T: General Guinness
C: words: Seamus Kennedy
R: song
Z: id:hn-song-53
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
F:http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/session/PF/Belmont/General_Guinness/General_Guinness-G-16-4w8W16.abc 2024-12-27 105550 UT
K: G
D | "G"DG GG | GB BB | "C"cE EE | E3
w: 1.~You've heard of Ge-neral Wel-ling-ton, who won at Wa-ter-loo,
w: He's good old Ge-neral Guin-ness, he's a sol-dier strong and stout.
c | "D7"cA AA | Ad dc | "G"BG "D7"AF | "G"G3 ||
w: But there's a good old I-rish-man I'll men-tion un-to you.
w: He's found on ev-ery bot-tle-front, and~he can't be done with-out!
D | "G"DG GG | GB BB | "C"cE EE | E3
w: He comes from dear old Dub-lin, he's a man we all ap-plaud,
w: His no-ble name his world-wide fame, de-serve three hear-ty cheers,
c | "D7"cA AA | Ad dc | "G"BG "D7"AF | "G"G3 :|
w: For~he al-ways finds a cork-screw far more han-dy than a sword.
w: Hur-rah! for Ge-neral Guin-ness of the Dub-lin Boo-zi-liers!
%W: You've heard of General Wellington, who won at Waterloo,
%W: But there's a good old Irishman I'll mention unto you.
%W: He comes from dear old Dublin, he's a man we all applaud,
%W: For he always finds a corkscrew far more handy than a sword.
%W: He's good old General Guinness, he's a soldier strong and stout.
%W: He's found on every bottlefront, and he can't be done without!
%W: His noble name his world-wide fame, deserve three hearty cheers,
%W: Hurrah! for General Guinness of the Dublin Booziliers!
W: This hale and hearty warrior is worshipped in the ranks,
W: For he does his task inside the cask, as well as in the tanks.
W: He bears the brunt on every front, north, south, east, and west,
W: And he wears about ten million canteen medals on his chest.
W: He's good old General Guinness, he has won the world's applause.
W: 'Twas him who kept our spirits up in the midst of all our wars.
W: Who was the first to flirt with Mademoiselle from Armentieres?
W: Why good old General Guinness of the Dublin Booziliers.
W: All over bonny Scotland too, the General is seen.
W: They've given him the freedom of the toon of Aberdeen.
W: From Inverness to Galashiels, he keeps them warm and bright,
W: And they love to gather 'round him, och, on every moonlit night.
W: He's good old General Guinness, he's as strong as Scottish broth,
W: 'Twas him who turned the Firth of Forth into the Firth of Froth.
W: All Scotsmen dance The Highland Fling and shout when he appears,
W: Hurrah! for General Guinness of the Dublin Booziliers.
W: Through the length and breadth of Ireland, the General he is known,
W: His Convoy takes his liquid joy to Kerry and to Rome.
W: From Saint James's Gate he's never late, on his appointed round,
W: And no matter what the weather, sure, he never lets us down.
W: He's good old General Guinness, he's as good as Irish stew,
W: We all recall his war cry, "Guinness is Good For You."
W: So Irish men all raise a glass, and give three rousing cheers,
W: Hurrah! for General Guinness of the Dublin Booziliers!