T: 20210911 Belmont MA PorchFest
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/session/PF/Belmont/20210911_PF_Belmont_Set.abc 2025-01-13 232631 UT
%%sep 1 1 500
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T: Danny Boy, (London)Derry Air [C]
C: trad. Ireland
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: C
"G7"zB,CD | "C"E3 D EA "C7"GE | "F"DC "(Dm)"A,2 \
[1 "G7"zCEF | "C"G3 A GE "(D7)"CE | "G"D4 :|\
[2 "G7"zB,CD | "C"E3 F ED "G7"CD | "C"C4 |] "G7"zGAB |
"C"c3 B "F"BA "(G7)"GA | "C"GE C2 "G7"zGAB |\
"C"c3 B "F"BA GE | "G"D4 "G7"zGAG |\
"C"e3 d "F"dc Ac | "C"GE C2 "Am"zB,"F"CD |\
"C"EA GE "F"DC "G7"A,B, | "C"C4 |]
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Danny Boy, (London)Derry Air [D]
C: trad. Ireland
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: D
"A7"zCDE | "D"F3 E FB "D7"AF | "G"ED "(Em)"B,2 \
[1 "A7"zDFG | "D"A3 B AF "(E7)"DF | "A"E4 :|\
[2 "A7"zCDE | "D"F3 G FE "A7"DE | "D"D4 |] "A7"zABc |
"D"d3 c "G"cB "(A7)"AB | "D"AF D2 "A7"zABc |\
"D"d3 c "G"cB AF | "A"E4 "A7"zABA |\
"D"f3 e "G"ed Bd | "D"AF D2 "Bm"zC"G"DE |\
"D"FB AF "G"ED "A7"B,C | "D"D4 |]
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: the Drunken Sailor [Dm]
C: Trad (song)
R: reel
Z: 2011 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: Ddor
[| "Dm"A2AA A2AA | A2D2 F2A2 | "C"G2GG G2GG | G2C2 E2G2 \
| "Dm"A2AA A2AA | A2B2 c2d2 | "Am"c2A2 G2E2 | "Dm"D4 D4 |]
[| "Dm"A4 A4 | A2D2 F2A2 | "C"G4 G4 | G2C2 E2G2 \
| "Dm"A4 A4 | A2B2 c2c2 | "Am"c2A2 G2E2 | "Dm"D4 D4 |]
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: I'll Fly Away
C: music: Albert E. Brumley
R: hymn
Z: 2021 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/4
K: G
"G"[B2G2] [G2D2] | [D2B,2] [G2D2] | [BG]A [BG]c | [B2G2] A2 | "C"[G4-E4C4] | G2 EE | "G"[D4B,4] | z4 ||
w: 1.~Some glad morn-ing when this life is o-ver I'll_ fly a-way
w: 2.~When the shad-ows of this life have grown* I'll_ fly a-way
w: 3.~Oh how glad and hap-py when we meet* I'll_ fly a-way
w: 4.~Just a few more wear-y days and then* I'll_ fly a-way
"G"[B2G2] [G2D2] | [D2B,2] [G2D2] | [BG]A [BG]c | [B4G4] | [B4-D4] | B2 "D"[AF][AF] | "G"[G4D4] | z4 |]
w: 1.~To a home on God's ce-les-tial shore I'll_ fly a-way.
w: 2.~Like a bird from pri-son bars have flown I'll_ fly a-way.
w: 3.~No more cold iron shack-les on my feet I'll_ fly a-way
w: 4.~To a land where joys shall ne-ver end I'll_ fly a-way
"^Chorus"[| \
"G"[d4-B4G4] | d2 [BG][BG] | [d2B2][B2G2] | [A2F2] [G2D2] | "C"[G4-C4] | G2 EE | "G"[D4B,4] | z4 ||
w: I'll_ fly a-way oh glo-ry I'll_ fly a-way.
"G"D2 E2 | [G2D2] GA | [BG]A [BG]c | [B4G4] | [B4-D4] | B2 "D"[AF][AF] | "G"[G4D4G,4] | z4 |]
w: When I die ha-le-lu-jah by and by I'll_ fly a-way.
