B | AFAB A>B {AB}dF | E<ETF>A TB2-B :| g | f>de>c Td>A FD | f<de>c Td3g |
f>de>c Td>A FD | E<EF>A B2-Bg || fdec Td>AFD | f<de<c d3g | f<a e<f Td>A FD | E<ETF>A TB2B |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | d2d2 d2d2 | d2d2 d2d2 | d2d2 d2d2 | c2d2 B2B :| z | d2a2 f2d2 | d2A2 d2d2 |
d2[a2d2] [f2d2]d2 | [c2e2][d2e2] [B2e2]B2 || d2A2 d2d2 | d2a2 b2c'2 | d'2a2 f2d2 | c2d2 B2B |]
N: The alternate (2nd) notes in bars 7,8 are faint and may have been hand-written.
T: Mr Bushby Maitland's Reel
C: by Nath:Gow.
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.8 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
A |\
FDAF d2TdA | d2Tdf eEEA |[1 FDAF d2dB | (cd)eg fdd :|[2 FDAF dABG | FA dg fdTd |] g | Tf>ede fgaf |
Tgfed cAeg | Tfede fgaf | ecdB Addg || fdfg fgaf | Tg>fed cAeg | fdgb afge | fdec dDD |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | d2d2 d2d2 | d2d2 e2e2 |[1 d2d2 d2d2 | a2A2 d2d :|[2 d2d2 f2g2 | a2A2 d2d |] z | d'2d'2 d'2d'2 |
a2a2 a2a2 | d'2d'2 d'2d'2 | a2A2 d2d2 || d'2d'2 d2d2 | a2a2 a2a2 | d2g2 f2g2 | a2A2 d2D |]
T: Miss Rae's Strathspey
C: by And.w Gow.
%R: air, strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.8 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
Q: "Slow"
K: Eb
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
D2 | TE3DC2D2 | TE3F (AG)FE | TD3B,TF2B,2 | G2TB,2F2TB,2 || TE2D2C2D2 | TE3F AGFE | (DA3) G3=B, | {B,}C4 C2 :|
G2 | Tc3de2f2 | Tg3a (ag).f.e | (fgag) fedc | (=BcdB) TG4 || Tc3de2f2 | g3ag2f2 | g2(3(edc) f2(3(dc=B) | Tc4{=Bc} C2G2 ||
Tc3de2f2 | g3a a(gfe) | (fga).g (fe)dc | (=BcdB) G4 || [E3G,3]"_Expre.o"eg3e | c2G2 E4 | (DA3) G2=B,2 | {B,}C4 C2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 | c4 G4 | C8 | B4 [B4d4] | [B4e4] [B4d4] || c4 G4 | c6 e2 | f4 g2G2 | c4 C2 :| z2 | C2A2C2A2 |
C2c2C2c2 | d2e2 f3a | g2d2 G4 || z3Gc2d2 | e2d2e2f2 | e2f2 g2G2 | c2G2 C4 || z3Gc2d2 |
e2e2 e2c2 | d2e2 f3a | g2G2 gfed || c4 C4 | c4 C4 | f4 g2G2 | c4 C2 |]
T: Colonel Campbell of Monzie's Favourite
%R: air, strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.8 #3 (last 2 staffs on p.9)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/16
Q: "Slowish"
K: Cm
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
G2 |\
c2c2c2G2 !f![A6A,6]F2 | G2G2G2E2 (FE)DC B,2D2 |\
(TCB,)CD (TED)EF (TGF)G=A B2G2 | FD3B3D {D}C6G2 ||\
c2c2c2G2 !f![A6A,6]F2 | G2G2G2E2
(FED)C B,2E2 |\
(TEDE).F (TGF)G=A B3cB3e | d2B2f2d2 {=B}c4 cdef |[|\
gc3Tg3f g2c2c2d2 | f3gf2d2 B3cd3f | g2c2Tg3f
g2c2c2e2 | d2B2f2d2 {d}c4 cdef ||\
g2c2Tg3f g2c2c2d2 | (fg=ab) (fedc) TB3cd2f2 |\
g3bf3g d2f2G2c2 | B2G2 (GF)ED {D}C4C2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 | c4e4 !f!f4d4 | e4c4 B4B4 | c4c4 e4d2e2 | f4g4 c4[c4C4] || c4e4 !f!f4d4 |
e4c4 B4B4 | c4e4 d4e4 | f4g4 c4c4 |[| c'4c4 c'4c'4 | b4b4 b4b4 |
c'4c4 c'4c'4 | g4G4 c4c4 || c'4c4 c'4c'4 | b4f4 B4B4 | e4d4 g4e4 | f4g4 c4c2 |]
T: the London Highland Society a Strathspey
C: by Lord Macdonald & Published by his Authority.
%R: air, strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.9 #1 (top 2 staffs continued from p.8)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/16
Q: "Slowish"
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted slightly, to make note spacing more even.
V: 1 staves=2
D/E/F |\
G2G,2D2G,2 G2G,2 EDCB, | A,2AB cBAG TF3GA3B |\
G3g fgaf Tg3a bgdB | ABcA Bcdc B2G2G2 (D/E/F) ||\
A,2AB cBAG TF3GA2B2 |\
TG3AB2c2 (dc)TBA (GF)TED | ^C3EG2A2 F3DD3 |[|\
F |\
DDD2 D3E F3GA3B | c3de3f g2d2d2b2 | (ba)gf g2d2
B3c {d}c2BA | ^G3Bd2e2 ^c2A2A2=c2 ||\
DDD2 D3E FEFG AGAB | cBcd edef g2d2Td3b |\
(ba)gf g2d2 B3d {c}B2AG | E2c2 {B}A2GF G2G,2G,2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 | G4B4 G4g4 | c4A4 d4D4 | B4d4 g4B4 | c4d2D2 G4G4 || G4g4
G4g4 | A6^c2 d4d'4 | b4g4 G4g4 | a4A4 d4 D3 |[| z | d'6^c'2 =c'2b2a2g2 | f4[d4c'4] G4g4 | G4B4
G4g4 | e4^g4 a4A4 || d6^c2 =c2B2A2G2 | F4 D2c2 B4g4 | G2g2G2g2 G4B4 | c4d2D2 G4G2 |]
T: Lord Macdonalds Reel
N: Yeah, the title is missing its '.
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.9 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
B |!segno!\
Td3e d<Bg>B | dBgB aAAB | Td^cde dBgB | (A/B/c) TBA BG G :|\
B |\
Td3e d<Bg>B | dBgB aA-AB | Td^cde dBgB | (A/B/c) TBA BG G :|
g |\
(eg)bg (Tag)bg | (dg)bg (Tag)eg | (dg)bg (Tag)bg | Td>edc BGGg ||\
(dg)bg (Tag)bg | (dg)bg (Tag)ea | (ba).g.f (gf).e.d | efga bgg!segno!b |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z |!segno!|\
g2g2 g2g2 | g2g2 d2d2 | g2g2 g2g2 | c2d2 g2G :| z | B2g2 g2G2 | B2G2 c2d2 | B2G2 g2G2 | d2D2 G2G2 ||
B2G2 g2G2 | B2G2 c2C2 | G2d2 B2c2 | d2D2 G2G |: z | g2g2 g2g2 | g2g2 d2d2 | g2g2 g2g2 | c2d2 g2G :|
z | b2g2 G2g2 | b2g2 c'2c2 | b2g2 g2G2 | d2D2 G2G2 || b2g2 g2g2 | G2g2 c2C2 | G2d2 G2B2 | c2d2 g2!segno! G2 |]
T: Hon.ble Mr Ramsay Maule's Favourite
C: by Nath:Gow.
%R: air, jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.10 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: Em
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 3 8-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
F |\
TG>AB E2E | (E<B,)E TE2F | TG>AB (cA).F | (BG).E (AF).D || TG>AB E2E | E<B,E E>FG/A/ | Beg (fb).^d | Te3 E2 :|
f |\
Tg>ab e2e | Tg2f eBe | e>fg/a/ bge | bge afd || Tg>ab e2e | Tg2f eBA | TG>FE B2T^d | e2E E2f ||
Tg>ab e2e | {f}g2.f (eB).G | (EG).B (GB).e | (eB).G AFD || TG>AB E2TE | (cA)G (FA).c | TB>AG AGF | GEE E2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | E3 e3 | E3 e3 | e3 f3 | g3 d3 || e3 E3 | e3 E3 | e3 b2.B |
e2B E2 :| z | e3 e3 | b2a g3- | g2f e3 | e3 d3 || e3 e3 | B2a g2f | e3 b2B | e2B E3 ||
e3 E3 | [b2e3]a [g3e3] | e3 e3 | g2b d'2d || e3 e3 | a3- a2f | g2g abB | e2B E2 |]
T: Hon.ble Mr Ramsay Maule's Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.10 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: Em
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
e |\
B<ETB>A FDDd | B<ETB>A B<ETB>A | B<dA<d FDDd | B<ETB>A GEEe ||\
B<ETB>A FDDd | B<FTB>A B<de<f | d>B AG FDDd | B<ETB>A GEE |]
[| g | eBeg dDTA>F | eBeg eBeg | e>f {ef}ge dDAF | B<ETB>A GEEg ||\
eBeg dD {B}AG/F/ | eBeg Be/f/ ge | dfBd FD {B}AG/F/ | B<ETB>A GEE |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | e2e2 d2d2 | e2e2 e2e2 | g2f2 d2d2 | e2B2 e2e2 || e2e2 d2d2 |
e2e2 e2e2 | g2a2 d2d2 | e2B2 e2e |]\
[| z | e2e2 d2d2 | e2e2 e2e2 | e2e2 d2d2 |
e2B2 e2e2 || e2e2 d2d2 | e2e2 e2e2 | f2g2 d2d2 | e2B2 E2E |]
T: Mrs Ramsay of Barnton's Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.10 #3 (and top 2 staffs on p.11)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: Bb
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
D>FBd {d}c>Bcd | B<FB>d {d}c>BTG2 | DFBd {d}c>Bcd | fdb>d {d}c/B/c/d/ B2 ::
f<BTf>g f>dTc>d | f<BTf>g f>dTc2 | (d<f)b>d {d}c>Bcd | D>FBd ({d}c/B/)c/d/ TB2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
b2B2 f2F2 | d2B2 f2e2 | B2b2 f2e2 | d2B2 f2d2 ::
b3e dBdF | B2b2 dBf2 | b2B2 f2F2 | B2b2 f2d2 :|
T: Lady L Ramsay's Reel
C: by Nath:Gow.
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.11 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: Bb
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
e |\
Td2(.f.d) ecce | Td2fd gefe | Td2(.f.d) ecge | dBcA TB2B :| B | (AB)GB FBdB | F>BdB cCTC>B |
(AB)GB FBdB | FBAc T.B2Bd || (AB)GB FBDB | FBdB cCTC>E | DFBF TG>ABg | fdec TB2B |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | B2b2 F2f2 | B2b2 e2b2 | B2b2 F2A2 | B2f2 B2B :| z | f2e2 d2B2 | d2B2 F2F2 |
f2e2 d2B2 | f2F2 B2B2 || f2e2 d2B2 | d2B2 F2F2 | B2B2 e2e2 | f2F2 B2B |]
T: Nathaniel Gows Lament for the Death of his Brother
C: by Nath:Gow.
%R: air, waltz
N: This is version 1, for ABC software that doesn't understand diminuendo symbols.
