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JC's Scottish reel collection
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.||||||||||||||||||||||||. Found 2452 tune files in "/music/abc/Scotland/reel"
2 - 4 - 7 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z - m
2   top
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4   top
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451:Steamboat, The
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7   top
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1:a Boy's Lament for His Dragon
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A   top
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1:Tinker Tyke
abc gif png pdf svg AlasdairsReel D4 16 1:Alasdair's Reel [D]
1:Tinker Tyke
abc gif png pdf svg AlasdairsReel G4 16 1:Alasdair's Reel [G]
1:Tinker Tyke
abc gif png pdf svg AleIsDear 1:Ale is Dear
1:Maighstir Ord
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abc gif png pdf svg G 16 4 Alewife and her Barrel 1904:The Alewife and her Barrel
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abc gif png pdf svg Alexanders Hornpipe 1 21:Alexander's Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg Bm 16 2 Ale is Dear 1:Ale is Dear
1:Maighstir Ord
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1:Maighstir Ord
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1:Maighstir Ord
abc gif png pdf svg Ale is dear The 1 14:Ale is dear, The
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abc gif png pdf svg AndersonsR 1:Mrs. Anderson's Reel
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abc gif png pdf svg Andy Renwicks Ferret 1 1:Andy Renwick's Ferret
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abc gif png pdf svg AngusCampbell 1:Angus Campbell
1:the Laird o' Drumblair
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1:the Laird o' Drumblair
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 3 Angus Campbell 1:Angus Campbell
1:the Laird o' Drumblair
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1:the Laird o' Drumblair
abc gif png pdf svg Angus Campbell Glasgow 1 13:Angus Campbell (Glasgow)
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 2 Angus Grants R 1:Angus Grant's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 2 Angus MacKinnons Hp 1:Angus MacKinnon's Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg Angus MacKinnons H D 1:Angus MacKinnon's Hornpipe
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abc gif png pdf svg A 32 2 Annex 1:the Annex
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Annex 1:the Annex
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abc gif png pdf svg Anvil1 A6 1:the Anvil
abc gif png pdf svg Anvil2 A3 1:the Anvil
abc gif png pdf svg Anvil2 A6 1:the Anvil
abc gif png pdf svg Anvil A6 1:the Anvil
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abc gif png pdf svg A4 32 4 Apple Tree 1:Apple Tree
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abc gif png pdf svg F4 32 3 Archie Menzies 55:Archie Menzies
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abc gif png pdf svg F 32 2 Archie Menzies 1 55:Archie Menzies
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abc gif png pdf svg D2 32 2 Arkansas Traveler 1:the Arkansaw Traveller
1:the Arkansas Traveller
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abc gif png pdf svg ArthursSeatR Bm 1:Arthur's Seat
abc gif png pdf svg ArthursSeatR Bm2 1:Arthur's Seat
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abc gif png pdf svg D 32 2 Ashleys Ride 1:Ashley's Ride
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Ashleys Ride 1:Ashley's Ride [D]
abc gif png pdf svg AstleysRide D 1:Astley's Ride
1:Drumley's Reel
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abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Astleys Ride 1:Astley's Ride
1:Ashley's Ride
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1:Ashley's Ride
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1:As a thòiseach
1:Be Off Macintosh
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abc gif png pdf svg A 32 6 Athole Highlanders Farewell 1:Athole Highlanders' Farewell to Loch Katrine
abc gif png pdf svg AtTheFair 1:At the Fair
abc gif png pdf svg AtTheFair 3C 1:At the Fair
abc gif png pdf svg C3 32 3 At the Fair 1:At the Fair
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abc gif png pdf svg Auchindrain 1 303:Auchindrain
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abc gif png pdf svg AuldFiddler A 1:the Auld Fiddler
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abc gif png pdf svg AuldGrayCat Em3 1:the Auld Grey Cat
abc gif png pdf svg AuldGreyCat Em 1:the Auld Grey Cat
1:the Old Gray Cat
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abc gif png pdf svg AuldReekieH Gm-16 1:Auld Reekie Hornpipe
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1:the Auld Grey Cat
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1:the Auld Grey Cat
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1:the Old Grey Cat
abc gif png pdf svg Em 32 3 Auld Grey Cat 1:the Auld Grey Cat
1:the Old Grey Cat
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1:the Old Grey Cat
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abc gif png pdf svg Avenging and Bright 3 1:Avenging and Bright
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 3 Avril Quarrie 1:Avril Quarrie
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Avril Quarrie 1:Avril Quarrie
B   top
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abc gif png pdf svg BabesInTheWood1 A 1:Babes in the Wood #1
abc gif png pdf svg BabesInTheWood2 D 1:Babes in the Wood #2
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abc gif png pdf svg D 32 2 Babes in the Wood 2 1:Babes in the Wood #2
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abc gif png pdf svg BackShoreHp D 4 1:Back Shore Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 2 Back of the Change House 3 1:Back of the Change House
1:Cùl an Taigh Osda
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abc gif png pdf svg Balmoral Highlanders the 1 12:Balmoral Highlanders, the
abc gif png pdf svg BalquidderLasses 1:Balquidder Lasses
abc gif png pdf svg BalquidderLasses Em3 1:Balquidder Lasses
abc gif png pdf svg Em 32 3 Balquidder Lasses 1:Balquidder Lasses