%%sep 1 1 500
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T: I'll Tell My Ma [D]
O: Trad Ireland
Z: 2006 John Chambers <jc@trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/4
K: D
[d/A/] \
|: "D"Ad f>f | "(G)"gf "D"f>f | "A7"fe e>f | "D"ed dz/ :|
[| "D"aa af | "Em"gg ge | "D"f>f fd | "A7"ec BA |
| "D"aa af | "G"gg g2 | "D"fd/d/ "A7"ef | "D"ed dz/ |]
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: It's a Long Way to Tipperary [G]
%R: march
Z: 2019 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
S: printed image from Darlene Wigton 2019-3-2
L: 1/8
M: C
K: G
%%continueall 0
D |\
"G"BB Bc BB AG | "C"AB AG "Am"E3 (G |\
"D"A)A AB "D7"AG ED | "G"GG GG "D"D2 z2 ||\
"G"BB Bc "Em"BB AG | "C"AB AG "Am"E2 G-G |
"D"AA AB "D7"AG ED | "G"GG "C"GE "G"G2 |]\
"^Chorus"[| B,C |\
"G"D2 D2 zDEF | G2 B4 BA |\
"C"G2 E4 G2 | "G"D4- "D"D2 B,C ||\
"G"D2 D2 zDEF | "Em"G2 B4 FG |
"A"A2 E2 "A7"F2 G2 | "D"A4- "D7"A4 ||\
"G"D2 D2 zDEF | G2B2- B4 |\
"C"c2 G2 G2 A2 | "B"B4- B2 GA ||\
"G"B2 B2 BG AG | "C"E4 "G"D2 (GA) |\
"A7"B2 G2- "D7"G2 A2 | "G"G6 z |]
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Mairi's Wedding
T: the Lewis Bridal Song
C: Words: John Bannerman (1935)
O: Music: Trad Scotland (1909)
H: The well-known words for this song, and the Scottish Country Dance that goes
H: with it, were written for Mary McNiven, born in 1908, and still alive in 1998.
H: The lyrics were written by Johnny Bannerman for her birthday in 1935, in Gaelic.
H: Her wedding to Captain John Campbell was in 1941. The tune itself is older.
H: It was published in Marjory Kennedy-Fraser's "Songs of the Hebrides" (1909).
R: march
Z: 1998 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/4
K: D
f "A"\
[| "D"A>A AB | de f2 | "G"ed Bd | "A7"fe fa \
| "D"A>A AB | de f2 | "G"ed BG | "A7"A2 A2 |]
[| "D"a>a ab | ag f2 | "G"ed Bd | "A7"fe f<a \
| "D"a>a ab | ag f2 | "G"ed BG |1 "A7"A2 A2 :|2 "A"AB/c/ d/e/f/g/ |]
[| "D"a>a ab | ag f2 | "G"ed Bd | "A7"fe f<a \
| "D"A>A AB | de fg | "G"a>f "A7"fe | "D"d2 z |]
%%text Ch: Step we gaily on we go, heel for heel and toe for toe, \
Arm and arm and row on row, all for Mh\`airi's wedding.
%%text 1. Plenty herring, plenty meal, plenty fish to fill her creel, \
Plenty bonny bairns as weel, that's our toast for Mh\`airi.
%%sep 1 1 500
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T: the Minstrel Boy (high) [C]
R: march
Z: John Chambers <jc@trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
K: C
"^A"[|] G !segno!|\
"C"c3 d | fe dc | e2 "(G)"g2 | "(Am)"c'2 bc' |\
"F"a2 g2 | "C"e>f ge | "G7"d4 | "C fine"c3 :|
e "^B"[|\
"Am"c'2 b2 | a2 bc' | "G"b3 a | g3 g |\
"Am"a3 e | e3 e | "F"a2 "G7"b2 | "C"c'2 "d.S."ed |]
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: the Minstrel Boy (low) [C]
R: march
Z: John Chambers <jc@trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
K: C
"^A"[|] G, !segno!|\
"C"C3 D | FE DC | E2 "(G)"G2 | "(Am)"c2 Bc |\
"F"A2 G2 | "C"E>F GE | "G7"D4 | "C fine"C3 :|
E "^B"[|\
"Am"c2 B2 | A2 Bc | "G"B3 A | G3 G |\
"Am"A3 E | E3 E | "F"A2 "G7"B2 | "C"c2 "d.S."ED |]
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Ripple [G,w]
C: music: Jerry Garcia
C: words: Robert Hunter
R: air
Z: 2020 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: G
"G"z8 | "D"z8 | "C"z8 | "Am"z4 "G"z4 [| "G"z2B,>B, B,2C2 |: D2z2 z4 | z2GG (3(B2A2)B2 | "C"G4 E4 |
w: If my words did glow with the gold* of sun-shine
w: | | | | | hand if your cup* be emp-ty,
z4 E2E2 | G4 z2 A2 | G2z2 (D2E2) | G2z2 {D}E4 | "G"D2B,>B, C2^C2 |
w: and my tunes were played on the harp un-strung, Would you hear my
w: if your cup is full, may it be a-gain. Let* it be
D4 z4 | z2G2 (3(B2A2B2) | "C"G4 E4 |
w: voice come through* the mu-sic?