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.11 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Q: "Pathetically Slow"
K: Am
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 3 8-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
A/B/ |\
{AB}c>BA ({^G}!p!eBd | c).A.A ~A2A/B/ | {AB}cBA (e^f)g | BG[GB,] T[G2B,2]A/B/ ||\
{AB}cBA ({^G}eBd | c).e.a e2!f!d | Tc>BA EAT^G | A[AC][AC] [A2C2] :|
e |!p!\
a^ga e(=g/f/)e/d/ | c.A.A TA2A/B/ | {AB}cBA e^fg | BG[GB,] T[G2B,2]e ||\
a^ga e=g/f/e/d/ | cAA Aed |!f! Tc>BA EA^G | A[AC][AC] [A2C2]e ||
!p! a^ga e(=g/f/)e/d/ | c.A.A TA2A/B/ | {AB}cBA (e^fg) | BG[GB,] T[G2B,2]e ||\
"_Expr.o"(ae).g (fd).B | (ec).A (B^G).E | ABc B"_dim."(e/d/)c/B/ | cAA A2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | a3 !p!e3 | aec A3 | a3 c2d | gdB G3 || a3 e3 | a3 A2!f!B |
c2d e2E | a2a A2 :| z |!p! a3 e3 | aec A3 | A3 c2d | GBd g2z || a3 e3 |
aec A2B |!f!c2d e2E | Ace A3 ||!p! a3 e3 | aec A3 | A3 c2d |
GBd g3 ||"_Expr.o" a3 b3 | c'2a e'2e | a2A d"_dim."eE | aec A2 |]
T: Lady Dalrymple of North Berwick's Favourite
%R: air, march
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.12 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
Q: "Slowish"
K: Am
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 12-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
!p!A |\
A,A AA/B/ | {AB}cAAB | GGTG>B | {e}d2Tc>B ||\
A,A AA/B/ | {AB}cAAc | (Be)E^G | {G}A2A, :|\
e |!p!\
aee2 | {d}cB/A/ A>B |!f! GGTG>B | {e}d2cB ||
{^g}aee2 | {d}cB/A/ A>(c | B)eE^G | {G}A2A,2 ||\
{^g}aee2 | {d}cB/A/ A>B | GGTG>B | {e}d2Tc>B ||\
.a(ef)(d | e)(cd)(B | c).e E^G | {G}A2A, |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
!p!z | A2a2 | A2a2 | G2g2 | b2e2 || A2a2 | c2d2 | e2E2 | A2A :|
z |!p! A2a2 | A2a2 |!f! G2g2 | b2e2 || A2a2 | A2c2 | e2E2 | A2A2 || A2a2 |
c2A2 | G2g2 | b2e2 || A2B2 | c2d2 | e2E2 | A2A |]
T: Originall Sett of O'er the Water to Charlie
%R: air, jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.12 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for
V: 1 staves=2
D |\
!p!A2A (AB).G | (FG).E D/A,/B,/C/ D//E//F//G// | A>BA AFA | B3 Td3 ||\
!f!D2D DEF | {A}G2F {F}E2D | !p!{Bc}d>cB A<FA | TB2c {e}d2 ::
A |\
Td2e f2d | (ef).d {d}cBA | ~d2e (fgf) | {f}e3 ABc ||\
!f!d>cd efg | {fg}.a>.g.f .e.d.c | !p!{Bc}d>cB A<FA | TB2c {e}d2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z |\
D2d fge | a2A d2z | D2d D2d | gbd' fad' ||\
!f!d2c B2A | GBd FAd | !p!D2d f2d | g2a d2 ::
z |\
z2a d'2b | c'd'b a2g | f2c d2d | Aea A2z ||\
!f!f'e'd' c'ba | fed Aag | !p!f2g f2d | g2a d2 :|
T: Dancing Sett. or Wishaw's Delight.
%T: Over the Water to Charlie
%R: jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.12 #3 (and top 2 staffs of p.13)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The 2nd strain has an initial repeat but no final repeat; not fixed.
N: It depends on whether your dancers need 32 or 48 bars.
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
D2A- AFA | (B/c/d).F TE2D | (DF)A (AF).A | TB>AB def ||\
DFA AFA | B>cd AFD | dfd ecA | TB3 {AB}d3 ::
dfd ecA | {Bc}d2F TE2D | dfd ecA | TB3 ({AB}.d2.A) ||\
dfd ecA | {Bc}d2F TE2D | D2A- AFA | TB3{AB} d2A ||
dfd ecA | B>cd AFD | dfd ecA | TB3 {AB}d2f/g/ ||\
agf edc | Td>cB AFA | DFA AFA | TBAB H[dd3]ef |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
d3 d3 | d3 d3 | d3 d3 | g3 f3 || d3 d3 | g3 f3 | d3 a3 | g3 [d3f3] ::
d'3 a3 | b3 g2f | d3 a3 | g3 f3 || d3 a3 | g3 a3 | f3 d3 | g3 [d3f3] ||
d'3 c'3 | b3 f3 | d3 f3 | g3 f3 || d3 a3 | b2g f3 | d3 f3 | g3 [d3f3] |]
T: Roy's Wife
%R: air, strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.13 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: F
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
c>AA>G {B}A>GA<d | c>AA>F TG>FGA |\
c>A {A}G>F f>g {f}Ha>g | {g}f>d c>{df}A TG>FG<A :|\
Tc>dfa {g}g/f/g/a/ f>c | cd/e/ f>A {A}G<FG>A |
cd/e/ f>a g/f/b/a/ Hg>f | {f}a>gf>A TA>G Af/d/ ||\
!f!c>AA>G TA>GA<d | c<AA>F TG>FG<A |\
!p!c>A {A}G>F f>g {f}Ha>g | {g}f>d c>{df}A TG>FG<A |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
|: F2f2 F2fb | a2f2 c2c'2 | f2e2 d2H[A2f2] | zbaf c'2c2 :| a2f2 c'2f2 |
ab af c'2c2 | F2f2 efc2 | F2f2 F2f2 || !f!zFfe fc fb | afd=b c'gc2 |!p!fc' ec' da Af | zBfF c2[c2C2] |]
T: Mr Lumsdeane of Blanerne's Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.13 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/16
K: F
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 6-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
AB |\
cF3dF3 cF3TB3d | c2F2 {B}A2GF E2G2G2 AB |\
cF3dF3 cF3TB3d | (EFG2) (GAB2) A2F2TF2 :|\
ag |\
(fgag) f3c df3Tf3g | (fgag) f3d e3fTg3a |
(fgag) f2c2 d2f2Tc3A | (Bcd2) (GAB2) A2F2F2ag ||\
(fgag) f2c2 d2f2Tf3g | (fgag) f2d2 e2g2-g3b |\
ab3ga3 fg3df3 | (Bcd2) (GAB2) A2F2TF2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 |\
[f4a4][f4b4] [f4a4][f4b4] | a4f4 c'4c4 | [f4a4][f4b4] [f4a4][f4b4] | c'4c4 f4f2 :|\
z2 | f4a4 [f4b4][f4a4] | f4b4
c'4c4 | f4a4 [f4b4][f4a4] | b4c'4 f4f4 ||\
f4a4 [f4b4][f4a4] | f4b4 c'4c4 | f4e4 d4B4 | B4c4 F4F2 |]
T: Mr Dun's Frolick. a Reel.
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.13 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The 2nd strain has an initial repeat but no final repeat; not fixed.
N: (Pick whichever you like, for either 16 or 24 bars.)
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: F
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
f |\
dF F/F/F cF A2 | cF F/F/F {d}c>BAf | cF F/F/F cFAc | !f!{c}B>AGA Bcd :: e | Tf>gfd Tc>dcA | fgfd e>fga |
Tf>gfd Tc>dcA | gG G/G/G TB>cde || Tf>gfd Tc>dcA | fgfd e>fga | fadf cfAf | gG G/G/G TB>cd |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | f2f2 f2f2 | f2f2 f2f2 | f2f2 f2f2 | !f!g2g2 g2g :: z | f2f2 f2f2 | f2f2 c'2c2 |
f2f2 f2f2 | g2g2 g2g2 || f2f2 f2f2 | f2f2 c'2c2 | f2b2 a2f2 | g2g2 g2g |]
T: Mrs Hamilton of Pincaitlands Strathspey
C: by Nath:Gow:
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.14 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/16
K: C
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 4 lines (8,8,5,7 bars), for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 clef=treble staves=2
GF |\
TE3FG2G2 A2c2A2F2 | E2c2 {A}G2FE ([E2C2][D2B,2]) [D3B,3]F |\
TE3FG2G2 A3B c2f2 | (e2g2) f2d2 {B}c4 Tc2GF |\
TE3FG2G2 A2c2G2e2 | F2d2E2c2 {E}D4 D2GF | TG3FG2G2 A2c2G2E2 | (F2A2) G2E2 [C4G,4E,4] [C2G,2E,2] |]
!p!gf | (e2g2) f2d2 {B}c4 Tc2de | (f2a2) g2e2 d4 Td2gf | (e2f2) d2B2 (c2e2) G2E2 | \
(F2A2) G2E2 [C4G,4E,4] [C2G,2E,2]gf | (e2g2) f2d2 {B}c4 Tc2de |\
(f2a2) g2e2 d4 Td2"_Exp.o"ef | g3ef3d e2c2 G2E2 |\
(F2A2) G2E2 [C4G,4E,4] [C2G,2E,2] |]
|: !p!GF | \
E2C2C2C2 E2C2G2E2 | "_cres."(F2A2) G2E2 [E2C2][D2B,2] [D2B,2]!f!GF |\
E2C2G2E2 c2G2c2e2 | [fd][ec][dB][cA] [BG][AF][GE][FD] [E2C2][E2C2][E2C2] :|\
!p!(gf) |\
(e2g2) f2d2 cd/e/ f/g/a/b/ c'2de |
(f2a2) g2e2 de/f/ g/a/b/c'/ d'2gf |\
(e2f2) d2B2 (c2e2) G2E2 | (F2A2)G2E2 [C4G,4E,4] [C2G,2E,2] \
(gf) |\
(e2g2) f2d2 cd/e/ f/g/a/b/ c'2de | (f2a2) g2e2 de/f/ g/a/b/c'/ d'2"_Exp.o"ef |\
g3e f3d e2c2 G2E2 | (F2A2)G2E2 [C4G,4E,4] [C2G,2E,2] |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 |\
c4e4 f4F4 | c4C4 G2g2G4 | c4e4 f4e2f2 | g4G4 c2G2C4 | c4e4 f4e4 | d4c4
G4g4 | c4e4 f4c4 | f4g4 c2G2C2 |] !p!z2 | c4g4 (e2g2)e2c2 | f4c4 (g2d'2) b2g2 | c'4g4 a4e4 |
f4 g2G2 c2G2 C4 | [c4g4][B4g4] (c2g2) e2c2 | [f4c4]e2c2 g2d'2 b2g2 | c'4b4 c'4e4 | f4g2G2 c2G2 C2 |] |:\
!p!z2 |\
CcGc CcGc
CcGc EcGc | FcAc EcGc Ggdg Gg!f!dg | cgeg cgeg cgeg cgeg | f4 g3G c2G2C2 :|
!p!z2 |\
[c4e4g4][B4d4g4] [c4e4g4]z4 | [c4f4a4][c4e4g4] [B4d4g4]z4 | c4g4 a4e4 | f4g2G2 c2G2 C4 |
[c4e4g4][B4d4g4] [c4e4g4]z4 | [c4f4a4][c4e4g4] [G4d4g4]z4 | c4g4 a4e4 | f4g2G2 c2G2 C2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
%%text N.B. The 3d & 4th Strains are meant for harp.d only.
T: the Tweedale Club Strathspey
C: by Nath:Gow
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.14 #3 (plus top 2 staves of p.15)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: C
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
c | G<Ec>G TA>GEc | G<EcE dDDc |1 GEcG A>BcA | GeEc TD2C :|2 GEcG A>Bca | gcfe Td2c |]
|: e/f/ | gcg>e cgeg | ada>f Td>efa |1 gcge cgeg | (3faf (3ege Td2c :|2 geaf ecBG | A<cE<c TD2C |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | c2c2 c2c2 | c2c2 G2g2 |1 c2c2 f2f2 | c2c2 G2c :|2 c2c2 f2f2 | e2f2 g2c |]
|: z | c'2c'2 c'2c'2 | d'2d'2 d'2d'2 |1 c'2c'2 c'2c'2 | f2g2 G2c :|2 c'2f2 e2g2 | f2c2 G2[cC] |]
T: Lady Elibanks Favourite Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.15 #1 (top 2 staffs continued from p.14)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: Gm
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
B |:\
G<GTG>F DFFB | GGGA TB>cdg | G<GTG>F DFFB |1 G>AB>c d(g^f)g :|2 G,>A,B,C DGG |: b |
~g>dgb f>cfa | g>dgb gafg | dfcf AFFA |1 TG>ATB>c dgg :|2 G,>A,B,C DGG |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z |: g2g2 f2f2 | g2d2 G2g2 | b2g2 f2f2 |1 g2d2 G2G2 :|2 G2D2 G2G |: z |
g2g2 f2f2 | g2g2 e2d2 | B2c2 F2F2 |1 G2d2 g2G :|2 G2D2 G2g |]
T: Hon.bl Miss Charteri's Reel
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.15 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: Gm
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 6-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
d |\
gaba {a}Tg2fd | cdfg {fg}agfa | gaba {a}g2fd | cdfA G/G/G G :| c | (B/c/d) .BG BdgB | (A/B/c) AF AcfA |
(B/c/d) .B.G BdgB | {B}A>G^FA G/G/G Gc || (B/c/d) .B.G BdgB | (A/B/c) AF AcfA | Bcde fgfd | cf {d}cA G/G/G G |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | g2g2 g2g2 | f2f2 f2f2 | g2g2 g2g2 | c'2d'2 g2g :| z | g2g2 g2g2 | f2f2
f2f2 | g2g2 g2g2 | d2d2 G2G2 || g2g2 g2g2 | f2f2 f2f2 | g2g2 b2b2 | c'2d'2 g2g |]
T: Lady Shaftsbury's Strathspey
C: by Nath:Gow
%R: strathspey
N: This is version 1, for ABC software that doesn't understand voice overlays.