abc gif png pdf svg Em 32 5 Balquidder Lasses 1:Balquidder Lasses
abc gif png pdf svg BamfordHp Bb Kerr 1:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
abc gif png pdf svg BanburyBill 1 527:Banbury Bill
abc gif png pdf svg D2 32 2 Banbury Bill 527:Banbury Bill
abc gif png pdf svg Banks 1:Banks
1:Banks of the River
1:Mrs. Taff
abc gif png pdf svg BanksOfSpeyR D 1:the Banks of Spey
abc gif png pdf svg Banks 1 2:Banks
2:Banks of the River
2:Mrs. Taff
abc gif png pdf svg Banks 2 3:The Banks
abc gif png pdf svg Banks Eb 1:Banks Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg Banks of the River 1:Banks
1:Banks of the River
1:Mrs. Taff
abc gif png pdf svg Banks of the River 1 2:Banks
2:Banks of the River
2:Mrs. Taff
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Banshee 3:the Banshee 3
3:McMahon's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Banshee 1 HN 1:the Banshee
1:McMahon's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 2 Banshee 3 SS 3:the Banshee 3
3:McMahon's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Banshee 3 SS 3:the Banshee 3
3:McMahon's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg BarrowburnR 1:the Barrowburn Reel
abc gif png pdf svg BarrowburnR AB 1:the Barrowburn Reel
abc gif png pdf svg BarrowburnR D3 1:the Barrowburn Reel
abc gif png pdf svg BarrowburnR D4 1:the Barrowburn Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3,4 Barrowburn Reel 1:the Barrowburn Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Barrowburn Reel 1:the Barrowburn Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Barrowburn Reel 1:the Barrowburn Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D, D 32 3 Bastringue 1:la Bastringe #1
2:la Bastringe #2
abc gif png pdf svg D, D 32 3 10 Bastringue 1:la Bastringe #1
2:la Bastringe #2
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Bastringue 1 1:la Bastringe #1
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Bastringue 2 1:la Bastringe #2
abc gif png pdf svg F 32 2 Batchelders R 1:Batchelder's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg F 32 3 Batchelders R 1:Batchelder's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Bay of Fundy 1 1:Bay of Fundy
abc gif png pdf svg F 32 3 Bay of Holland 1:Bay of Holland
abc gif png pdf svg F 32 4 Bay of Holland 1:Bay of Holland
abc gif png pdf svg Bay of Holland F 1:Bay of Holland
abc gif png pdf svg BearIslandReel 1:Bear Island Reel
1:Bearhaven Lasses
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abc gif png pdf svg Am 48 5 Beatrice 1:Reel Béatrice [Am/C]
abc gif png pdf svg Am 48 6 Beatrice 1:Reel Béatrice [Am/C]
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1:Boys of Belfast
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abc gif png pdf svg D 32 2 Belle Catherine 1:la Belle Cathérine [D]
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abc gif png pdf svg EmG 32 2 Bergerville 1:reel de Bergerville
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abc gif png pdf svg Am 16 2 Bernadettes Reel 1 JH 1:Bernadette's Reel [Jerry Holland]
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abc gif png pdf svg BibonkasReel G16 1:Bibonka's Reel
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1:John McNeil's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg BigJohnMcNeil A3 1:Big John McNeil
abc gif png pdf svg BigRed A 1:Big Red
1:the Philadelphia Reel
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 3 Big John McNeil 1:Big John McNeil
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1:John McNeil's Reel
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abc gif png pdf svg BlackDanceM 1:the Black Dance [F]
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abc gif png pdf svg BlairAthole Am16 1:Blair Athole
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abc gif png pdf svg Blooming Meadows 3 1:The Blooming Meadows
1:High Part of the Road
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1:the Bonnie Isle o' Whalsay
abc gif png pdf svg BoatieRows 1:the Boatie Rows
abc gif png pdf svg BoatieRows F4 1:the Boatie Rows
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1:Humours of Tullycreen
abc gif png pdf svg BobCampbell G 24:Bob Campbell
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abc gif png pdf svg BobOfFettercairn3 G 1:Kale an Knockit Coarn
1:The Bob of Fettercairn
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abc gif png pdf svg BonapartCrossingTheRhine D 1:Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine
1:Caledonian March
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1:Howard Lasnik
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abc gif png pdf svg BonnieCharlie 4 Dm 1:Bonnie Charlie
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abc gif png pdf svg BorderCrossingR C 1:Border Crossing
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 2 Boston Urban Ceilidh 1:the Boston Urban Ceilidh
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Boston Urban Ceilidh 1:the Boston Urban Ceilidh
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abc gif png pdf svg BottomOfThePunchBowl1 D 1:the Bottom of the Punch Bowl
abc gif png pdf svg BottomOfThePunchBowl2 D 1:the Bottom of the Punch Bowl
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abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Bottom of the Punch Bowl SS 1:the Bottom of the Punch Bowl
abc gif png pdf svg BowLeggedBosun 1:the Bow-Legged Bosun
abc gif png pdf svg BoyneHunt D 4:the Boyne Hunt
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 4 Boyne Hunt 4:the Boyne Hunt
abc gif png pdf svg Boyne Hunt 4:the Boyne Hunt
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85:the Perthshire Hunt
abc gif png pdf svg Boyne Hunt PGH 2014:the Boyne Hunt
abc gif png pdf svg BoysInTheGap 1:the Boys in the Gap
abc gif png pdf svg BoysOfBlueHillH 1:the Boys of Bluehill
1:the Beaux of Oak Hill
abc gif png pdf svg BoysOfBlueHillHp D3 16 1:the Boys of Bluehill
1:the Beaux of Oak Hill
abc gif png pdf svg BoysOfTheLoch D 1:The Boys of the Loch
abc gif png pdf svg BraesOfAuchentyreThe 1:Braes of Auchtertyre, The
1:Braes of Auchentyre, The
abc gif png pdf svg BraesOfAuchtertyreReel C 1:Braes of Auchtertyre, The
1:Braes of Auchentyre, The
abc gif png pdf svg BraesOfGlendochartGlendochert 1 105:Joe Tanzy's
105:Pat Carney's
105:The Braes of Glendochart/Glendochert
105:Mr Menzies of Culdares
