T: If I had my life to live over
C: Henry Tobias & Moe Jaffe (1939)
N: Copyright assigned 1943 to Bob Miller, Inc.
N: Copyright assigned 1944 to General Music Publishing Co.
Z: 2006 John Chambers <jc@trillian.mit.edu>
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/fake/IfIHadMyLifeToLiveOver.abc 2024-12-01 022739 UT
K: C
A | "C"GE>A | GE>A | GG2- | G3 |
w: If I had my life to live o-ver*
edc | "E7"Bd>c | "F"A3- | "A7"A2c |
w: I'd do the same things a-gain* I'd
"Dm7"cAc | "G7"B2^A/B/ | "E7"dBd | "Am"c4B/c/ |
w: still want to roam near the place we called home Where my
"D7"ecA | ^FAe | "G7"d3- | d2A |
w: hap-pi-ness nev-er would end.* I'd
"C"GE>A | GE>A | GG2- | G2G |
w: meet you when school days were o-ver* and
edc | "E7"Bd>c | "F"A3- | "A7"A2A |
w: walk thru the lanes that we knew,* if
"Dm"ABc | dc"Cdim"A | "C"G3 | "A7"e2G |
w: I had my life to live o-ver I'd
"Dm"FAe | "G7"d2c | "C"c3- | c2 |]
w: still fall in love with you.
%%sep 5 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: If I had my life to live over
C: Henry Tobias & Moe Jaffe (1939)
N: Copyright assigned 1943 to Bob Miller, Inc.
N: Copyright assigned 1944 to General Music Publishing Co.
Z: 2006 John Chambers <jc@trillian.mit.edu>
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
B | "D"AF>B | AF>B | AA2- | A3 |
w: If I had my life to live o-ver*
fed | "F#7"ce>d | "G"B3- | "B7"B2d |
w: I'd do the same things a-gain* I'd
"Em7"dBd | "A7"c2=B/c/ | "F#7"ece | "Bm"d4c/d/ |
w: still want to roam near the place we called home Where my
"E7"fdB | ^GBf | "A7"e3- | e2B |
w: hap-pi-ness nev-er would end.* I'd
"D"AF>B | AF>B | AA2- | A2A |
w: meet you when school days were o-ver* and
fed | "F#7"ce>d | "G"B3- | "B7"B2B |
w: walk thru the lanes that we knew,* if
"Em"Bcd | ed"Ddim"B | "D"A3 | "B7"f2A |
w: I had my life to live o-ver I'd
"Em"GBf | "A7"e2d | "D"d3- | d2 |]
w: still fall in love with you.