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.15 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: Eb
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 12-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
G/F/ |\
EB,G,B, | TE>FGc | BGTF>E | DFFG/F/ ||\
.E.B,.G,.B, | TE>FGc | BGTF>G | [E3G,3] :|\
!p!B |\
(ed).c.B | {d}e2E>c | BGTF>E | DFFB ||
(ed).c.B | {d}e2E>c | BGTF>G | [E3G,3] B ||\
(ed)cB | (TB/=A/B/).c/ (Td/c/d/).e/ | !f!f[FD][FD][FD] | T[FD]>[GE][AF]c |\
!p!TB>cBG | {G}TFEFG | (E/F/G/F/) EB, | [E3G,3] |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | E2 e2 | g2 ea | [e2g2] a=a | b2 B2 || e2 Ee | g2 ea | ge bB | eB E :| !p!z | c'bag | e2 ga | gea=a |
bf B2 || c'bag | g2 ea | b2B2 | eB E2 || cBAG | E2 z2 | !f!zbbb | agfd | !p!e2 ge | b2 B2 | e2 B2 | EeE |]
T: Miss H Hunter's of Blackness Reel
C: by Nath:Gow
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.16 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: Eb
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 6 6-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
a |\
gafg e/e/e g2 | cf-fe dBBa | gafg e/e/e ge | cffd {d}e2e :| B | (G/F/E) BG AFcA | (G/F/E) BG FCDA |
(G/F/E) BG AFcA | GEFD TE2EB || (G/F/E) BG AFcA | (G/F/E) BG FCCA | GEBG ABcd | ecBG E2E |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | e2e2 g2e2 | a2=a2 b2B2 | e2e2 g2e2 | a2b2 e2e :| z | e2e2 f2d2 |
e2g2 a2b2 | e2e2 f2d2 | e2B2 E2E2 || e2e2 f2d2 | e2g2 a2A2 | e2e2 a2a2 | b2B2 e2E |]
T: Miss Drummond of Perth's Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.16 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: Am
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
a |\
A<ATe>d B<de2 | d<gB<g d<gBG | A<ATe>d B<de>(g | a)>eg>B {B}A2A :| g | a<ae<a c<ae2 | g<gdg B<gTd2 |
a<ae<a c<ae>(g | a)>eg>B {B}A2Ag || a<ae<a c<ae>^f | g<gd<g B<gd>g | a<ae<a g<be>(g | a)>eg>B {B}A2A |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | a2a2 a2a2 | g2g2 g2g2 | a2a2 a2a2 | e2E2 A2A :| z | a2a2 a2a2 | g2g2 g2g2 |
a2a2 a2a2 | e2E2 A2A2 || a2a2 a2a2 | g2g2 g2g2 | a2a2 b2c'2 | e'2e2 a2a |]
T: Jenny Nettles a Reel
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.16 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: Am
%%slurgraces 1
%%graceslurs 1
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
A/B/ |\
{AB}c2.B2 .A2.a2 | (e^fg)e dBGB | {AB}c2.B2 .A2.a2 | ge^fd e2A :| B | Tc>deA Tc>deA | d/c/B/A/ Gd BGdB |
c>deA cdea | ge^fd e2AB || Tc>deA Tc>dec | BAGd BGdB | Tc>deA c>dec | BcdB {B}e2A |[| B | !f!Tc>de^f g>age |
gaTge d/c/B/A/ GB | Tc>de^f gage | aba^g Ta2AB || cde^f gage | gage {d}cB/A/ GB | cde^f gagf | ea^gb a2A |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | a2e2 a2A2 | c2c'2 g2g2 | a2e2 a2A2 | c2d2 e2A :| z | a2a2 a2a2 | g2g2 g2g2 |
a2a2 a2a2 | c2d2 e2A2 || A2a2 A2A2 | G2g2 G2G2 | A2a2 A2A2 | e2E2 A2A |[| z | !f![c2C2][c2C2] [c2C2][c2C2] |
[c2C2][c2C2] [g2G2][g2G2] | [c2C2][c2C2] [c2C2][c2C2] | e2E2 A2A2 ||\
[c2C2][c2C2] [c2C2][c2C2] | [c2C2][c2C2] [g2G2][g2G2] | [c2C2][c2C2] [c2C2][d2D2] | e2E2 A2A |]
T: Cameron has got his wife again. a Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.17 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
Q: "Slowish"
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 6-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
B |\
{AB}d>BAF A/A/A AB | {AB}d>BAF E/E/E Ec |\
{c}d>BAF AgTf>e | Td>BAF D/D/D D :|\
g |\
f<df>a e>gTf>e | fdfa B/B/B Bf |
(d/e/f/g/ a)f {f}e>def | {c}d>BAF D/D/D Dg ||\
f<df<a e<gTf>e | f<df<a B/B/B B>g |\
f<da<f e<gTf>e | {c}dBAF D/D/D D |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | d2d2 d2d2 | d2d2 a2A2 | d2d2 d2d2 | g2a2 d2d :| z | d'2d'2 a2a2 |
d'2d2 g2g2 | f2d2 a2A2 | g2a2 d2d2 || d'2d'2 c'2a2 | d'2d2 g2g2 | d2d2 A2a2 | g2a2 d2d |]
T: Miss Chalmers Jigg
C: by Nath: Gow.
%R: jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.17 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The only segno symbols are at the very beginning.
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 12-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
B !segno!|\
AFD DED | EFE E2d | Tc3 {Bc}dcB | AFD D2 :|\
(f/g/) |\
afd ded | efe efg | afd ded | fga {b}agf ||
gbg faf | efe efg | afd gec | {c}Td3 D2 f/g/ ||\
afd ded | efe efg | afd ded | Tfga {b}agf ||\
(g/a/b).g (f/g/a).f | efe efg | afd gec | dBG AFd |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z !segno!|\
d3 d3 | A3 A3 | d3 d3 | d3 g3 ||\
f3 d3 | A3 A3 | g3 a3 | d3 d2 :|\
z | d'3 d'3 | a3 a3 | d'3 d'3 |
d'3 d'3 || c'3 d'3 | a3 a3 | d'3 a3 | d3 d3 ||\
d'3 d'3 | a3 a3 | d'3 d'3 | d'3 d'3 ||\
c'3 d'3 | a3 A3 | d3 a3 | b3 [d3f3] |]
T: Miss L Montgomrie of Skermorlie Strathspey
%R: strathspey, air
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.17 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: Bb
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 6-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
D |\
B,2B,>B (BA)GF | TG>FGB cCCD |\
B,2B,>B (BA)GF | G/A/B c/d/e dBB :| d/e/ |\
f>BTf>d fBTg>f | fBf>d {Bc}dccd/e/ |
(f<B)f>d (f<B)g>B | F>B {d}cB/c/ {c}dBBd/e/ ||\
f>BTf>d fBTg>f | fBf>d {Bc}dccd/e/ |\
B,2TB,>B BAGF | G/A/B c/d/e dBB |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | d2B2 B2b2 | e3d c2f2 | d2B2 gfed | e2fF B2B :| z |
B2[B2d2] B2[B2e2] | B2dB f2F2 | B2[B2d2] B2[B2e2] | f2F2 B2b2 || B2[B2d2] B2[B2e2] |
B2dB f2F2 | d2B2 gfed | e2fF B2B |]
T: Mr Hamilton of Wishaw's Reel
C: by WIll: Gow.
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.18 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: Bb
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 6-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
f |\
dB B/B/B TB2FB | cded cCCf | dB B/B/B TB2FB | ABcA BB,B, :| d | B/B/B fd bdfd | B/B/B fd eccd |
B/B/B fd bdfd | ABcA GB,B,d || B/B/B fd bdfd | B/B/B fd eccf | gefd ecdc | BGTFE DB,B, |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | b2b2 b2b2 | e2e2 f2f2 | b2b2 b2b2 | f2F2 B2B :| z | b2b2 b2b2 | b2b2
f2f2 | b2b2 b2b2 | f2f2 B2B2 || b2b2 b2b2 | b2b2 f2f2 | e2d2 c2B2 | f2F2 B2B |]
T: Earl of Morton's Jigg
C: by Will: Gow.
%R: jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.18 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: C
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 3 8-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
F |\
(E/F/G).G cdc | TBAB cGE | FdF EcE | dDD D2F || (E/F/G).g cdc | TB3 {AB}cGE | TF3 {EF}DGF | ECC TC2 :|
f |\
ecc gcc | acc gcc | ecc gcc | fdd Td2f || ecc gcc | acc gcc |Tfef dgf | ecc c2 f ||
ecc gcc | acc gcc | ecc gcc | fdd Td2G/F/ || (E/F/G)G cdc | TB3 {AB}cGE | (TFEF) DGF | ECC TC2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | c3 e3 | g3 e3 | d2B c3 | G3 g3 || c3 e3 | g3 e3 | d3 g3 |
c3 c2 :| z | c3 e3 | f3 e3 | c3 e3 | G3 g3 || c3 e3 | f3 e3 | d3 g3 | c3 c3 ||
c3 e3 | f3 e3 | c3 e3 | G3 g3 || c3 e3 | g3 e3 | d3 g3 | c3 c2 |]
T: Mrs Dundas of Arniston's Reel
C: by Will: Gow.
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.18 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: C
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
G |\
c2ce dBG_B | AFTF2 GECE | F2FA GECE | FDCB, C2C :| f | egec Bdg2 | Acf2 Gc e2 |
FAdF EGce | fedc Tc2cf || egec BdgB | AcfA GceG | FAdF EGcE | FDCB, C2C |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | c'2c2 g2e2 | f2d2 e2c2 | d2B2 c2e2 | f2g2 c2c :| z | c'2c'2 g2g2 | f2f2 e2c2 |
d2B2 c2e2 | f2g2 c2c2 || c'2c'2 g2g2 | f2f2 e2e2 | d2d2 c2c2 | f2g2 c2c |]
T: Lady Charlotte Campbell's Strathspey
C: by Nath: Gow.
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.19 #1
N: This is version 1, for ABC software that doesn't understand voice overlays.
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
c !segno!|\
{Bc}d>cBG AcTB>c | {Bc}d>cBG EAFD |\
{Bc}d>cBG Ac Bc/d/ | ecAF TG2G :|\
d | g/f/g/a/ gd Bgdg | {a}gf/e/ Tf>g accf |
(g/f/g/a/ g)d BgdB | e>cAF {F}G2G,d ||\
g/f/g/a/ gd Bgdg | {a}gf/e/ Tf>g aAAf |\
gdbf gdec | BdDF ["or" (G/F/G/A/ B/A/B/c/) ["or" (GA Bc) !segno!|]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z !segno!|
g2g2 f2g2 | g2g2 c2e2 | g2g2 f2g2 | c2d2 g2G :| z | g2b2 g2g2 | g2g2
d2d2 | g2b2 g2G2 | c2d2 G2G2 || g2b2 g2g2 | g2g2 d2d2 | g2g2 b2c'2 | d'2d2 g2G2 !segno!|]
%%text No ABC software seems to handle the "or" alternate notation used in Gow's last bar.
T: Earl of Lauderdales Reel
N: Yes, a ' is missing in the title.