abc gif png pdf svg BramleyBraeThe 1 277:Bramley Brae, The
abc gif png pdf svg BreakdownH 1:the Breakdown
abc gif png pdf svg BreakdownHp A3 1:the Breakdown [A]
1:Wake up Susan
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abc gif png pdf svg A 32 3 Breakdown Hornpipe 1:the Breakdown [A]
1:Wake up Susan
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Breakdown Hornpipe 1:the Breakdown
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 3 Breakdown Hornpipe 1:the Breakdown [G]
1:Wake up Susan
abc gif png pdf svg Break Yer Bass Drone 1 17:Break Yer Bass Drone
abc gif png pdf svg BrendaStubbert 1:Brenda Stubbert
abc gif png pdf svg BrendaStubbert A 1:Brenda Stubbert
abc gif png pdf svg BrendaStubbert A4 1:Brenda Stubbert
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abc gif png pdf svg A 32 6 Brenda Stubbert 1:Brenda Stubbert
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abc gif png pdf svg BrumleyBrae 1:Brumley Brae
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1:Buntàta's Sgadan
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abc gif png pdf svg Em 16 2 Burnt Leg 1:The Burnt Leg
abc gif png pdf svg BusStop Am 1:Bus Stop Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Am 32 4 Bus Stop Reel 1:Bus Stop Reel
abc gif png pdf svg ButchersApron D 1:the Butcher's Apron
abc gif png pdf svg ButchersApron D3 1:the Butcher's Apron
C   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg CaberFeidh 1:Caber Feidh
1:the Deer's Antlers
abc gif png pdf svg CaberFeidh C 1:Caber Feidh
1:the Deer's Antlers
abc gif png pdf svg CaberFeidh D 1:Caber Feidh
1:the Deer's Antlers
abc gif png pdf svg C 16 3 Caber Feidh 1:Caber Feidh
1:the Deer's Antlers
abc gif png pdf svg C 16 4 Caber Feidh 1:Caber Feidh
1:the Deer's Antlers
abc gif png pdf svg CadgersInTheCanongate2 G 2:Codger's in the Canongate
abc gif png pdf svg CadgersInTheCanongate G 1:Cadgers of the Canongate
abc gif png pdf svg CadgersOfTheCanongate1 G 1:Cadgers of the Canongate
abc gif png pdf svg CairdinOt A 1:Cairdin' o't
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 2 Cairdin Ot 1:The Cairdin' o't
abc gif png pdf svg Cairdin Ot 1 36:The Cairdin' O't
abc gif png pdf svg CaithnessReel Eb AK 1:the Caithness Rant
abc gif png pdf svg CaithnessReel Eb BS 1801:The Caithness Reel
abc gif png pdf svg CaithnessReel F BMcO 1:Caithness Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Am 16 4 Calcifer Sophie and the Heart of Howl 2V 1:Calcifer, Sophie and the Heart of Howl
abc gif png pdf svg CaledonianLaddieR 1:the Caledonian Laddie
abc gif png pdf svg CallumBeg2 G 1:Callum Beg
abc gif png pdf svg CalumDonaldson 1:Calum Donaldson
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 3 Calum Donaldson 1:Calum Donaldson
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 3 Calum Donaldson L 1:Calum Donaldson
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Calum Donaldson 1:Calum Donaldson
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 6 Calum Donaldson 1:Calum Donaldson
abc gif png pdf svg CambridgeH2 A4 1:the Cambridge Hornpipe [A]
abc gif png pdf svg CambridgeH2 D4 1:the Cambridge Hornpipe (D)
abc gif png pdf svg CambridgeHp A3 16 1:the Cambridge Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg CambridgeHp A4 16 1:the Cambridge Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg CambridgeH A3 1:the Cambridge Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg CambridgeH A4 1:the Cambridge Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg CamelHump Em 1:Camel Hump
abc gif png pdf svg CameronHighlandersThe A 70:Cameron Highlanders, The
abc gif png pdf svg Cameron Highlanders The 1 19:Cameron Highlanders, The
abc gif png pdf svg Campbells Farewell to Redcastle 1 32:Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle
abc gif png pdf svg CapeBretonVisitToShetland 1:The Cape Breton Visit to Shetland
abc gif png pdf svg CapeBretonWeddingReel#1 1:Cape Breton Wedding Reel #1
abc gif png pdf svg CapeBretonWeddingReelReelReel#1 1:Cape Breton Wedding Reel #1
abc gif png pdf svg CapeBretonWeddingReel 1 1:Cape Breton Wedding Reel #1
abc gif png pdf svg Cape Breton Fiddlers Welcome to the Shetland Isles 1 33:The Cape Breton Fiddlers' Welcome to the Shetland Isles.
abc gif png pdf svg CaptainMcGuire D 1:Captain McGuire
abc gif png pdf svg CaptainMcGuire D AABBA 1:Captain McGuire
abc gif png pdf svg Am 16 2 Captain Campbells Reel 1:Captain Campbell's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Captain Keeler Bb 16 1:Captain Keeler
abc gif png pdf svg F 16 3 Captain MacDonalds Fancy 1:Captain MacDonald's Fancy
abc gif png pdf svg CaptCampbellsR Am 1:Captain Campbell's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 3 Cardin ot 1:the Cardin' o't
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 3 Cardin ot SS 1:the Cardin' o't
abc gif png pdf svg F 16 3 Carnies Canter 1:Carnie's Canter
abc gif png pdf svg F 16 4 Carnies Canter 1:Carnie's Canter
abc gif png pdf svg F 16 3 Carnies Canter SS 1:Carnie's Canter
abc gif png pdf svg F 16 4 Carnies Canter SS 1:Carnie's Canter
abc gif png pdf svg Carolans Draught 3 1:Carolan's Draught
abc gif png pdf svg CarolineThomsonsR 1:Miss Caroline Thomson's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Carplay Am 1:Carplay
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 5 Carter MacKenzies Reel 1:Carter MacKenzie's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg CaseysPig 1:Casey's Pig
1:The Duke of Gordon's Birthday
abc gif png pdf svg CastledykesReel G 1:Castledykes Reel
abc gif png pdf svg G 40 2 Castledykes Reel ABABA 1:Castledykes Reel
abc gif png pdf svg CatchinRabbits 1:Catchin' Rabbits
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Catchin Rabbits 1:Catchin' Rabbits
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4,6 Catchin Rabbits 1:Catchin' Rabbits
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Catchin Rabbits 1:Catchin' Rabbits
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 6 Catchin Rabbits 1:Catchin' Rabbits
abc gif png pdf svg Catharsis 1 1:Catharsis
abc gif png pdf svg Catharsis Gm 1:Catharsis
abc gif png pdf svg Catharsis use C whistle 1 note high 3 1:Catharsis (use C whistle 1 note high)
abc gif png pdf svg CatherineMargaretHall A 1:Catherine Margaret Hall
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Catherine Margaret Hall 1:Catherine Margaret Hall
