T:The Maid peept out at the window
T:The Frier in the Well
N:Key later changed to G Mix
H:"The Friar in the Well": The story is an old one, and one of the many
H:popular songs against monks and friars. D'Urfey included the song in
H:"Pills to Purge Melancholy" (1719).
W:As I lay musing all alone, a merry tale I thought upon
W:Now listen a
W:while and I will you tell
W:Of a fryar that lov'd a bonny lass
W:He came to her when she was going to bed
W:Desiring to have
W:her maidenhead
W:But she denied his desire
W:Saying that she did fear
W:Tush tush, quoth the fryer, thou need's not
W:If thou wert
W:in hell I could sing thee out
W:Why then, quoth the maid, thou shalt
W:have thy request
W:The fryer was as glad as a fox in his nest ...
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/Playford/EDM/042_Maid_peept_out_at_the_window.abc 2025-03-14 032005 UT
D|G2G G>AB|A2G E3|B2B c>de|d2B G2:|
G|B2c d>ed|c2B A2G|F2E F2G|A>GF E3|D2D G2G|F>EF E2E|D2G F>GA|G3-G2 :|