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.19 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 8-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
[| TG2Bd cAFD | GBdg {e}d2cB | ceAc BdGB | AcDF GDB,G, || TG2Bd cAFD | GBdg {e}d2cB | ceAc BdGB | AcDF G2Gd |]
[| gbeg fadf | egce {e}d2cB | ceAc BdGB | AcDF TG2Gd || gbeg fadf | egce {e}d2cB | ceAc BdGB | AcDF GDB,G, |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
g2g2 d2d2 | g2g2 b2g2 | a2f2 g2B2 | c2d2 f2G2 || g2g2 d2d2 | g2g2 b2g2 |
a2f2 g2B2 | d2D2 G2G2 |][| e2g2 d2f2 | c2e2 B2G2 | A2f2 g2B2 | c2d2 g2G2 ||
e2g2 d2f2 | c2e2 B2G2 | A2f2 g2B2 | c2d2 G2G2 |]
T: Miss Hamilton of Bangowre's Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.19 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: F
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
A/B/ |\
c>dTcA c>dcA | A<cf>A {A}G2 GA/B/ | c>dcA cdfa | f<dTc>A {A}F2F :| B | A<cf<a Tf>afc | d<fTc>A {A}G2 GB |
A<cfc f>afc | d<fTc>A F2 F c/B/ || A<cfa A<cfa | Tc2 (f/g/a) gG GA/B/ | Tc>dcd f>g {fg}a>g | f>dTcA {A}F2F |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | f2f2 f2f2 | f2f2 c2c2 | f2f2 f2f2 | b2c'2 f2f :| z | f2f2 f2f2 | b2f2 c'2c2 |
f2f2 f2f2 | b2c'2 f2f2 || f2f2 f2f2 | a2f2 c'2c2 | f2e2 d2f2 | b2c'2 f2f |]
T: Earl of Dalkeiths Reel
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.20 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: F
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
A |\
FCA,F F/F/F AF | G/G/G BA GDDG | FCA,C F/F/F Ac | dfcf AFF :| c | Tf>gag fefc | d/d/d ba gdde |
Tf>gag fcdB | AcGB AFFc || fgag f>efc | d/d/d ba gdde | fcae fcdB | AcGB AFF |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | f2f2 f2f2 | g2g2 g2g2 | f2f2 f2f2 | b2c'2 f2f :| z | f2f2 f2a2 | b2g2 b2c'2 |
a2f2 f2b2 | c'2c2 f2f2 || f2f2 f2a2 | b2g2 b2c'2 | a2c'2 f2b2 | c'2c2 f2F |]
T: Mrs Hamilton of Wishaw's Strathspey
%R: strathspey, air
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.20 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
Q: "Very Slow"
K: A
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=3
E | [AC][AC][AC][AC] B>GEG | AAcA [B3G3]c | AAAF G>ABc | F>B (A/G/)F/E/ [A2E2C2] [AEC] :|
f/g/ | {g}a>e (a/g/)f/b/ {g}a>fec | (.A.A) ce fB Bf/g/ | {g}a>e a/g/f/b/ {g}a>f ec | EE EF/G/ {G}A2 Af/g/ ||
a>e (a/g/)f/b/ {g}a>fec | AAce fB Bc/d/ | ceea dffb | EE EF/G/ {G}[A2E2C2] [AEC] |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
"Harp.d Bass" z2 |\
Aece Aece GeBe GeBe | Aece Aece EeBe EeBe | caea ^dbfb ebgb egac | dbfb ebgb Aaec A2 :|
z2 | ae'c'e' c'e'd'b ae'c'e' ae'c'e' | caea caea dbfb ebgb | ae'c'e' c'e'd'b c'e'd'e' c'e'ae' | caea cedB Aaec A4 ||
ae'c'e' c'e'd'b ae'c'e' ae'c'e' | Aece Aece dbfb ebgb | caea caea dafa dbfb | ec'ac' ebgb Aaec A2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 3 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 3 clef=bass middle=d
"Vio.clo Bass"\
z | a2a2 e2e2 | a2A2 e2e2 | a2b2 e3c | d2e2 A2A :|
z | a2A2 a2A2 | c2A2 d2e2 | a2A2 A2e2 | c3d c2A2 ||
a2A2 a2A2 | c2A2 d2e2 | a2a2 d2d2 | e3d c2A |]
T: Sir John Scott's Favourite. Irish
T: Sir John Scott's Favorite
N: The title has an obvious typo: "Favourte"; fixed.
%R: slip-jig, triple hornpipe, air
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.20 #3 (and top 2 staffs of p.21)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 9/8
L: 1/8
Q: "Slowish"
K: A
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
B |\
(A/B/c).A TB>AF FEF | (A/B/c).A BAF Td2f | ecA BAF {G}FEF | (A/B/c).A TB>AF A2 :| f | ecA A>BA (f/g/a).f | ecA AcA TB2f |
ecA A>BA (f/g/a).f | ecA TB>AF A2f || ecA AcA Tf>ga | ecA AcA TB2f | ecA ecA (f/g/a).f | ecA TB>AF A2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | A3 e3 d3 | c3 A2d B2g | a3 e3 d3 | c2A e2d [A2c2] :| z | A3 a3 d3 | A3 a3 ebd' |
c'3 a3 d'3 | c'3 e'2d' c'2d || c3 A3 d3 | c3 A3 e3 | A2a A2a d3 | c2A e2d [A2c2] |]
T: Dunse Ding's. or Mr Sharps Favourite. a Reel.
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.21 #1 (top 2 staffs continued from p.20)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: A
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
ce- ef/g/ aecA | ce-eg a3e | ce- ef/g/ aecA | B(=GGB) g2-gB :| (c/B/A) eA fAeA | (c/B/A) ec a2-ae |
(c/B/A) ec fde=c | B=G-GB g2-gB || (c/B/A) ec fded | (c/B/A) ec a2-ae | (c/B/A) ec fde=c | B=G-GB g2-gB |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
a2a2 a2a2 | a2a2 a2a2 | a2a2 a2a2 | =g2g2 g2g2 :|\
a2[a2c'2] [a2d'2][a2c'2] | a2a2 a2a2 |
a2[a2c'2] [a2d'2][a2=c'2] | =g2g2 g2g2 ||\
a2[a2c'2] [a2d'2][a2c'2] | a2a2 a2a2 |\
a2[a2c'2] [a2d'2][a2=c'2] | =g2g2 g2g2 |]
T: Carlione a Favourite Irish Tune
%R: air
N: This is version 1, for ABC software that doesn't understand voice overlays.
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.21 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Changed the last 2 nots in the 2nd strain bar 8 from 8th to 16th-notes.
M: C
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow with Expresion"
K: Eb
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 3 6,7-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2 clef=treble
{d}e2 |\
(cB).A.G (AG)(FE) | {=B,}C2TE>F E2{d}e2 | (cB).A.G (AG).F.E | c2T[FD]>[GE] [F2D2]TG>A ||\
B<GB>c {=Ac}B3B | (ce)(df) {d}e3c |
(cB).A.G (AG).F.E | {=B,}C2TE>F [E2B,2G,2] :: TG>A |\
B3c (B<G)TFE | {=B,}C2~EF E2TG>A | (BG)B>c {c}B3B | (ce)(df) {d2}e4 ||!f!\
[E3B,2]F/G/ [F3D2]G/A/ |
(AG)(cB) B2Tc>d | {f}e>dcB {A}G>FGB | TF2G>B {B}Tc3d/e/ ||\
(c/B/).A/.G/ (B/A/).G/.F/ TFE {d}e>c | (B/A/).G/.F/ (B/A/).G/.F/ {F}E2!p!TE>F |\
{DF}G>FEC F>ECB, | C2TE>F [E2B,2G,2] :|
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 |\
E2e2 E2e2 | a2b2 g2e2 | a2e2 c'bag | f2b2 B2z2 || e2E2 cege |
a2b2 c'2a2 | agfe c'bag | a2b2 E2 :: z2 | EeEe e3g | a2b2 e2z2 |
E2e2 zege | A2B2 cc'ba ||!f! geE2 BbB2 | e2[ae2]g [e2g2]z2 | [c'e4]bag e2e2 | [B2d2][B2e2] AaAz ||
e2B2 E2z2 | e2b2 c'2!p!z2 | E2e2 A3G | A2B2 E2 :|
T: Miss Johnston of Hilton's Fancy
C: by Nath. Gow
%R: jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.22 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: Eb
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 3 8-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
B |\
{A}G>FE GBc | BGA Bcd | eBG BGE | DFF TF2A || GFE GBc | BGA Bcd | efg fdB | e3 e2 :|
g/a/ |\
bge efg | fdB Bcd | efg {a}gfe | dff fga || bge efg | fdB fdB | cde Bed | {d}e3 e2 g/a/ ||
bge efg | fdB Bcd | efg fge | dff {g}fed || cee Bee | Tc>Ac BGER | DAG FED | [E3G,3] [E2G,2] |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | e3 E3 | e3 e3 | e3 e3 | b3 B3 || e3 e3 | e3 e3 | b3 B3 | e3 E2 :|
z | e3 e3 | B3 B3 | e3 e3 | b3 B3 || e3 e3 | b3 B3 | A3 B3 | e3 E3 || e3 e3 |
B3 B3 | e3 e3 | B3 b3 || a3 g3 | d3 e3 | A3 B3 | E3 E2 |]
T: the Bottle of Punch.
O: Irish
%R: jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.22 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 3 8-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
(df).d cec | BdB ABc | dfd ege | Tf>ed {d}cBA || (df).d cec | BdB ABc | ~d>cB AGF | TEDE FDB, ||
(df).d (ce).c | dBd ABc | Td>ef efg | Tf>ed {c}ecA || (df).d (ce).c | BdB ABc | {c}Hd>ef AFD | TEDE FDB, |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
D3 d3 | c3 d2c | B2g f3 | a3 g3 || f2g f2d | f2c d2c | B2g f2d | a3 [d3g3] :|
d3 a3 | g3 f3 | d3 a3 | d'3 a3 || b3 a3 | g3 f3 | d3 f2d | a3 [d3g3] || d'3 c'3 |
b3 a2g | f3 e3 | d3 c3 || B3 A3 | G3 F2E | D3 d3 | a3 [d3g3] |]
T: Athole Brose or Niel Gow's Favourite Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.22 #3 (andtop 2 staves of p.23)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
A !segno!|:\
F>D D/D/D A,DDG | F>D D/D/D (G/A/B) AG | F>D D/D/D A,DD=F |[1 (3E=FG CE cGEG :|[2 (3E=FG CE cGEC |:
DdTd>c dedc | A(dd>e) =fdec | d<d=fd ecfd | (c>dc).G ECGE !segno!:|
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z !segno!|: d2d2 d2d2 | d2d2 d2d2 | d2d2 d2d2 |[1 c2c2 c2c2 :|[2 c2c2 c2c2 |:
d'2d'2 d'2d'2 | d'2d'2 d'2d'2 | d'2d'2 d'2d'2 | c'2c'2 c2c2 !segno!:|
T: Mrs Weymes of Cuttlehill's Strathspey
C: by Nath. Gow
%R: air, strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.23 #1 (top 2 staves continued from p.22)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: Gm
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 12-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
{A}BGGG | (DG)GG | BGGB | d2 (d/e/d/c/) |\
BGTG>F | DG TGA/B/ | !f!A[FC][FC]A | c2 (d/c/)B/A/ :|\
!p!TB>cdd | {^f}gddd | TB>cdd | Tg>a {ga}b2 |
(B/A/B/c/) (d/c/d/=e/) | fc Tc>B | !f!A[FC][FC]A | c2 (d/c/B/A/) ||\
!p!TB>cdd | {f}gddd | (B/A/B/).c/ dd | gdg>(a |\
"_Expr.o"b)>(g a)>(^f | g)>(d=f)>.c | A[FC][FC]A | c2(d/c/).B/.A/ |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
!p!g2G2 | {f}g2G2 | g2G2 | b3a | g2G2 | g2G2 | !f!F2f2 | a2d^f :| !p!g2G2 | g2G2 | g2G2 |
g2G2 | g2b2 | a3g | !f!f2F2 | f2d^f || !p!g2G2 | g2G2 | g2G2 | g3d | "_Expr.o"g2d2 | g2a2 | f2F2 | f2d^f |]
T: Honb.le Capt.n Elphinston's Strathspey
C: by Nath. Gow
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.23 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: Gm
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
G<Gd>B TG2DB | G<GGd Td>cBg | G<Gd>B TG2DE |[1 TF>GAB c>BAf :|[2 TF>GAB cffa |] g<gb>a Tg2de/^f/ |
ggga {ga}b>agd | g<gb>a Tg2dc/B/ | Afcf TA>GFa || g<gb>a Tg2de/^f/ | ggga {ga}b>agd | g<gbg afge | Tf>cdf A<Fc>A |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
G2g2 g2g2 | g2g2 g2g2 | g2G2 g2g2 |[1 f2f2 f2f2 :|[2 f2f2 f2f2 |] g2g2 g2d2 |
G2g2 G2G2 | g2g2 g2g2 | f2f2 f2f2 || g2g2 g2d2 | g2G2 g2g2 | g2g2 g2g2 | f2f2 f2f2 |]
T: Miss Z Loughnan's Strathspey
C: by Miss Sharpe of Hoddom
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.23 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: C
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 7-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
F |\
(EG).G.G TG>cGE | DC/D/ EC {B,}A,2A,F |\
[1 (EG).G.G G>c A/G/F/E/ | TD>CDE C2C :|\
[2 EGAB Tc>A A/G/F/E/ | TD>CDE C2C |] G | Tc>d{cd}e>d {B}c>AGE |
DC/D/ EC {B,}A,2A,G | Tc>dec fage | Td>cde {B}c2cG ||\
Tc>dec Tf>a (a/g/)f/e/ | Tdc/d/ ec {B}A2(AB) |\
(c>A)GE TG>A (A/G/)F/E/ | (TD/C/)D/E/ (G/F/)E/D/ C2TC |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | c'2c2 e2c2 | g2c2 F2f2 |[1 c2c'2 e2f2 | g2G2 c2C :|[2 c2f2 e2f2 | g2G2 c2c |] z | c'2c2
efec | g2e2 f2F2 | c'2c2 f2ec | g2G2 c2C2 || c2c'2 bg c'c | g2e2 f2F2 | efec e2f2 | g2G2 c2c |]
T: Miss Campbell of Monzie's Reel % Spelled "Rell" in the book
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.24 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: C
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
e |\
Tc2Gc ecGE | Fd Ec dDDB | Tc2Gc EcGE | FADF ECC :| f | ecgc acgc | ec (a/g/)f/e/ fddf |
gcac gcec | (Bcd)f eccf || ecgc acgc | egce fddf | gecf afdc | Bcdf ecc |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | c2c2 c2c2 | d2c2 g2G2 | c2e2 c2c2 | f2g2 c2c :| z | c2[c2e2] [c2f2][c2e2] | c2c2 G2g2 |
[c2e2][c2f2] [c2e2]c2 | g2G2 c2c2 || c2[c2e2] [c2f2][c2e2] | c2c2 G2g2 | c2e2 f2f2 | g2G2 c2c |]
T: Mr Ronald Crawford's Strathspey
C: by Nath.Gow
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.24 #2 (last 2 staffs on p.25)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The 2nd strain's last bar has only 3 8th notes; fixed by changing the last F to a quarter note.