abc gif png pdf svg CauldKailInAberdeen2 3:Cauld Kail in Aberdeen Kail
3:Castocks in Strabogie
abc gif png pdf svg CeaseYourFunning Bb 1:Cease Your Funning
abc gif png pdf svg CelebrationH 1:the Celebration Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg CharlesSutherland 1:Charles Sutherland
abc gif png pdf svg D 40 2 Charley Stuart 1:Charley Stuart
abc gif png pdf svg Charley Stuart D40 1:Charley Stuart
abc gif png pdf svg CharlieFlemingsReel 1 1:Charlie Fleming's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg CharliesWelcome A 1:Charlie's Welcome
abc gif png pdf svg E 16 3 Charlie Hardie 1:Charlie Hardie's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg CheviotRant D 1:The Cheviot Rant
abc gif png pdf svg DG 32 4 Chorus Jig 1:Chorus Jig
abc gif png pdf svg DG 32 6 Chorus Jig 1:Chorus Jig
abc gif png pdf svg Chuachag D 1:A' Chuachag
abc gif png pdf svg CiaranTourishsReel 1 1:Ciaran Tourish's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Ciaran Tourish 1:Ciaran Tourish's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 2 Circassian Circle reel 103:Circassian Circle (A)
103:(Rugley Ford, Hill's Fancy)
abc gif png pdf svg Bb 32 2 Circassian Circle reel 103:Circassian Circle [Bb]
103:(Rugley Ford, Hill's Fancy)
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 2 Circassian Circle reel 103:Circassian Circle (G)
103:(Rugley Ford, Hill's Fancy)
abc gif png pdf svg Clanranald 1 734:Clanranald
734:MacKinnon's Brook
abc gif png pdf svg ClarenceHouse 1:Clarence House
abc gif png pdf svg ClaverhouseReel 1:The Claverhouse Reel
abc gif png pdf svg CleanPeaStrae D 1:Clean Pea Strae
1:Pea Strae
abc gif png pdf svg CleanPeaStrae G 1:Clean Pea Strae
1:Pea Strae
abc gif png pdf svg ClunyCastle A 1:Cluny Castle
abc gif png pdf svg ClydeHornpipeThe 1:Clyde Hornpipe, The
abc gif png pdf svg ClydesideLassiesR F 1:Clydeside Lassies Reel
abc gif png pdf svg ClydesideLassies F 1:Clydeside Lassies
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Coalminers Reel 1:the Coalminer's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Coalminers Reel 1:the Coalminer's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Cobbler The 1 1:Dan the Cobbler
1:Cobbler, The
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Cocklawburn 1:Cocklawburn
abc gif png pdf svg A 16 2 Cockle Gatherer 1:the Cockle Gatherer
1:Trusaidh mi na Colleagain
abc gif png pdf svg A 16 2 Cockle Gatherer SS 1:the Cockle Gatherer
1:Trusaidh mi na Colleagain
abc gif png pdf svg CollegeH 1:College Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg CollegeHornpipe A 1:College Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg ColonelMacLeod A4 1:Colonel MacLeod
abc gif png pdf svg ColonelMacLeod A6 1:Colonel MacLeod
abc gif png pdf svg ComeDanceAndSing D3 1:Come (Let Us) Dance and Sing
1:la Belle Catherine
abc gif png pdf svg ComeDanceAndSing D4 1:Come Dance and Sing
1:Come Let Us Dance and Sing
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Come Let Us Dance and Sing 1:Come (Let Us) Dance and Sing
1:la Belle Catherine
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Come Let Us Dance and Sing 1:Come Dance and Sing
1:Come Let Us Dance and Sing
abc gif png pdf svg ConcertHp F 1:the Concert Hornpipe
1:Coutt's Concert Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg ConcertHp F Kerr 1:THE CONCERT HORNPIPE
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Concertina Reel 1:The Concertina Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Concertina Reel 1 1:The Concertina Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Em 32 3 Cooleys Reel 1 1:Cooley's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Em 32 4 Cooleys Reel 1 1:Cooley's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Em 32 4 Cooleys Reel 2 1:Cooley's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg CoopersHp D 1:Cooper's Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg CorkHornpipe G 1:The Cork Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg Bb 16 3 Countess of Sutherlands Reel 1:The Countess of Sutherland's Reel [Bb]
abc gif png pdf svg G 16 3 Countess of Sutherlands Reel 1:The Countess of Sutherland's Reel [G]
abc gif png pdf svg CountryDance 8 3 D 1:Country Dance
abc gif png pdf svg CountryLassesR Bb 1:Country Lasses
abc gif png pdf svg CountryLassesR C 1:Country Lasses
abc gif png pdf svg CountryLassesR D 1:Country Lasses Reel
abc gif png pdf svg CousinJim D 1:Cousin Jim
abc gif png pdf svg CousinJim F 1:Cousin Jim
abc gif png pdf svg CousinJim G 1:Cousin Jim
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 3 Cromdel Hill 1 1:Cromdel Hill
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Cromdel Hill 1 1:Cromdel Hill
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Cromdel Hill 2 1:(Cromdel Hill 2nd tune)
1:Househill Farm?
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Cromdel Hill 2 1:(Cromdel Hill 2nd tune)
1:Househill Farm?
abc gif png pdf svg CrookedHorndEwe 1:the Crooked Horn'd Ewe
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 3 Crooked Stovepipe 1:the Crooked Stovepipe
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 3 Crooked Stovepipe 1:the Crooked Stovepipe
abc gif png pdf svg CropiesReel G 1:Cropie's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg CrossingTheMinch D 1:Crossing the Minch
1:McNabb's Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Crossing the Minch 1:Crossing the Minch
1:McNabb's Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg D 64 8 Crossing the Minch 10:Crossing the Minch
abc gif png pdf svg CrossOfInverness 1:the Cross of Inverness
abc gif png pdf svg CulburnieCottage 1:Culburnie Cottage
abc gif png pdf svg CulburnieCottage D3 1:Culburnie Cottage
abc gif png pdf svg CulburnieCottage D4 1:Culburnie Cottage
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Culburnie Cottage 1:Culburnie Cottage
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Culburnie Cottage 1:Culburnie Cottage
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 3 Cullen House 1:Cullen House
abc gif png pdf svg C 16 3 Cumming 1:Cumming [C]
abc gif png pdf svg G 16 3 Cumming 1:Cumming (G)
D   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg DaFerryReel 1 1:Da Ferry Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 3 Dalkeith House 1:Dalkeith House
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Dance for Joy 1:Dance for Joy!
