T: Mrs Farquhar's Reel
C: by John Christie
R: reel
B: William Christie's "A Collection of Strathspeys, Reels, Hornpipes, Waltzes, &c." p.35 #1
S: https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/120545033
Z: 2022 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
V: 1 staves=2
V: 2 clef=bass middle=d
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/WilliamChristie/351_Mrs_Farquhars_Reel.abc 2024-11-24 000103 UT
K: F
% %slurgraces yes
% %graceslurs yes
% = = = = = = = = = =
% The transcription with V:1 and V:2 separate caused "random" failures in several ABC apps.
% Tweaking the transcription in small ways changed the error messages, but still failed.
% Deleting any single line "fixed" the failures, so it wasn't related to anything obvious in the ABC.
% Rearranging as intermingled [V:1] and [V:2] lines "fixed" the problem. Bizarre.
% = = = = = = = = = =
[V:1] A | ~F2(.C.F) AFcA | G2(.D.G) EGEC | ~F2(.C.F) AFAc | {c}(TBA)GA F2F :| A | {A}c2Tc>B A2Ac | (c<d)fd {d}c2cB |
[V:2] z | f2F2 f2F2 | B2=B2 c2_B2 | A2F2 f2F2 | c2C2 F2F :| z | F2f2 F2f2 | B2b2 a2g2 |
[V:1] {B}A2AG ~F2FA | (GB).G.E {E}F2FA | {AB}c2 {d}Tc>B A2Ac | (c<d)fd {d}c2Tc>B | (AB) cB AFGE | DFEG {G}F2F |]
[V:2] f2c2 F2f2 | B2c2 F2f2 | F2f2 F2f2 | B2B2 c2e2 | f2e2 f2c2 | B2c2 F2F |]
%%vskip 5
[V:1] |: B | {B}TA2.F.A cAcA | ~G2.E.G (BG).B.G | {B}A2.F.A (cA).c.A | {c}TBAGA {G}F2F :| B | A<c-Tc>B A>c(de) | fcdB AcAF |
[V:2] |: z | F2f2 F2f2 | c2c'2 g2e2 | f2F2 f2F2 | c2C2 F2F :| z | f2e2 f2b2 | a2b2 f2f2 |
[V:1] A<c-Tc>B (Ac).d.e | (fd).=B.d {d}c2cf | (ef).g.f (ed).e.c | (de).f.d {d}Tc=BcA | .B.f.d.B .A.c.A.F | (D<G)TG>E {E}F2F |]
[V:2] f2c2 f2B2 | d2G2 c2Cz | c2c'2 g2c2 | B2B2 a2f2 | d2B2 f2F2 | B2c2 F2F |]