N: The last bar has only 6 16th-notes, making the rhythm of repeats wrong; not fixed.
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
Q: "Very Slow with Expresion."
K: Fm
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 5 8-11-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
G |\
{FG}TA3G {=E}F3G | TA3B{AB}c4 | !f!.[E2G,2][E2G,2] .[G2B,2].[G2B,2] | [E2G,2][E2G,2] [G4B,4] ||\
!p!{FG}A3G {=E}F3G | TA3B {AB}c3B | [A2C2][A2C2] [G2C2][G2=E2C2] | [F2A,2][F2A,2][F3A,3] :|\
c | Tf3ga2f2 | c2Tc2 f4 | Tg3ab2g2 |
e2e2 g4 ||\
Tf3g {b}a2gf | c2=e2f2g2 | "_Expr.vo"{g}a3f {f}g3=e | Tf4 {=ef}F2c2 ||\
(Tf=e)fg a2f2 | c2Tc2 f4 | (Tgf)ga b2g2 | e2Te2 g4 || ~agab (gb)ag | (af)g=e Hf4 |
!p![A2C2][A2C2] [G2C2][G2=E2C2] | [F2A,2][F2A,2] (FG)AB |:\
!f!Tc4TA3G | TF3GA2c2 | (B2e2) (G2B2) | .E.F.G.A .B.c.=d.e ||\
{=B}c4 TA3G | (F2c2) f2g2 | {fg}a3f {f}g3=e |
[1 Tf4 ({=ef}FG)AB :|[2 Tf4 {=ef} F2 |] (ag) | f2c2c2c2 | Tf3g {b}a2gf | g2e2 e2e2 | Tg3a {c'}b2ag ||\
f2c2 c2c2 | {=eg}f3=e f2g2 |
"_Expr.vo"{fg}a3f {f}g3=e | Tf4 {=ef} F2ag ||\
f2c2c2c2 | f/g/f/.=e/ fg {b}a2gf | g2e2e2e2 | (g/a/g/).f/ ga {c'}b2ag ||\
"^Expr.vo"{g}a3f {f}g3=e | f2c2 Hf4 | !p![A2C2][A2C2] [G2C2].[G2=E2C2] | [F2A,2][F2A,2][F2A,2] |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | F2f2 A2G2 | F2f2 a2f2 | !f!E2e2 E2e2 | E2e2 E4 || !p!f2c2 f2=e2 | f2d2 c2B2 | A2B2 c2C2 | F2f2F3 :|
a | F2f2 F2c2 | f3ga2f2 | e2E2 e2B2 | e2f2g2c2 || f2=e2 f4 | a2g2f2=e2 | "_Expr.vo"f2b2 c'2c2 | f2c2 F4 || F2f2 F2c2 |
f2g2 a2f2 | E2e2 E2e2 | E2e2 g2c2 || [f4F4] [c4C4] | f2c2 HF3G | !p!A2B2 c2C2 | F2f2F4 |: !f!Ffcf Ffcf |
Ffcf Ffcf | EeBe EeBe | EeBe EeBe || fc'ac' fc'=ec' | fc'cc' fc'=ec' | fgaf bgc'c |[1 fcAc F4 :|[2 f2c2 F2 |]
z2 |\
fc'ac' fc'ac' | fc'ac' fc'ac' | ebgb ebgb | ebgb cc'gc' ||\
fc'ac' fc'ac' | fc'cc' fc'=ec' | "_Expr.vo"f2b2 c'2c2 | f2c2 F4 ||\
z2[f2a2c'2][f2a2c'2][f2a2c'2] | [f4a4c'4-] [f4a4c'4] | z2[e2g2b2][e2g2b2][e2g2b2] | [e4g4b4] [c4g4c'4] ||\
"_Expr.vo"f4 c4 | f4 HF2G2 | !p!A2B2 c2C2 | F2f2F2 |]
T: Callan Shiargblas an old Highland Tune
%R: air, march
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.25 #1 (top 2 staves continued from p.25)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/16
Q: "Slow"
K: F
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
(ag) |\
f2F2 {B}A2GF E2G2-G2 (ag) | f2F2A2c2 f4 {g}f2ed |\
c2F2 {B}A2GF E2G2-G2A2 | D2EF C2DE {E}F4F2 :| c2 |\
Tf3g a2f2 {g}f2ed c2c2 | Tf3g (ag).a.b {b}Tg4 c3c |
(fe).f.g (fg)ab a2!f!d2d2a2 | g2c2 (efg)e {e}Tf4 f2c2 ||\
Tf3g {fg}a3f {g}f2ed c2c2 | Tf3g (ag)ab {a}Tg4 c3c |\
Tf>efg (fg)ab (ag)fe (de)fa | g2c2 (efg)e {e}Tf4 f2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 |\
F4f4 c4C4 | F4 f2e2 d2D2 d2cB | A4F4 c4C4 | B4c2C2 F2f2F2 :| z2 | F2f2F2f2 c4e2c2 | f2e2 f2B2 c2c'2 c4 |
F2f2 f2f2 z2!f!B2B4 | c4C4 F2f2 F4 || F2f2 F2f2 c2c'2 c2e2 | f2c2 f2B2 c2c'2 c4 | F2f2 F2f2 | c2c'2 B2b2| c'4c4 f2c2F2 |]
T: Miss Macmurdos Favourite a Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.25 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: Em
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
B |\
e>f e^d {d}e2Be | Td>efg (f<a)gf | e>fe^d {d}e2B>A | TG>ABB, E3 :| d | TB>cdB Tc>BAg | (fg)ef Bbgf |
e>fe^d e2TB>A | TG>ABB, E3d || B>cdB ~c>BAg | (fg)(ef) (^db).g.f | "^Expr.o P."(eg)(fa) (gb)(eg) | (GB)(B,^D) E3 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | e3B e2g2 | fede B2b2 | gfeB cA GF | Ec BB E2e :| z | g2g2 d2f2 | g2e2 ^d2B2 |
e3B cA GF | EcBB EeE2 || g2G2 d2f2 | g2e2 b2G2 | "^Expr.o P."[B2e2][B2^d2] e2A2 | B2B2 E3 |]
T: Mr Baillie of Mellerston's Strathspey
C: by Nath. Gow
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.25 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: Em
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
e |\
B<EB>d | D>EFd | B<EB>F TE>FGA | B<dF<d D>EFd | B<EB>F {F}E2E :| g/a/ | be-e>.f Td>efa | be-e>g e>ge^c |
d<fB<d D>EFd | B<ETB>F {F}E2Eg/a/ || be-e>.f Td>e f/e/f/a/ | be-e>.f e>ge^c | d<fB<d D>EFd | De (B/A/)G/F/ {F}E2E |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | e2e2 d2d2 | e2e2 e2e2 | g2a2 d2d2 | e2B2 E2E :| z | e2e2 d2d2 | e2e2 e2a2 |
f2g2 f2d2 | e2B2 E2E2 || e2e2 d2d2 | e2e2 e2a2 | f2g2 f2d2 | e2B2 e2E |]
T: Miss Baird of Saughtonhall's Hornpipe
C: by Nath. Gow
%R: triple hornpipe
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.26 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: A
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
(EA c).A.G.B | (EA c).A e2 | Tf>g aA GB | TFB (A/G/)F/E/ A2 :| (Ac a)c dB | (Ac e).c a2 |
Tf>g aA GB | TFB (A/G/)F/E/ A2 || (Ac a).c .f.B | (Ac e)c a2 | (f/g/a/).e/ d/c/B/A/ GB | TFB (A/G/)F/E/ A2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
A2 a2 e2 | a2 A2 c2 | d2 cA e2 | d2 e2 A2 :| a2 A2 e2 | [a2A2] A2 c2 |
d2 cA c2 | d2 e2 A2 || a2 a2 d2 | c2 A2 c2 | d2 c2 e2 | d2 e2 A2 |]
T: Kempshott Hunt
%R: march, reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.26 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
K: A
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
f |\
e2ce | {d}cB/A/ ce | ce (d/c/)B/A/ | dBBf ||\
e2ce | {d}cB/A/ ce | cedf | eAA :: B |\
(3(ABA) (.e.c) | f>de>c | (3(ABA) (.e.c) | dBTB>c ||
(3(ABA) (.e.c) | fded | ce df | eAA :: e |\
!p!{g}a2ec | {g}a2ec | {g}a2ec | dBB>g ||\
{g}a2ec | {g}a2fd | cedf | eAA :|
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | A2a2 | A2a2 | A2a2 | e2ed || c2A2 | a2A2 | a2d2 | a2A :: z | a2c'2 | d'2c'2 | a2A2 |
e2e2 || a2a2 | d2cd | e2E2 | A2A :: z | !p!A2a2 | A2a2 | A2a2 | e2E2 || a2a2 | A2A2 | e2E2 | A2A :|
T: Mrs Houston of Rosehall's Favourite
C: by Nath. Gow
%R:air, strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.26 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: A
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 3 4-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
E |\
D{^c}ddd Td>ef>d | {=B}c>AFA (G/F/)E/D/ C>E | Dddd (Td/^c/e/).e/ (Tf/e/f/).g/ | !p!{fg}.[af].[ge].[fd].[e^c] {c}d2 D :|
e |\
Tf>g {fg}a>g Tf>ede | Tf>g (f/g/a/).f/ (g/f/)e/d/ ce | Tf>g {fg}a>g Tf>e (d/e/).f/.g/ | !p![af][ge][fd][e^c] {c}d2 D
e |\
Tf>g {fg}a>g Tf>ede | Tf>g (f/g/a/).f/ (g/f/e/)d/ ce | (f/e/f/g/) (f/g/a/)f/ (g/f/e/).f/ .e/(g/a/b/) | !p![fa][ge][fd][e^c] {c}d2 D |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | D2d2 D2d2 | F2AF C2c2 | d2D2 d3e | !p!fgaA dAD :| z |
d2d'2 d2d'2 | d2d'2 c2c'2 | d3A d3e | !p!fg aA dA d2 | dd' d2 d'afe |
dd' dd' cc' ec | dd'd2 AaA2 | !p!fgaA dA D |]
T: Lady Mary Hay's Scotch Measure
C: by Nath. Gow
%R: scotch measure, reel, march
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.27 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: Dm
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 not reformatted. It's compact and illustrates some of the Gows' unusual
% formatting, such as mid-bar staff breaks and the 2nd ending's unusual beaming.