abc gif png pdf svg DancingFeet 1 2:Dancing Feet
abc gif png pdf svg Em 32 2 Dancing Bear 1:the Dancing Bear
abc gif png pdf svg D 24 3 Dancing the Baby 1:Dancing the Baby
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Dancing the Baby 1:Dancing the Baby
abc gif png pdf svg D 24 3 Dancing the Baby SS 1:Dancing the Baby
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Daniels Reel 1:Daniel's Reel (A)
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Daniels Reel 1:Daniel's Reel [D]
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Daniels Reel 1:Daniel's Reel (G)
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 3 Danse de Compagne 1:Danse de Compagne
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Danse de Compagne 1:Danse de Compagne
abc gif png pdf svg Dan the Cobbler 1 1:Dan the Cobbler
1:Cobbler, The
abc gif png pdf svg DarkHairedGirl G 1:Dark haired girl
abc gif png pdf svg DashingWhiteSergeantR 1:Dashing White Sergeant
abc gif png pdf svg E 32 3 Dashing White Eejit 1:the Dashing White Eejit
abc gif png pdf svg E 32 4 Dashing White Eejit 1:the Dashing White Eejit
abc gif png pdf svg E 32 3 Dashing White Eejit SS 1:the Dashing White Eejit
abc gif png pdf svg Dashing White Sergeant 1 10:Dashing White Sergeant
abc gif png pdf svg DavidFindlaysHp D4 1:David Findlay's Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg DavidWhitesR D 1:David White's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DavyDavyNickNack G16 1:Davy Nick Nack
abc gif png pdf svg DavyDavyNickNack G32 1:Davy Nick Nack
abc gif png pdf svg DavyH 1:the Davy Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg DavyH 3 G 1:the Davy Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg G 16 2 Davy Davy Nick Nack 1:Davy Nick Nack
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 2 Davy Davy Nick Nack 1:Davy Nick Nack
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Davy Nick Nack 1:Davy Nick Nack
abc gif png pdf svg DaWattleOt D 1:DA WATTLE O'T
abc gif png pdf svg Dawn D 1:Twilight in Portroe
1:the Dawn
abc gif png pdf svg Da Floating Gin Palaces of Lerwick 1 1:Da Floating Gin Palaces of Lerwick
abc gif png pdf svg DebbieAnnsReel A 1:Debbie Ann's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Bm 32 3 Dedicado a Jos 1:Dedicado à Jos
abc gif png pdf svg Bm 32 4 Dedicado a Jos 1:Dedicado à Jos
abc gif png pdf svg DeilAmangTheTailorsR 1:the De'il Amang the Tailors
1:the Devil's Dream
abc gif png pdf svg DeilAmangTheTailorsR A3 1:the Deil Amang the Tailors
1:the Devil's Dream
abc gif png pdf svg DeilAmangTheTailorsR A4 1:the Deil Amang the Tailors
1:the Devil's Dream
abc gif png pdf svg DeilAmangTheTailors RSCDS A4 1:the Deil Amang the Tailors
abc gif png pdf svg DeilStickDaMinister 1:De'il Stick da Minister [D]
abc gif png pdf svg DeilStickDaMinister A 1:Deil Stick da Minister [A]
abc gif png pdf svg Deil Amang the Tailors-A-3 1:the Deil Amang the Tailors
1:the Devil's Dream
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Deil Amang the Tailors 1:the De'il Amang the Tailors
1:the Devil's Dream
abc gif png pdf svg Deil Amang the Tailors-A-4 1:the Deil Amang the Tailors
1:the Devil's Dream
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Deil Amang the Tailors SS 1:the De'il Amang the Tailors
1:the Devil's Dream
abc gif png pdf svg Deil among the tailors 1 11:De'il among the tailors
abc gif png pdf svg A 16 2 Deil Stick da Minister 1:Deil Stick da Minister [A]
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 2 Deil Stick da Minister 1:De'il Stick da Minister [D]
abc gif png pdf svg DelvinSideR1 D 1:Delvin Side
abc gif png pdf svg Dennington Bell e 1 0:Dennington Bell(e)
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Derry Reel 1:the Derry Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DeveronR 1:the Deveron Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DeveronR1 D 1:the Deveron Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DeveronR2 D 1:the Deveron Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DeveronR2 D3 1:the Deveron Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DeveronR 3 1:the Deveron Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 2 Deveron Reel 1:the Deveron Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Deveron Reel 1:the Deveron Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DevilAndDirk 1:the Devil and the Dirk
abc gif png pdf svg DevilInTheKitchen A 1:the Devil in the Kitchen
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Devils Dream 1:the Devil's Dream
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 3 Devils Dream 1 1:the Devil's Dream
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Devils Dream 1 1:the Devil's Dream
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Devils Dream 2 1:the Devil's Dream
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Devils Dream SS 1:the Devil's Dream
abc gif png pdf svg A 16 3 Devil in the Kitchen 1:the Devil in the Kitchen
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Devil in the Kitchen 1:the Devil in the Kitchen
1:the Prince of Wales' Jig
abc gif png pdf svg A 16 3 Devil in the Kitchen 2 1:the Devil in the Kitchen
abc gif png pdf svg Devil in the Kitchen A 1:Devil in the Kitchen, The
1:Prince of Wales Jig, The
abc gif png pdf svg Devil in the Kitchen A3 1:Devil in the Kitchen, The
1:Prince of Wales Jig, The
abc gif png pdf svg Devil in the Kitchen A4 1:the Devil in the Kitchen
1:the Prince of Wales' Jig
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Devil in the Kitchen SS 1:the Devil in the Kitchen
1:the Prince of Wales' Jig
abc gif png pdf svg G 16 2 Dhomhnuill 1:a Dhomhnuill
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 3 Diable Vert 1:le Diable Vert
abc gif png pdf svg DickGossipsR2 1:Dick Gossip's Reel
1:Castle Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DickGossipsR3 1:Dick Gossip's Reel
1:Castle Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DickGossipsR4 1:Dick Gossip's Reel