w: known there is* a foun-tain
z4 z4 | "G"B2B2 B2c2 | "D"A4 z4 | "C"E2G2 G2A2 |
w: Would you hold it near, as it were your
w: that ~ was not made by the hands of
G2 B,>B, B,2C2 || D4 z4 | z2G2 (3(B2A2B2) |
w: own? It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts* are
w: men. There* is a road, no sim-*ple
"C"G4 E4 | z4 z2E2 | G4 z2 A2 | G2E2 E2E2 |
w: bro-ken; per-haps they're bet-ter**
w: high-way be-tween the dawn* and the
G4 E4 | "G"D2B,2 B,2C2 | D2z2 z4 | z2G2 (3(B2A2B2) | "C"(G4 E2)z2 | z8 | "G"B2z2 B2c2 | "D"A2z2 z4 |
w: left un-sung. ~ I don't know, don't real-*ly care.* Let there be songs
w: dark of night. And if you go, no one* may fol-low, That path is for
"C"z2E2 G2A2 | "G"G8 | "F#"z4 "G7"z4 | "Am"A4 G4 | A2 G4 A2 | "D7"(F2E2) D4 | z4 E2F2 | "G"G2A2 G2D2 |
w: to fill the air. Rip-ple in* still wa-*ter; when there is no peb-ble
w: your steps a-lone.
"C"E2 z4 G2 | "A"G4 F4 |[1 "D"D2B,2 C2^C2 :||2 "D"D2z2 B,2 C2 | "G"D4 z4 | z2G2 (3(B2A2)B2 |
w: tossed, nor wind to blow. Reach out your | blow. You who choose to lead* must
"C"G4 E4 | z4 z2E2 | G2z2 z2A2 | G2z2 E4 | G4 E4 | "G"D2 B,2 C2^C2 | D4 z4 |
w: fol-low, but if you fall, you fall a-lone. If you should stand,
z2G2 (3(B2A2)B2 | "C"G4 E4 | z8 | "G"BB3 B2c2 | "D"A4 z4 | "C"E2G2 G2A2 |
w: then who's* to guide you? If I knew the way I would take you
"G"G2 B,>B,B,C2D- | D2z2 z4 | z2G2 (3(B2A2)B2 | "C"G4 E2z2 | z4 zE (3EFG- | G2 z4 A2 | G2z3 G AG- | G4 E3D- |
w: home. La dee da da da,* la da* da da da, da da da da,* da da, da da da* da da,
D2B,2 B,C2D- | D2z2 z4 | z2G2 (3(B2A2)B2 | "C"G4 E2z2 | z4 | B4 B2cA- | "D"A2z2 z4 | "C"EG2G- GA3 | "G"HG4 |]
w: ~ La da da da,* la da* da da da, La da da da,* la da da* da da.
%%text Basic version; play with fluid rhythm and lots of anticipation.
%%sep 1 1 500
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T: Scotland the Brave [D]
R: march
Z: 2018 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
S: Handout at Concord Slow Scottish jam session 2018-11-30
N: Lyrics from the singing of Tom and Marie Teven.
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
K: D
%%continueall yes
"D"D2 D>E | FD FA | d2 d>c | dA FD | "G"G2 B>G | "D"FA FD | "A7"E2 A>B | A GFE |
w: 1.~Hark where the night is fall-ing. Hark hear the pipes a call-ing Loud-ly and proud-ly call-ing down thru the glen.***
w: 2.~High in the mist-y moun-tains, Out by the pur-ple high-lands, Brave are the hearts that beat be-neath Scot-tish skies.***
w: 3.~Far-off in sun-lit pla-ces, Sad are the Scot-tish fa-ces, Yearn-ing to feel the kiss of sweet Scot-tish rain.***
"D"D2 D>E | FD FA | d2 d>c | dA FD | "G"G2 B>G | "D"FA FD | "A7"E2 D>C | "D"D2 cd
w: There where the hills are sleep-ing, Now feel the blood a leap-ing, High as the spi-rits of the old high-land men.**
w: Wild are the winds to meet you. Staunch are the friends that greet you. Kind as the love that shines from fair maid-ens eyes.**
w: Where tro-pic skies are beam-ing, Love sets the heart a'-dream-ing, Long-ing and dream-ing for the home-land a-gain!**
"A7"e2 e>f | ec A2 | "D"d2 f>e | "G"dB "D"A2 | "Bm"d2 d>d | "Fm"c2 d>c | "E7"Bd cB | "A7"A GFE |
w: Tower-ing in gal-lant fame, Scot-land my moun-tain hame, High may your proud stan-dards glo-ri-ous-ly wave.***
"D"D2 D>E | FD FA | d2 d>c | dA FD | "G"G2 B>G | "D"FA FD | "A7"E2 D>C | "D"D3 z |]
w: Land of my high en-dea-vor, Land of the shin-ing ri-ver, Land of my heart for-ev-er, Scot-land the Brave.