V: 1 staves=2
TF>E |\
D2D2 A3F | D2A2 defg | agfd ecd=B | c2C2- C2TF>E ||\
D2D2 A3F | D2A2 defg | agfd eaA^c | d2D2- D2 :|
Tf>e |\
d2d2 Td3A | (d^c)de fefd | efga gfed | e2c2- c2Tf>e ||\
d2d2 Td3A | (Td^c)de fefd | efgb afge | f2d2- d2Tf>e ||\
d2D2 Td3e |
(fef).g agfd | efge c'gaf | e2c2- c2 ag ||\
fgag Tf>efd | efgf {f}ede^c | dBAG FdE^c | d2D2- D2 |: FE |\
(DF)(AF) (Dd)(^cd) | (Dd)(Ed)
(Fd)(DA) | (Tdef).d ecd=B | c2C2- C2FE || .D(d^cd) (Dd)(Ed) |\
(Fd)(Ed) (Fd)(DA) | (de)(fd) (ea).A.^c | d2D2- D2 :: ag |\
f>ede fgag | fd^cd (Dd)(Fd) | (Ad)fd Tf>gaf |
(efg)d c2ag |[1 Tf>ede fgag | f(d^cd) (Ad)(fd) | .e(gab) (ag).f.e | f2d2 d2 :|\
[2 fd bage ag | fd gfed ^cA | dBAG (Fd)(E^c) | d2D2- D2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 | D2d2 d2d2 | d2d2 d2d2 | d2d2 e2g2 | d2G2 C2z2 || D2d2 d2d2 | d2d2 d3e | f2g2 a2A2 | d2A2 D2 :|
z2 | d2d'2 d2d'2 | d2d'2 d2d'2 | z2c2 e2g2 | c'2g2 e2c2 || d2d'2 d2d'2 | d2d'2 d2d'2 | g2g2 a2A2 | d2A2 D4 || D2d2 d2d2 |
d2d2 d2d2 | c2c2 e2f2 | c2c'2 c2z2 || d2d2 d2d2 | A2a2 A2a2 | d2g2 a2A2 | d2A2 D2 |: z2 | d2d'2 d2d'2 | d2c2
d2f2 | d4 e2g2 | c'2g2 c2z2 || d2D2 d2A2 | d2^c2 d2f2 | e2g2 a2A2 | d2A2 D2 :: z2 | d2d'2 d2d'2 | d2d'2 d2d'2 | f2d2 d'2d2 |
c2c'2 c2z2 |[1 d2d'2 d2d'2 | d2d'2 d2d'2 | g4 a2A2 | d2A2 D2 :|[2 d2z2 g2z2 | d2z2 a2A2 |f2g2 a2A2 | d2A2 D2 |]
T: Miss Weymes of Weymes a Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.27 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
Q: "Very Slow"
K: Eb % ending on Cm
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
B, |\
E2 {d}e>c B>GTFG | TE>F (E/F/G/).F/ EC~CB, | E2 {d}e>c B>GFG | TE>F {EF}G>F ~ECC :| (E//F//G/) | TA>BAc TG>AGB | {G}F>EFG {G}c2Tc>d |
e>gc>e B>eG>e | TE>F {EF}GF ECC (E//F//G/) || TA>BAc TG>AGB | {G}F>EFG {G}c2Tc>d | Te>gc>e B>gG>e | TE>F {EF}G>F ECC |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | e3a ge [d2b2] | e2gG z[ea][ea][eg] | [e3g2]a ge[d2b2] | c'c gG cGC :| z | f2d2 e2E2 | B3g c2c'a |
g2[e2a2] g2e2 | g2G2 c2cz || f2d2 e2E2 | d3e c2c'a | g2[e2a2] g2ed | c2gG cGC |]
T: Mr Stabilini's Favourite
C: by Nath. Gow
%R: air, march
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.28 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
Q: "Slowish"
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
K: E
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 12-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
B |\
(eg)(Be) | dG Tc2 | B<ETF>E | DF-FB ||\
egB(e | d)(=E F)(c | d)>E {F}ED/C/ | B,ETE :| _D |\
!f!(C=E)TEC | (FA)Ac | (fa) cf | {e}d3 g/a/ ||
.b(g a)(f | g)(e f)(d | e)>E {F}ED/C/ | (B,E)E_D ||\
(C=E)(TE.C) | (FA)(.A.c) | (fa) (cf) | {e}d2 (e/f/)g/a/ ||\
(b/g/)(b/g/) (a/f/)(a/f/) | (g/f/).g/.e/ (f/e/).f/.d/ | e>E {F}ED/C/ | B,EE |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | e2 e2 | b2 a2 | g2 a=a | b2 B2 || e2 g2 | zcfa | g2 bB | e2 E :| z |
c2 c2 | f2 f2 | f2 a2 | bf B2 || e2 b2 | c'2 a2 | g2 bB | eB E2 || C2 c2 | F2 f2 |
f2 a2 | bB b2 || ee dd | ee B2 | GE BB | EeE |]
T: Mr Robertson of Ladykirk's Strathspey
C: by Nath. Gow
%R: strathspey
N: This is version 2, for ABC software that understands "grace chords". (See bar 3.)
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.28 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/16
K: C
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
GF |\
E2G2G2AB c2E2 [D3B,3]F | (E3G)(.G2.G2) Tc3d {cd}e4 |\
(ABc).B (dcB).A (G<E)c>E [EC][D2B,2]F | E2G2 (cd)ef [e3G3]T[dF][c2E2] :|
gf |\
e2g2 (ag)fe a2f2Td3f | e3g (gfed) cBcd {cd}e4 |\
A2B>c (AGF)E c2[E2C2][D3B,3]F | E2G2 (cd)ef [e2G2]T[d2F2][c2E2]gf ||
e3g (ag)fe a2f2 d2gf | !p!e(gfe) gfed {d}c>Bcd {cd}e4 |\
.A(cBc) .G(cBc) [AF][GE][FD][EC] HT[EC]H[DB,] gf | (EG)(AB) cdef e2c2Tc2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z2 |\
c2e2c2f2 e2c2 g2G2 | [c'4g4] [b4g4] [c'2a2]gf e2c2 |\
f2c'2 e2c'2 c2c'2 G2g2 | c'2c2 e2f2 g2G2c2 :|
z2 |\
c2c'2 c2c'2 f4 g2b2 | c'2c2 c'3b a3f e2c2 |\
f2c2 e2c2 c2e2 g2G2 | c4 e2f2 g2G2 c4 ||
c2c'2 c2c'2 f4 g2b2 | !p!c'4 [d'4b4] [e'4a4] [c'4e4] |\
[c'4f4] [c'4e4] fef^f HgHG z2 | c2f2 efgG c2G2C2 |]
T: Mrs Morthlands Reel
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.28 #3 (and top 2 staves of p.29)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: C
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 8-bar lines.
V: 1 staves=2
g |\
{f}e2dc GBce | fdec fdec | {f}e2dc GAcd | egde c/c/c c :| f | ecce fddf | ecgc (B/c/d) BG |
ecce fddf | ecdB Tc2cf || ecce fddf | ecgc (B/c/d) BG | ecce fdgf | ecdB c2c |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z |
c2c2 c2c2 | B2c2 G2c2 | c2c2 c2c2 | g2G2 c2c :| z | c'2c'2 g2g2 | c2e2
g2G2 | c2c2 g2g2 | c2G2 c2C2 || c'2c'2 g2g2 | c2e2 g2G2 | c2c2 B2G2 | c2G2 C2C |]
T: Miss Margrett Brown's Favourite
C: by Nath. Gow
%R: jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.29 #1 (top 2 staves continued from p.28)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
%%slurgraces 1
%%graceslurs 1
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Q: "Slowish and Distinctly"
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
g |\
dBG TG>AB | E2E TE2c | AFD DEF | G2G TG2g || dBG TB>cd | E2E TE2c | AFD DEF | TG3 G2 :|
g/a/ |\
bgb afd | efg {fga}g>fe | dBg dBG | AFD D2g/a/ || bgb afd | efg {a}gfe | (fa).f (ge).^c | d2d Tde=f ||
!p!(ec).e (dB).d | (ca).c (Bg).B | (Ac)e dBG | FAF DEF || !f!TG>AB EFG | ABc def | (gd).B (cA).F | TG3 [G2G,2] |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | G3 B3 | c3-c2A | d3 D3 | GBd g3 || G3 g3 | c3-c2A | d3 D3 | GBd g2 :|
z | g3 d3 | c3 c'3 | b3 g3 | d3 D3 || G3 d3 | ^c3 A3 | d3 A3 | d3-d2 b ||
!p!c'2a b2g | f2d g2G | c3 B2G | d3 D3 || !f!G3 c3 | A3 d3 | B2e c2d | GBd G2 |]
T: Miss Cathrine Chalmer's. Reel
C: by Nath. Gow
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.29 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 2 8-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
(B/c/d) TcB (c/d/e) Tdc | BE AG {G}F2ED | BGDB, CEAc | BGAF G2Gc ||\
(B/c/d) TcB (c/d/e) Tdc | BE AG {G}F2ED | BGDB, CEAc | BG AF G2 Gd |]
gbge (^df)bd | (eg).e.d (^ce)ac | Td>efd Bgeg | fde^c d2D2 ||\
{e}dc/B/ bB caAc | Bg GB .A(FTED) | (dB).B.d (cA).A.c | BGAF G2G2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
g2G2 c2c2 | c2^c2 d2=c2 | B2G2 A2c2 | d2D2 G2G2 || g2G2 c2c2 | c2^c2
d2=c2 | B2G2 A2c2 | d2D2 G2G2 |] [| g2g2 b2b2 | e2e2 a2a2 | f2d2 g2e2 |
a2A2 d2=c2 || B2g2 f2f2 | g2^c2 d2=c2 | B2G2 A2f2 | g2d2 G2G2 |]
T: Money in both Pockets
%R: jig
N: This is version 1, for ABC software that doesn't understand voice overlays.
N: The ABC2 version with overlays is rather pointless for this tune.
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.300 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for 3 8-bar lines, for phrasing and proofreading.
% The book has odd staff breaks due to all the 16th notes in the 3rd strain.
% Several double-bars introduced to simplify reading.
V: 1 staves=2
f !segno!|: !p!\
{c}d2F TFEF | A2A AGF | {c}d2F TFEF | A3 gfe ||\
{c}e2F {G}FEF | A>BA {B}AGF | !f!TE>FE EFA | TB3 {AB}ABc :|
(df)a afd | (ce).a ecA | (df).a afd | Tg3{fg} f2f/g/ ||\
{fg}a>gf {ga}b>ag | {fg}a>gf Te>de | f<dB A<FA | TB3 d2A "^:+:"|]
df/g/a afd | (c/d/)e/f/(=g/a/) (f/e/)(d/c/)B/A/ | (Td/c/d/)e/f/g/ afd | {a}gfg f2f/g/ ||\
(a/g/)f/g/a/f/ (b/a/)g/b/a/g/ | (a/g/)f/a/g/f/ {f}ede | !f!f>dB A<FA | TB3 ABc !segno!|]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z !segno!|: !p!\
D3 d3 | D3 d3 | D3 d3 | cea A3 || d3 d3 | f3 d3 | !f!c3 d3 | GBd D3 :| [| d3 d'3 |
a3 A3 | d3 d'3 | abc' d'2z || [d3f3a3] [d3g3b3] | [d3f3a3] [A3e3a3] | d2g f2d | gbd' f2a |] [| f2d' d3 | A2a
A3 | dad' dad' | abc' d3 || dd'd' Ggg | fdd a2A | !f!d2g f2d | gbd' [d3f3] !segno!|]
%%begintext align
%% When this Tune is danced the 2d Strain is only Play'd to this :+: mark.
T: the Morgan Rattler
%R: jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.30 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 rearranged to put each strain on a staff.