1:Castle Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 2 Dick Gossips Reel 1:Dick Gossip's Reel
1:Castle Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 2 Dick Gossips Reel 1:Dick Gossip's Reel
1:Castle Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Dick Gossips Reel 1:Dick Gossip's Reel
1:Castle Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Dick Gossips Reel 1:Dick Gossip's Reel
1:Castle Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DinkysReel A 1:Dinky's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Dinkys 1 4:Dinky's
abc gif png pdf svg Doctor Gilberts 1 1:Doctor Gilbert's
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Dog and the Rabbit 1:the Dog and the Rabbit
abc gif png pdf svg C 32 3 Dominion Reel 1:the (Old) Dominion Reel [D]
abc gif png pdf svg C 32 4 Dominion Reel 1:the (Old) Dominion Reel [C]
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 3 Dominion Reel 1:the (Old) Dominion Reel [G]
abc gif png pdf svg DonaldStewartThePiper 1:Donald Stewart the Piper
abc gif png pdf svg Bb 16 2 Donald MacDonalds Fancy 1:Donald MacDonald's Fancy
abc gif png pdf svg Bb 16 3 Donald MacDonalds Fancy 1:Donald MacDonald's Fancy
abc gif png pdf svg Donal Don D 1:Donal' Don
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Don Tremaines Reel 1:Don Tremaine's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Don Tremaines Reel 1:Don Tremaine's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Dm 16 2 Dot McKinnons Reel 1:Dot McKinnon's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Dm 32 4 Dot McKinnons Reel 1:Dot McKinnon's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DoubleKisses C 1:Double Kisses
abc gif png pdf svg Douglas C 1:Douglas
abc gif png pdf svg Douglas C3 1:Douglas
abc gif png pdf svg DownTheBroomR 1:Down the Broom
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Down the Burn Davie 1:Down the Burn Davie (D)
abc gif png pdf svg F 32 3 Down the Burn Davie 1:Down the Burn Davie (F)
abc gif png pdf svg F 32 4 Down the Burn Davie 1:Down the Burn Davie (F)
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 2 Down the Burn Davie 1:Down the Burn Davie [G]
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Down the Burn Davie 1:Down the Burn Davie [G]
abc gif png pdf svg Down the Road 1 1:Down the Road (Went Polly)
abc gif png pdf svg Down the Road 2 93:Down The Road
abc gif png pdf svg DrBobSmith 1:Dr. Bob Smith
abc gif png pdf svg Drink Helps Me Forget But I Cant Remember What 1 1:Drink Helps Me Forget, But I Can't Remember What
abc gif png pdf svg DrowsyMaggie 1:Drowsy Maggie
abc gif png pdf svg DrowsyMaggie3 1:Drowsy Maggie (Liz Carroll's 3-part version)
abc gif png pdf svg DrowsyMaggie4 1:Drowsy Maggie
abc gif png pdf svg Em 16,24,32 2,3,4 Drowsy Maggie 1:Drowsy Maggie
3:Liz Carroll's 3-part version
4:Ceol Rince na hÉirann 4-part version
abc gif png pdf svg Em 16 3 Drowsy Maggie 1:Drowsy Maggie
abc gif png pdf svg Em 16 2 Drowsy Maggie 1 1:Drowsy Maggie
abc gif png pdf svg Em 24 3 Drowsy Maggie 2 1:Drowsy Maggie
1:Liz Carroll's 3-part version
abc gif png pdf svg Em 32 4 Drowsy Maggie 3 1:Drowsy Maggie
1:Ceol Rince na hÉirann 4-part version
abc gif png pdf svg Em 16 2 Drowsy Maggie SS 1:Drowsy Maggie
abc gif png pdf svg DrRobertson G 1:Dr. Robertson
abc gif png pdf svg Am 16 3 Drummer 1:the Drummer
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenLandladyThe 1 71:Drunken Landlady, The
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenPiper 1:the Drunken Piper
1:Highland Rory
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenPiperR 1:the Drunken Piper
1:Highland Rory
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenPiper 24 1:the Drunken Piper
1:Highland Rory
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenPiper 4 1:the Drunken Piper
1:Highland Rory
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenPiper 5 1:the Drunken Piper
1:Highland Rory
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenPiper Am 1:the Drunken Piper
1:Highland Rory
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenPiper Am5 1:the Drunken Piper
1:Highland Rory
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenPiper Bbm 1:the Drunken Piper
1:Highland Rory
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenPiper Bm 1:the Drunken Piper
1:Highland Rory
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenSailor1 Am 1:the Drunken Sailor
1:Tommy Peoples (Ovation recording)
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenSailor2 Am 1:The Drunken Sailor
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenSailor3 G 1:The Drunken Sailor
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenSailor Dm 1:the Drunken Sailor [Dm]
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenSailor Em 1:the Drunken Sailor [Em]
abc gif png pdf svg DrunkenTinker 1 95:Gillespie's Reel
95:The Donegal Traveller
95:The Drunken Tinker
95:The Boreen Reel
abc gif png pdf svg A 64 8 Drunken Landlady 1:the Drunken Landlady
abc gif png pdf svg A 64 8 Drunken Landlady SS 1:the Drunken Landlady
abc gif png pdf svg Am 40 4 Drunken Piper AABBC 1:the Drunken Piper
abc gif png pdf svg Am 40 4 Drunken Piper ABABC 1:the Drunken Piper
abc gif png pdf svg Dublin Reel 4 1:Dublin Reel
abc gif png pdf svg DuchessOfBuccleugh 1:the Duchess of Buccleugh
abc gif png pdf svg Duffy the Dancer 1 27:High Reel, The
27:Sandy Duff
27:Duffy the Dancer
abc gif png pdf svg DukeOfKent C2 1:Duke of Kent
abc gif png pdf svg DukeOfKent C3 1:Duke of Kent
abc gif png pdf svg DukeOfKent C6 1:Duke of Kent
abc gif png pdf svg Duke of Perth The 1 9:Duke of Perth, The
abc gif png pdf svg Duke of Perth The 2 9:Duke of Perth, The
abc gif png pdf svg DumbartonsDrums F 1:Dumbarton's Drums
abc gif png pdf svg DumfriesLasses1 D 1:Dumfries Lasses
abc gif png pdf svg DumfriesLasses2 D 1:Dumfries Lasses
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 4 Dunnechan 1:Dunnichen House