%%sep 1 1 500
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T: The Star of the County Down [Em]
O: Ireland, Scotland 1726
R: air, march
N: Also played in waltz time
N: This is also the tune for an older song, "My Love Nell"
B: Loesberg "Folksongs & Ballads Popular in Ireland"
M: C
L: 1/8
K: Em
"^A"|: B,D | "Em"E2E2 "C"E2DE | "G"G2G2 "D"A2GA | "Em"B2AG [1 E2B,2 | "Bm"D4 :|[2 "D"E2D2 | "Em"E4 |]
"^B"|: Bc | "G"d2B2 B2AG | "D"A2A2 A2GA | "Em"B2AG E2E2 | "Bm"D4 ||
"^A"| B,D | "Em"E2E2 "C"E2DE | "G"G2G2 "D"A2GA | "Em"B2AG "D"E2D2 | "Em"E4 :|
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Whiskey In The Jar [C]
I: 067 2
R: Reel
Z: Carl Allison
B: Joe Buchanan's Scottish Tome - Page 067.2
L: 1/4
M: 4/4
K: C
E |\
"C"G>G GA | "C"G E2 G | "Am"A>A AB | "Am"A E2 G | "F"A>A AB | "F"c<c BA |
"C"GG cB |1 A E2 :|2 "C"AG EC |] "G"D>D DE | "G"D4 | z "C"E E3/ D/ |
"C"E<F "C7"G2 | z "F"A A3/ G/ | "F"A<B cA | "C"EE "G7"DD | "C"C3 |] z4 | z4 ||
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Whiskey You're the Devil [C]
C: Jerry Barrington 1873
O: Ireland
M: C
L: 1/16
Z: 2019 John Chambers <jc@trillian.mit.edu>
K: C
G2 \
| "C"C2C2C2D2 E2G2G2G2 | "Dm"A2D2D2E2 "G7"F2G2A2G2 \
| "F"c3dc2A2 "C"A2G2G2E2 | "D7"D2D2D2E2 "G7"D2B,2A,2G,2 |]
| "C"C4E3D C6GE | CCC2 CDEF G6 GE | "Dm"DDD2 DEFG A4 "G7"z2G2 \
| "F"c2d2c2A2 "C"A2G2"F"c2A2 | "C"G2E2 "G7"D3E "C"C4 z4 |]
[| "C"C2C2 C3D E2G4G2 | "F"A2G2A2B2 c4 z4 \
| "F"c3dc2A2 "C"A2G4E2 | "D7"D3D D2E2 "G7"D6 G2 |
| "C"C2C2C2D2 E2G2G2G2 | "F"A2G2A2B2 c4c3B \
| "C"A2G2 "F"[c3F3]B "C"A2G2 "Am"E2C2 | "Dm"D4-"G7"D4 "C"C6 |]
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Wild Mountain Thyme [D,w]
C: trad.
R: air, waltz
Z: 2021 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
S: Clare Hurley's handout for the Belmont Porchfest has all the notes the same as this, but a few different chords.
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
K: D
% %continueall
% = = = = = = = = = =
DB, | "D"A,2B, "G"D2D | "D"DD2 zFA | "G"B2-B B2A | "D"FA2 zFA |
w: 1.~O the sum-mer time is com-ing, and the trees are sweet-ly bloom-ing, and the
w: 2.~I will build my love a tow-er near yon pure_ crys-tal foun-tain, and_
w: 3.~If my true love, she were gone,_ I would sure-ly find an-oth-er, where the
"G"B2-B "D/F#"A2F | "Em"(ED2) zEF | "G"G2F E2D | B,D2 |]
w: 1.~wild_ moun-tain thyme_ grows a-round the bloom-ing heath-er.
w: 2.~on it I will pile_ all the flow-ers of the moun-tain.
w: 3.~wild_ moun-tain thyme_ grows a-round the bloom-ing heath-er.