V: 1 staves=2
B !segno!|:\
AGF EFG | (F/G/A)F D2B | AGF EFA | TB2A Bcd ||\
{B}AGF EFG | (F/G/A)F D2f/g/ | afd ecA |[1 TB2A Bcd :|[2 B2A B2c ||
Td2e fdB | Tc2d ecA | Td2e fed | Tf2e fga ||\
Td2e fed | cea ecA | afd ecA |[1 TB2A B2c :|[2 B2A Bcd ||
!f!FGF {G}FED | EFE TE2D | FGF FED | TBcB Bcd ||\
FGF {G}FED | EFE TE2f/g/ | afd ecA | TB2A Bcd :|
"_Exp.o".D2z/!p!d/ {e}dcd | .E2z/e/ efg | .D2z/d/ {e}dcd | TB2A Bcd ||\
.D2z/d/ {e}dcd | .E2z/e/ efg | agf edc | TB2A Bcd !segno!:|
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z !segno!|:\
d3 A3 | d3 f2g | f2d a2f | g3 G3 || d3 A3 | d3 f3 | d3 a3 |[1 g3 [d3g3] :|
[2 g3 g2e |: d3 d'3 | a3 A3 | f3 d3 | d'3 d3 || d3 d'3 | a3 A3 | d3 a3 |[1 g3 g2e :|[2 g3 [d3g3] |:
!f!d3 d3 | A3 A3 | d3 d3 | G3 g3 || d3 d3 | A3 A3 | d3 a3 | g3 [d3g3] :||:
"_Exp.o"d3 !p!d3 | A3 A3 | d3 d3 | G3 g3 || f3 d3 | A3 a3 | d3 a3 | g3 d3 !segno!:|
T: the Lakes of Kellarnie. Irish.
%R: air, jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.31 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
P: Stacatto
Q: "Slowish"
K: Bb
% %continueall
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 1 reformatted for _ _-bar lines, for compactness and proofreading.
V: 1 staves=2
"^A"[|] B/c/ !segno!|!p!\
{Bc}d.B.B Tc.B.B | fdg fdb |\
gcc !f!Tc>de/f/ | gec Tc2!p!B/c/ |\
{Bc}d.B.B TcBB | fdb Hbag |\
{g}f(e/d/)c/B/ fdB |
TGFB HB2 "^B":| d/e/ |\
(f/g/)f/d/b (f/g/)f/d/b | gcc Tc>de/c/ |\
(f/g/f/)d/b f/g/f/d/b | TGFB TB2(d/e/) |\
(fd).B ({B}fd).B | (fg)g Tg>ab |
(fd).B (fd).B | ecTc c2(d/e/) |\
(fd).B ({B}fd).B | fga Hb2a/g/ |\
fdB fdB | c(c/d/)e/c/ Hg2 f/e/!segno!|]\
"^C"[|] (d/B/) | (F_A).A (GB).B |
A(F/G/A/)F/ B2(d/B/) |\
(F_A).A (GB).B | A(F/G/A/)F/ TB2(B/c/) |\
dBF dBf | dBB Te(f/e/)d/c/ |\
dBF dBf | dBB He2"^S."f/e/ |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z !segno!|!p!\
[b3d'3] [f2c'2]b | [b3d'3]{e'} [b3d'3] | E3 F/G/A/B/c/d/ | e2c [F2f2]!p!z |\
[B3d3] [f2c'2]b | d'ba Tg2e | d2B f2d | e2f !fine!B2 :| z | Bbb
Bbb | e2c f2a | b2B b2d | e2f B2z | B2z B2z | B2e efg | d3 B3 | FAc f2z |\
[B3d3f3] [B3d3f3] | dec Hd2e | d2b B2b | !f!fff He2 "D.C."z !segno!|]
z | [d3b3] [e3b3] | [f3c'3] [g3d'3] | [d2b2][db] [e2b2][eb] | [f2c'2][fc'] Bbz |\
B2b B2d | B2b c2a | b2d B2b | zBB Hc2 "^D.C.al Signo"a |]
%%begintext align
%% The repeat pattern is a bit ambiguous.
%% Most likely, AABAACA was intended.
T: Mr Drummond younger of Perth's Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.31 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
B |\
G<Gd>B d>e {e}d>B | G<G Td>B e>AA>B | G<G d>B d>eg<b | g>ed>g BGG :| e/f/ | gdg>a {ga}b>ga>b |
g>dg>b adfa | gdg>a {ga}b>gab | Tg>ed>c BGGe/f/ || gdg>a {ga}b>ga>b | gdg>b a>dfa | g<ba>f gdTc>B | Ag fa gG G |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z |\
g2g2 g2g2 | B2G2 c2d2 | B2G2 g2G2 | c2d2 g2G :| z | g2g2 g2g2 |
g2G2 d2d2 | g2g2 g2g2 | c2d2 G2g2 || g2g2 g2g2 | g2g2 d2d2 | g2d2 e2B2 | c2d2 G2G |]
T: the Irish Washerwoman
%R: jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.31 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
P: Stacatto
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
c !segno!|:\
.B.G.G .D.G.G | .B.G.B .d.c.B | .cAA EAA | cAc edc |\
| BGG DGG | BGB dcB |[1 Tc>Bc ABc | def gdc :|[2 TcBc Adc | BGG G2 |: g |
gdg gdg | gdg bag | =fcf fcf | fcf agf |\
[1 egg dgg | cgg Bgg | (TcBc) Adc | BGG TG2 :|\
[2 egg dbb | caa Bgg | (Tc>Bc) ABc | def gdc !segno!|]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z !segno!|: g3 g3 | g3 g3 | a3 a3 | a3 a3 | g3 g3 | g3 B3 |[1 c3 d3 | g3 g3 :|[1 c3 d3 | g3 G2 |: z |
g3 g3 | g3 g3 | =f3 f3 | =f3 f3 |[1 c'3 b3 | a3 g3 | c3 d3 | g3 G2 :|[2 c'3 g3 | f3 g3 | c3 d3 | g3 G3 !segno!|]
T: Miss Eleanora Robertson's Favourite
C: by Nath. Gow
%R: air, waltz, jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.32 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: Cm
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
G, |\
Ccc Tc2G | TE2F {EF}GFE | DBB TB2F | (D/E/F)E DCB, ||\
Ccc Tc2G | TE2F G2g | {f}edc {e}dc=B | cCC C2 :|
c |\
G(cd) (ed).c | gc.c (ed).c | (FB).B (df)T=a | (bf).d (fd).B ||\
G(c.d) edc | gec efg | (fa).g {g}fed | ecc Tc2e ||
(Gc).c (ec).c | (gc).c (ec).c | (FB).d .f(=ab) | (fg).e {e}dcB ||\
{d}c>de {e}d>ef | (.e.f.g) (.f.g.a) | {a}gfe {g}fed | ecc Tc2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | c3 c3 | c3 c3 | B3 B3 | B3 B3 || c3 c3 | c3 e3 | f3 g2G | c2G C2 :|
z | c'3 c'3 | c'3 c'3 | b3 b3 | b3 b3 || c'3 c'3 | c'3 e3 | f3 g2G | c2c' c3 || c'3 c'3 |
c'3 c'3 | b3 b3 | b3 B3 || c3 G3 | cde def | e2c g2G | c2G C2 |]
T: Earl of Hyndfords Reel
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.32 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: Cm
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
G, |\
TC2EG (cde).c | .B(GTFE) DB,B,D | TC2GE (cde).c | .B(GFD) ECCE ||\
TC2EG (cde).c | .B(GTFE) DB,B,D | ECFD GEAF | GEFD ECC |]
G |\
cG Ee cgec | Bbfg dfBd | e<cge dBGc | BEDG ECCG ||\
cG Ee cgec | BdFB DFB,D | ECFD GEAF | GEFD ECC |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z |\
c2c2 c2c2 | e2f2 B2B2 | c2c2 c2c2 | g2G2 c2c2 || c2c2 c2c2 |
e2f2 B2B2 | c2G2 c2f2 | g2G2 c2c |] z | c'2c'2 c'2c'2 | b2b2 b2b2 | c'2c'2 g2g2 |
e2g2 c2c2 || c'2c'2 c'2c'2 | b2b2 B2B2 | c2G2 c2f2 | g2G2 c2c |]
T: Princess Augusta
%R: air, strathspey
N: This is version 1, for ABC software that doesn't understand crescendo symbols.
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.32 #3 (and top 2 staffs of p.33)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
!p!dB !segno!|\
A2D2 (FGA)F | {F}A2D2D2Tc2 | d>AB>F G>EF>D | TB,3C/D/ A,2dB |\
A2D2 (FGA)F | {F}A2D2 D2dB | !f!A2F2TE3F | [D4A,4] [D2A,2] :: B2 |
!f![A3D3]B [d3F3]e | (fe)df (eg)Tfe | !p!(fe)Td>B (AF)TED | {DE}F2B,2B,2B2 |\
!f![A3D3]B [d3F3]e | (fe).d.f (eg)Tfe | fdTcB ABcA |1 {c}[d4A4F4] ~[d2A2F2] :|2 "_cresc"d4 edcB!segno!y|]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
!p!z2 !segno!|\
D2d2 d2d2 | d4 f2a2 | f2d2 e2f2 | [g4d4] [f4d4] |\
d4 d4 | DdAF D2g2 | !f!f2d2a2A2 | d2A2 D2 :: z2 |
!f!D2d2 D2d2 | d2d2 c2A2 | !p!d3g f2d2 | d2[d2g2][d2g2][d2g2] |\
!f![g2d4]g2 [f2d4]e2 | d2d2 A2a2 | f2g2 a2A2 |1 dd'af d2 :|2 "_cresc."dAFA D4!segno!y|]
T: Mrs Macleod of Elanreoch's Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.33 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
A |\
d>gTfe d>BAd | B<Fd>F BEEc | Td>efd f<ae<f | d/c/B/A/ {c}dF D/D/D D :| (d//c//B/) | A<DA<F ADDd | B/A/B/c/ dF BEEd |
A<DA<F ADDd | B/A/B/c/ dF D/D/D Dd || A<DA<F ADDd | B/A/B/c/ dF BEEd | A<DA<F D/E/F/G/ Ag | Tf>def d/d/d d |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z |\
d2d2 d2d2 | d2f2 g2a2 | f2d2 d2A2 | G2A2 d2D :| z | d2d2 d2d2 |
e2e2 e2e2 | d2d2 d2f2 | g2a2 d2d2 || d2d2 d2d2 | e2e2 e2e2 | d2d2 d2g2 | a2A2 d2d |]
T: Miss Sally Hunter of Thurston's Jigg
C: by Nath. Gow
%R: 6/8
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.33 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The {c} grace note in bar 20 should probably be {d}.
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
A |\
DFA Td2A | TB2A Td2A | Bcd egf | efd cBA |\
DFA d2A | TB2A Bcd | egf edc | Td3 D2 :|
g |\
fed Tg2e | a2f b2g | Tf(ef) def | efd Tc>BA |\
fed g2e | a2f b2g | Tfga Adc | Td3 d2g |
fdf geg | afa bgb | afd Bcd | efd {c}cBA |\
AFA Td2A | TB2A Bcd | egf edc | Td3 D2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z |\
d3 f3 | g3 f3 | g3 e3 | a3 A3 | d3 f3 | g3 G3 | A3 a3 | d3 d2 :| z | d3 e3 | f3 g3 | d3 d3 | A3 A3 |
d3 c2e | f3 g3 | a3 A3 | d2A D3 | d3 e3 | f3 g3 | d3 g3 | e3 a3 | d3 f3 | g3 g3 | a3 A3 | d2A D2 |]
T: Miss Grace Hay's Delight
%R: jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.33 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
G2c B2c | dBd efg | G2c B2c | dBG AFD | TE2C CEG | TF2D D2c | (B/c/d)B cAF | G3 G3 :|
d2g f2g | afd e^cA | fga B^cd | efd {d}^cBA | afa geg | fdf e^cA | Bgf ed^c | d2d d=cB ||
c2c cac | B2B BgB | ABA ABc | dBG AFD | TE2C CEG | TF2D D2c | (B/c/d)B cAF | {F}G3 G3 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
G3 g3 | G3 c3 | B3 G3 | g3 d3 | c3 c3 | d3 f3 | g3 d3 | G2g G3 :| d3 d3 | d'3 a3 | d3 g3 | e3
a3 | d'3 ^c'3 | d'3 a3 | g3 a2A | d3 d3 || A3 f3 | g3 G3 | c3 A3 | B2G d3 | c3 c3 | d3 f3 | g3 d3 | G2g G3 |]
T: the Bob of Fattercairn. a Reel.