abc gif png pdf svg Dunnechan D 1:Dunnichen House
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 2 Dunnichen House 1:Dunnichen House
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 3 Dunnichen House 1:Dunnichen House
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 4 Dunnichen House 1:Dunnichen House
abc gif png pdf svg DunnottarCastle 2R A 1:Dunnottar Castle
abc gif png pdf svg DunnottarCastle 3R Em 1:Dunnottar Castle
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Dunnottar Castle 2 1:Dunnottar Castle 2
abc gif png pdf svg Em 32 5 Dunnottar Castle 3 1:Dunnottar Castle 3
abc gif png pdf svg DunseDingsA 1 2:Dunse Dings A'
abc gif png pdf svg DunseDingsA A 2:Dunse Dings A'
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Dunstanburgh Castle 1:Dunstanburgh Castle
abc gif png pdf svg DuntroonCastle A 1:Duntroon Castle
abc gif png pdf svg DuranRangers 1:The Duran Rangers
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Duran Rangers 1:The Duran Rangers
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1:Sweet Water
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1:D\^wr Glân
E   top
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abc gif png pdf svg EarlOfCrawford 1:the Earl of Crawford
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abc gif png pdf svg F 16 2 Earl Marshals Reel 1:Earl Marshal's Reel
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abc gif png pdf svg EasyClub 2 1:Easy Club
abc gif png pdf svg EasyClub 3 1:Easy Club
abc gif png pdf svg EasyClub 4 1:Easy Club
abc gif png pdf svg EasyClub A3 1:Easy Club
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abc gif png pdf svg Easy Club 2 1:Easy Club
abc gif png pdf svg Easy Club 3 1:Easy Club
abc gif png pdf svg Easy Club 4 1:Easy Club
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abc gif png pdf svg A 32 5 Eddies Reel 1 1:Eddie's Reel [A]
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 5 Eddies Reel 1 1:Eddie's Reel [G]
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Eddies Reel 2 1:Eddie's Reel [G]
abc gif png pdf svg EdinburghCastleR 1:the Edinburgh Castle Reel
abc gif png pdf svg EdradynateMedley 1:Edradynate Medley
abc gif png pdf svg EdwardJaysJaunt G 1:Edward Jay's Jaunt
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abc gif png pdf svg ElectricHornpipe GD4 1:Electric Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg A 16 2 Elizabeths White Coat 1:Elizabeth's White Coat [a Mabou Reel]
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F   top
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1:the Fairy Reel
1:Old Molly Hare
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abc gif png pdf svg D 32 6 Fairy Dance Reel 4 1:Fairy Dance Reel
abc gif png pdf svg FallsOfLorna 1 564:Falls of Lorna
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abc gif png pdf svg G 32 2 Farewell to Whiskey 1:Farewell to Whisky
1:Farewell to Whiskey
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abc gif png pdf svg A 32 2 Farewell to Whiskey 2 1:Farewell to Whisk(e)y #2
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 2 Farewell to Whiskey 2 1:Farewell to Whisk(e)y #2
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 2 Farewell to Whisky 1:Farewell to Whisk(e)y #2
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abc gif png pdf svg FarFromHome G3 1:Far From Home
abc gif png pdf svg FarmersDaughter 1:the Farmer's Daughter
abc gif png pdf svg FarmersDaughter D 1:the Farmer's Daughter
1:Aberarder's Rant
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1:Aberarder's Rant
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abc gif png pdf svg A 32 3 Far From Home 1:Far From Home
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 3 Far From Home 1:Far From Home
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abc gif png pdf svg FastBoatToChina Bm 1:Fast Boat to China
abc gif png pdf svg FatherFrancisCameronR A 1:Father Francis Cameron
abc gif png pdf svg FatherKelleysR3 1:Father Kelly's Reel
1:the Rossmore Jetty
abc gif png pdf svg FatherKelleysR4 1:Father Kelly's Reel
1:the Rossmore Jetty
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1:the Rossmore Jetty
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abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Father Francis Cameron 1:Father Francis Cameron
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 2 Father Kelleys Reel 1:Father Kelly's Reel
1:the Rossmore Jetty
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1:the Rossmore Jetty
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1:the Rossmore Jetty
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1:Down the Broom
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abc gif png pdf svg Em 32 4 Fermoy Lasses SS 1:Fermoy Lasses
1:Down the Broom
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abc gif png pdf svg FerryR D3 1:da Ferry Reel
abc gif png pdf svg FerryR D4 1:da Ferry Reel
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abc gif png pdf svg Dm 48 6 Fiddle 1:Fiddle
abc gif png pdf svg FiddleheadR 1:Fiddlehead Reel
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abc gif png pdf svg FiddlersWelcomeToLosAngeles 1:the Fiddlers' Welcome to Los Angeles
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abc gif png pdf svg Fiddlin Around Em 1:Fiddlin' Around
abc gif png pdf svg FidgetR 1:Fidget
abc gif png pdf svg Fidget D 1:Fidget [D]
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abc gif png pdf svg FishersH D3 1:Fisher's Hornpipe [D]
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abc gif png pdf svg FitfulHead A2 1:da Fitful Head
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3:The Flight of the Earls
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1:Flirtation Hornpipe
1:Evan's Hornpipe
1:Euan's Hornpipe
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1:Thearlaich! Nan Tigeadh Tu!