% = = = = = = = = = =
zDB, | "D"(A,2B,) "G"DD2 | "D"D3 zFA | "G"B3 B2A | "D"FA2 zFA | "G"B3 "D/F#"A2F |
w: Will ye go,_ las-sie, go? And we'll all go to-geth-er to pluck wild moun-tain
"Em"(ED2) zEF | "G"G2F E2D | B,D2 "^Intro:"zDB, | "D"(A,2B,) "G"DD2 | "D"D3 z |]
w: thyme_ all a- round the bloom-ing heath-er. Will ye go_ las-sie, go?
% = = = = = = = = = =
% %begintext
% % Singers take lead
% % 1st time: Voices + Darlene on guitar
% % 2nd: add bass
% % 3rd: add flute
% % 4th: repeat 1st verse, flute drops out
% % Repeat chorus a second time, voices only
% %endtext
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: the Wild Rover [G,w]
O: Ireland
R: waltz
Z: 2018 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
S: Printed page of unknown origin, via the Merry Minstrels (Lexington MA USA)
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
% %continueall 0
% - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|: D | "G"G> A G | E D B | B< A B | "C"c3- | c2
w: 1.~I've been a wild ro-ver for ma-ny's the year*
w: But now I'm re-turn-ing with gold in great store*
w: 2.~I~went in-to an ale-house I used to fre-quent
w: I asked her for cre-dit, she an-swered me nay,
w: 3.~I~then took from my pock-et ten so-ve-reigns bright
w: She said I'd have whis-key and wines of the best
w: 4.~I'll~go home to my pa-rents, con-fess what I've done,
w: And when they've ca-ressed me as oft' times be-fore
% - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B/c/ | "G"d B d | "D7"c A F | D B A | [1 "G"G3- | G2 :|[2 "G *"G3- | G
w: 1.~and I've spent all me mo-ney on whis-key and beer.*
w: and I ne-ver will play the wild ro-ver no** more.*
w: 2.~and I told the land-la-dy me mo-ney was spent.*
w: such a cus-tom as yours I can have a-ny** day.
w: 3.~and the land-la-dy's eyes o-pened wide with de-light.
w: and the words that she told me were on-ly in** jest.
w: 4.~and I'll ask them to par-don their pro-di-gal son.
w: then I ne-ver will play the wild ro-ver no** more.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - -
F G | "D" A3 | A3 | "D7"F D2 | k.Dk.Ek.F | "G"k.G BB | B< A B | "C"c3- | c
w: And it's no, nay, ne-ver, (clap clap clap clap) no, nay, ne-ver, no more*
% - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B c | "G"d3- | d B G | "C"F E2- | E2 E | "G"D B2- | "D7"B2 A | "G"G3 | z3 |]
w: will I play* the wild ro-ver.* No ne-ver,* no more.
%%text * This measure is often omitted.
%%sep 1 1 500
%%sep 1 1 500
T: Wildwood Flower [A,w]
C: music: Joseph Philbrick Webster (1860)
R: song, march
Z: 2021 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
K: A
% %continueall yes
% = = = = = = = = = =
CD | "A"[E2C2] FA | [C2A,2] DC | "E"[B,2G,2] CB, | "A"[E4A,4] |
w: 1.~Oh I'll twine with my ring-lets and wav-ing black hair
w: 2.~I will dance, I will sing, and my life shall be gay
w: 3.~Oh, he taught me to love him and pro-mised to love
w: 4.~Oh, he taught me to love him, he called me his flower
z2 CD | "A"[E2C2] FA | [C2A,2] DC | "E"[B,2G,2] CB, | "A"[E4A,4] |
w: with the ro-ses so red and the li-lies so fair
w: I will charm ev-ery heart and his crown I will sway
w: And to che-rish me o-ver all o-thers a-bove
w: That was bloom-ing to cheer him through life's drea-ry hour
z2 EA | "A"[c2A2] cB | A2 EE | "D"[F2D2] AF | "A"[E2A,2] "*"z2 |
w: and the myr-tle so bright with the em-er-ald hue
w: When I woke from my dream-ing my i-dols of clay
w: How my heart is now won-dering no mis-ery can tell
w: Oh, I long to* see him re-gret the dark hour
z2 CD | "A"[E2C2] FA | [C2A,2] DC | "E"[B,2G,2] CB, | "A"[E4A,4] | z4 |]
w: and the pale a-ma-ni-ta and hys-sop so blue.
w:~ Our por-tion of love had* all gone aw-ay.
w:~ He left me no warn-ing, no words of fare-well.
w:~ He's gone and neg-lect-ed his pale wild-wood flower.
%%text * The "filler" (rests) here are often omitted.