%R: reel
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.34 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
B/c/ !segno!|\
dBGB dBGB | dBde Tf2df | e^cAc ecAc | e>def {ef}g2fe |\
dBGB dBGB | dBde Tf2df/g/ | aefd Te>cBa | A/A/A (Bd) e2g2 |]
d>gBg dgBg | dgBg Tf2df | ea^ca Aaca | Te>def {ef}g2fe |\
dgBg dgBd | dgBg Tf2df/g/ | aefd Te>cBa | A/A/A (Bd) e2!segno!g2 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z !segno!|\
g2g2 g2g2 | g2g2 g2g2 | a2a2 a2a2 | a2a2 a2a2 |\
g2g2 g2g2 | g2g2 g2g2 | a2a2 a2a2 | a2a2 a2a2 |]
g2g2 g2g2 | g2g2 g2g2 | a2a2 a2a2 | a2a2 a2a2 |\
g2g2 g2g2 | g2g2 g2g2 | a2a2 a2a2 | a2a2 a2!segno!a2 |]
T: the Celebrated German Minuet
C: With Variations by the late Mr Nisbet of Dirleton & Jo.Shaw Stewart Esq.r
%S: s:7 b:56(11+12+8+7+7+7+4)
%R: minuet
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.34 #2 (and top 4 staffs of p.35)
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The tune has "Da Capo al signo" + fermata after the final bar line, which makes
N: no sense, since there are only the 2 segnos, at the first and last bar lines).
N: The part labelled "P. Arpeggio" has final repeat but no matching initial repeat symbol;
N: the missing repeat symbol was added at the "P.Arpeggio" label.
N: But you can repeat the parts however works for your group.
M: 3/4
L: 1/16
K: D
%%continueall % To solve problems with overly-dense notes in the book.
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
A,4 !segno!|!p!\
[F8D8] [E4C4] | [D4B,4] [G4A,4] [F4A,4] | E3FG2E2F2D2 | (F2E2)(D2C2)(B,2A,2) |
[F8D8] [E4C4] | [D4B,4] [G4A,4] [F4A,4] | (E2G2)(F2B2)A2C2 | "_Fine."{C}D8 :|
A4 | (d3c)(d2e2)(f2d2) | (f2e2)(d2c2)(B2A2) | (TB2^A2B2)c2d2B2 | (d2c2)(B2A2)(G2F2) |
TG3FG2A2B2G2 | (B2A2)(G2F2)(E2D2) | TE3FG2E2F2D2 | (F2E2)(D2C2)(B,2A,2) |
!p![F8D8] [E4C4] | [D4B,4] [G4A,4] [F4A,4] | TE3FG2E2F2D2 | (F2E2)(D2C2)(B,2A,2) |
[F8D8] [E4C4] | [D4B,4] [G4A,4] [F4A,4] | (E2G2)(F2B2)A2C2 | {C}D8 |: A,4 |
A,2[F2D2][F2D2][F2D2] [E2C2][E2C2] | [D2B,2][D2B,2][G2A,2][G2A,2][F2A,2][F2A,3] |\
TE3F {A}G2FE (FD)(A>F) | (F2E2)(D2C2)(B,2A,2) |
TA,2[FD](.[FD] .[FD].[FD].[FD].[FD] .[EC].[EC].[EC].[EC]) |\
(.[DB,].[DB,].[DB,].[DB,] .[GA,].[GA,].[GA,].[GA,] .[FA,].[FA,].[FA,].[FA,]) | !p!(E2G2)(F2B2)A2C2 | {C}D8 :| A4 |
(de)dc (de)fd (gf)ed | (ef)(de) (cd)(Bc) ^A4 | (Bc).B.A (Bc).d.c (ed).c.B | (cd)(Bc) (AB)(GA) F4 |
(GA)GF (GA)BA (cB)AG | (AB)(GA) (FG)(EF) D4 | (TED)(EF) (GA)(EG) (FA)(DF) | (F2E2)(D2C2)(B,2A,2) |:
"P. Arpeggio" \
(DF)(AF) (DF)(AF) (CE)(AE) | (B,D)GD (B,D)GD (A,D)FD | (TEDE).F (GA)(EA) (FA)(DA) | (FA)(EA) (DA)(CA) (B,G)(A,C) |
.D(FAB) .A(FTED) (CE)(AC) | [D4B,4] [G4A,4] [F4A,4] | (E2G2)(F2B2)(A2C2) | {C2}D8 :| A4 |
(de).d.c (de).f.e (gf).e.d | (ef)(de) (cd)(Bc) (^AB).c.A | (Bc).B.^A (Bc).d.c (ed).c.B | (cd)(Bc)(AB)(GA) (FG).A.F |
(GA).G.F (GA).B.A (cB).A.G | (AB).G.e (Fd).E.c (DE).F.D | (TEFE).F (Ge)EG (Fd)DF | (Fd)(Ec) (DB)(CA) (B,G).A,.C !segno!|]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
d3f a4 A4 | B4 c4 d4 | A6 c2 d2f2 | a4 A4 z4 |\
d3f a4 A4 | B4 c4 d4 | g4 a4 A4 | "_Fine"d4 D4 :|\
z4 | d6 e2f2^g2 | a4 A4 z4 | B6 c2d2e2 |
f4 F4 z4 |\
G6 A2B2c2 | d4 D4 z4 | A4 c4 d4 | a4 A4 z4 |\
!p!d3f a4 A4 | B4 c4 d4 | e4 c4 d4 | a4 A4 z4 |\
d3f a4 A4 | B4 c4 d4 | g4 a4 A4 |
d4 D4 |: z4 |\
d4 a4 A4 | B4 c4 d4 | e4 c4 d4 | a4 A4 z4 | d4 a4 F4 | B4 c4 d4 | !p!g4 a4 A4 |
d4 D4 :| z4 |\
d6 e2f2^g2 | a4 A4 F^AcA | B6 c2d2e2 | f4 F4 DFAF | C6 A2B2c2 | d4 D4 fafd |
e4 c2A2 d2D2 | A4 a4 A4 |: "_P.Arpeggio"\
[d8f8] [c4e4] | [B4d4] g4 f4 | e6 c2d2D2 | A4 a4 A4 | [d8f8] [c4e4] |
B4 c4 d4 | g2e2 a4 A4 | d4 D4 :| z4 | d3c d2e2 f2^g2 | a4 A4 F4 | B3^A B2c2 d2e2 | f4 F4 D4 |
E6 A2 B2c2 | d4 D4 f4 | e4 c2A2 d2D2 | A6 A2B2c2 !segno!|]
% - - - - - - - - - -
T: In the Style of an Opera Dance
C: by Mr Nisbet
%R: jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.35 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
!f!(A,//B,//C/) |\
D2D TF2A | {c}d2D DEF | TEFD {D}CB,A, | (EF).D {D}CB,A, |\
D2D TF2A | {c}d2D DEF | B,GF TEDC | {C}D3 D2 :|
|: F/G/ |\
!p!AFA TBAB | {A}GFG AGA | EB,E {A}GFG | EFD {D}CB,A, |\
AFA TBAB | {A}GFG AFD | B,GF EDC | {C}D3 D2 :|
|: !p!(3(A/B/c/) |\
d2d Tf2a | {c'}d'2d def | efd {d}cBA | efd {d}cBA |\
d2d Tf2a | {c'}d'2d def | Bgf edc | {c}d3 d2 :|
|: "_Pia.mo"f/g/ |\
{b}a^ga bab | {a}gfg {b}a^ga | eBe {a}gfg | efd {d}cBA |\
{b}a^ga bab | {a}gfg afd | Bgf edc | {c}d3 d2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
!f!z |\
D3 d3 | f3 d3 | G3 A3 | E3 A2G | F3 D3 | F2A d3 | g3 a2A | dfa d2 :||: z | !p!f3 g3 |
e3 f3 | G3 g3 | e2g a2g | f2d g3 | e2A f3 | g3 a2A | dAF D2 :||: !p!z |\
dfa dfa | dfa dfa | GBe Ace | Aeg Aea |
dfa dfa | fad' fad' | gbe' ac'e' | d'af d2 :||: "_Pia.mo"z |\
[f3d'3] [g3d'3] | [e3c'3] [f3d'3] | [g3e'3] [g3b3] | e2g a2g |\
[f3d'3] [g3d'3] | [e3c'3] [f3d'3] | g3 a2A | dAF D2 :|
T: the Boolonzie
%R: march
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.35 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
A |\
Ad.d-d | {c}d2dd | (ef)ce | {d}c2(.B.A) |\
(Ad)(.d.d) | {c}d2dd | (eg)ce | d2d :|
|: "_8va alto ad lib"A |\
FEFG | (3ABA DE | {F}F>EFG | A2D2 |\
!p!{g}F>EFG | A>BAG | {G}F>EFG | A2D :|
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | D2d2 | f2d2 | g2e2 | a2g2 | f2d2 | f2f2 | g2a2 | d2D :||: "_8va alto ad lib"z | d2d2 |
D2d2 | D2d2 | f2d2 | !p!d2d2 | d2c2 | d2A2 D2d :|
T: John Anderson's Auldest Daughter
%R: air, march
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.36 #1
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
Q: "Slow"
K: Am
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
!f!AB |\
{AB}c>A BG | TE2 G^F | G2 GE | A>BTc>d |\
e>Bc>A | !p!TE2 A^G | A2 A>A | [A2E2C2] :: !f!AB |\
{d}c>B cd | {cd}e2 Td>c |
!f!B[GB,][GB,]B | d2Tc>!p!d |\
e>B c>A | "_Cres."TE2 A^G | A2 AE | {E}Hc2 {d}(c/B/c/).d/ |\
!f!e>Bc>A | TE2 A^G | A2 A>A | [A2E2C2] :|
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
!f!z2 | A2 e2 | c2 d2 | A2 g2 | {A}a2 z^G | A^GAB | !p!cdeE | AaAA | A2 :: !f!z2 | c'2 c2 |
zc'ba | !f!g2Gg | b2a!p!b | c'^gae | "_Cres."cd eE | Aa A2 | Hc2 z2 | !f!A^GAB | cd eE | AaAA | A2 :|
T: Rattling Roaring Willie. or Mr Robertson of Ladykirks' Delight.
%R: slip-jig
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.36 #2
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Several trailing grace notes transcribed as 16th notes, to satisfy all ABC software.
M: 9/8
L: 1/8
K: A
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
f |\
ecA ABA cef | (T=g2f/g/) BGB Td2f | ecA ABA ceg | (Ta2g/a/) ecA e2f/g/ | {b}agf ecA cef |
(T=g2f/g/) .B.G.B Td2B | ABA Tc2A cea | cAc BGB A2 :: f | ecA acA ecA | B=GB gdB Td2f | ecA acA ecA |
{b}agf ecA e2f/g/ | {b}agf ecA cef | {a}=gfg BGB Td2B | ABA Tc2A cea | cAc BGB A2 :|
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
z | a3 a3 a3 | =g3 g3 g3 | a3 a3 a3 | a3 a3 a3 | a3 a3 a3 |
=g3 g3 g3 | a3 a3 a3 | e3 E3 A2 :: z | a3 a3 a3 | =g3 g3 g3 | a3 a3 a3 |
a3 a3 a3 | a3 a3 a3 | =g3 g3 g3 | a3 a3 a3 | e3 E3 A2 :|
T: Mr Alexander Cunninghams. Strathspey
%R: strathspey
B: Niel Gow & Sons "A Third Collection of Strathspey Reels, etc." v.3 p.36 #3
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The 2nd part has initial repeat but no final repeat; transcribed to not repeat 2nd part.
M: C|
L: 1/16
K: D
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 staves=2
(d3e/f/) A2F2 B2B,2TB,3A, | DDD2 DDD2 TF3EFA3 ::\
Td3f (gf)ed Tc2e2e2f2 | Td3ef2b2 a2d2f2(b2 |
a2)d2 A2F2 B2B,2TB,3A, | DDD2 DDD2 TF3EFA3 ||\
Td3f {g}f2ed Tc2e2e2f2 | Td3ef2b2 a2f2g2e2 |\
f2.d2.A2.F2 B2B,2E2C2 | DDD2 TF3A {c}d3DF"_Fine"A3 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
% Voice 2 preserves the staff layout in the book.
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
|: D4d2f2 g4a4 | f4a4 d2a2f2d2 | D4d4 G4A4 | D4d4 D4d4 :: d'4b2^g2 a4A4 |
[f6d8]g2 [f6d8]g2 | f4d4 G4A4 | d4D4 d4D4 || d'4b2^g2 a4=g4 | f4d2g2 [d4f4][A4e4] | D4d4 G4A4 | D4d4 f4d4 |]