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abc gif png pdf svg FlowersOfEdinburgh1 G2 1:the Flowers of Edinburgh #2
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abc gif png pdf svg FlowersOfEdinburgh2 1:the Flowers of Edinburgh #2
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1:the Four Poster Bed
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abc gif png pdf svg DmD 32 4 Four in One 1:Four in One
abc gif png pdf svg FrancisTRobertson 1 1:Francis T Robertson
abc gif png pdf svg FrankGilruth 1 427:Frank Gilruth
abc gif png pdf svg FranksR A 1:Frank's Reel
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abc gif png pdf svg A 32 8 Franks Reel RJ 1:Frank's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg FrankTRobertson 1 1:Frank T. Robertson
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abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Frenchies Reel 1:Frenchie's Reel [D]
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 3 Frenchies Reel 1:Frenchie's Reel [G]
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abc gif png pdf svg FrostyMorning 1 308:Frosty Morning
G   top
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abc gif png pdf svg G 32 3 Galens Arrival 1:Galen's Arrival
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Galens Arrival 1:Galen's Arrival
abc gif png pdf svg Galens Arrival G 1:Galen's Arrival
abc gif png pdf svg GaleWarning A 1:the Gale Warning
abc gif png pdf svg GallantWeaver D 1:the Gallant Weaver
abc gif png pdf svg Galloway horne Pipe 1 90:The Galloway horne Pipe
abc gif png pdf svg A 32 3 Galopede 1:Galopede [A]
1:Yarmouth Reel
1:Persian Dance
abc gif png pdf svg F 32 3 Galopede 1:Galopede (F)
1:Yarmouth Reel
1:Persian Dance
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1:Yarmouth Reel
1:Persian Dance
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1:Yarmouth Reel
1:Persian Dance
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abc gif png pdf svg GameOfLoveR 1:the Game of Love
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abc gif png pdf svg GatesOfEdinburgh F4 1:the Gates of Edinburgh [F]
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abc gif png pdf svg G 32 2 George Harrison Reel 1:George Harrison Reel
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 George Harrison Reel 1:George Harrison Reel
abc gif png pdf svg Am 16 2 Gibby Gray 1:Gibby Gray
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abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Gillans Reel 1:Gillan's Reel
abc gif png pdf svg D 24 3 Gillis Favorite 1:Gillis' Favorite
abc gif png pdf svg GipsyH 1:Gipsy Hornpipe
1:Master Erskine
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1:Master Erskine
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1:Master Erskine
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abc gif png pdf svg GlakeyHornpipe G 1:Glakey Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg GlasgowCaledonianStrathspeyAndReelSocietyR F 1:Glasgow Caledonian Strathspey and Reel Society
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abc gif png pdf svg GlasgowHornpipe Bb 1:Glasgow Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg GlasgowHornpipe G 1:Glasgow Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg GlasgowHp G 1:Glasgow Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg GlasgowHp G3 1:Glasgow Hornpipe
abc gif png pdf svg GlassIslandR Em 3 1:Glass Island Reel
1:Native American Peninsula
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1:Native American Peninsula
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1:Native American Peninsula
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1:Native American Peninsula
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1:Native American Peninsula
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abc gif png pdf svg GlenburnieRant 2 1:the Glenburnie Rant
1:Fight About the Fireside
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1:Fight About the Fireside
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1:Fight About the Fireside
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1:Fight About the Fireside
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1:Fight About the Fireside
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1:Fight About the Fireside
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1:Fight About the Fireside
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1:Fight About the Fireside
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23:Fight About the Fireside
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1:Fight About the Fireside
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abc gif png pdf svg Glenlivet 1 3:Glenlivet
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abc gif png pdf svg GlenWhereTheDeerIsR 1:The Glen Where the Deer Is
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 2 Glen Where the Deer Is 1:The Glen Where the Deer Is
abc gif png pdf svg D 16 2 Glen Where the Deer Is bp 1:the Glen Where the Deer Is
abc gif png pdf svg GliseASherbrooke 1:Glise à Sherbrooke
1:the Big Ship
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1:the Big Ship
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1:the Big Ship
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1:the Big Ship
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1:the Big Ship
abc gif png pdf svg D 32 4 Goat Whisperer 1:the Goat Whisperer
abc gif png pdf svg GoldenHairHangingDownHerBack Am 1:Her Golden Hair Hanging Down Her Back
1:Her Long Black Hair Flowing down her Back
abc gif png pdf svg GoldenKeyboard Em 3 1:The Golden Keyboard
abc gif png pdf svg GoldenKeyboard Em 4 1:The Golden Keyboard
abc gif png pdf svg Golden Keyboard Em 3 1:the Golden Keyboard
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1:Richibucto Reel
abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Golden Wedding Reel 1:Golden Wedding Reel
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abc gif png pdf svg G 32 4 Goodnight and Joy Be With You 1:Goodnight and Joy Be With You
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abc gif png pdf svg GordonsFavReel G 1:Gordon's Favourite Reel
abc gif png pdf svg GordonsFavReel G2 1:Gordon's Favourite Reel
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abc gif png pdf svg GordonsR G 1:Gordon's Favourite Reel
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abc gif png pdf svg A 32 4 Gordon Highlanders Reel 2 1:the Reel of the Gordon Highlanders
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1:the Rev. John MacFarlane
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1:the Rev. John MacFarlane
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1:Tripping down the Stairs
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abc gif png pdf svg GreenMtPetronella G3 1:Green Mountain Petronella [G]
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abc gif png pdf svg GreenwoodSide Bm 1:Greenwood Side
abc gif png pdf svg GreenwoodSide Cm 1:Greenwood Side
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1:Tripping down the Stairs
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abc gif png pdf svg Em 32 4 Gregors Reel 1:Gregor's Reel
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H   top
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abc gif png pdf svg Dm 32 3 Halloween 1:Halloween
abc gif png pdf svg Halloween 1:Halloween
abc gif png pdf svg Halloween1 Dm 1:Halloween
abc gif png pdf svg HallowEen2 F 1:Hallow Een
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abc gif png pdf svg Halloween Dm3 1:Halloween
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abc gif png pdf svg D 32 3 Hamefarers Reel 1:da Hamefarer's Reel
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1:Och a Chiallain
1:Old Time Wedding Reel #2
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abc gif png pdf svg HawkR E 12:The Hawk
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1:the Kandahar Reel
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1:(Miss out the 2/4 bar when playing for dancing)
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1:(Miss out the 2/4 bar when playing for dancing)
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1:the Highland Rambler
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1:Drunken Piper variation
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27:Sandy Duff
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1:the Howling Wind
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1:Hughie Jim Paris
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1:Hughie Jim Paris
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1:Hughie Jim Paris
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1:Hughie Jim Paris
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1:Hugh Shorty's Reel
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1:Hugh Shorty's Reel
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1:Hugh Shorty's Reel
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1:Hughie Shorty's Reel
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1:the Humors of Tulla
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1:Humours of Tullycreen
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1:Douglas Hornpipe
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1:Douglas Hornpipe
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1:8x32R 3C
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1:8x32R 3C
I   top
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abc gif png pdf svg Ian Powrie 1 2:Ian Powrie
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1:Bill Powrie
2:Catchin' Rabbits
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1:In and Out the Harbour
1:Jenny Tie Your Bonnet
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J   top
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1:In and Out the Harbour
1:Jenny Tie Your Bonnet
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