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Barsanti: A Collection of Old Scots Tunes

With the Bass
Set and most humbly Dedicated, to

Price 2 sh:6
published 1742 by Francis (Francesco) Barsanti
ABC transcription by John Chambers, Dec 2013

This directory contains ABC transcriptions of 28 Scottish song tunes, many of which are also used as dance tunes. This collection includes a figured-bass voice, with good bass lines and chords. It's likely that Barsanti wrote the figured-bass accompaniment, but the book's title page doesn't explicitly say this.

The individual tunes are in files with the name PPN_Tune_Title.abc, where PP is the page number, N is the tune number within the page, and the title has underscores separating the words. This gives a very readable system that puts the tunes in the same order as in the book. Perhaps it would be better to leave off the PPN_ part, giving us alphabetical order, and we wouldn't then want an index. But this is a "warts and all" transcription of the booklet, so the original order is preserved here.

List files with: Session lister - Collection lister - Tune lister

.. Found 31 tune files in "/music/book/Barsanti"
0 - 1 - B - p
0   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 000 Title 0:A Collection of Old Scots Tunes
0:With the Bass for Violoncello or Harpsichord
abc gif png pdf svg 011 Dumbartons Drums 11:Dumbarton's Drums
abc gif png pdf svg 012 Kat Oggie 12:Kat Oggie
abc gif png pdf svg 021 Ettrick Banks 21:Ettrick Banks
abc gif png pdf svg 022 Lochaber 22:Lochaber
abc gif png pdf svg 031 Lass of Peaties mill 31:the Lass of Peatie's mill
abc gif png pdf svg 032 Highland Laddie 32:the Highland Laddie
abc gif png pdf svg 041 Busk ye busk ye my bonny bride 41:Busk ye busk ye my bonny bride
abc gif png pdf svg 042 Last time I came oer the moor 42:the Last time I came o'er the moor
abc gif png pdf svg 051 Corn riggs are Bonny 51:Corn riggs are bonny
abc gif png pdf svg 052 Waly Waly 52:Waly Waly
abc gif png pdf svg 061 Iohnnie Faa 61:Iohnnie Faa
61:Johnnie Faa
abc gif png pdf svg 062 Lord Aboynes welcome or Cumbernauld house 62:Lord Aboyne's welcome or Cumbernauld house
abc gif png pdf svg 071 Bush aboon Traquair 71:the Bush aboon Traquair
abc gif png pdf svg 072 To danton me 72:To danton me
abc gif png pdf svg 081 Birks of Envermay 81:the Birks of Envermay
abc gif png pdf svg 082 Fife and all the Lands about it 82:Fife and all the Lands about it
abc gif png pdf svg 091 Peggy I must love thee 91:Peggy I must love thee
abc gif png pdf svg 092 Logan water 92:Logan water
1   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg 101 Pinkie House 101:Pinkie House
abc gif png pdf svg 102 Sutours of Selkirk 102:the Sutours of Selkirk
abc gif png pdf svg 111 Cromlets Lilt 111:Cromlet'sLilt
abc gif png pdf svg 112 Bonny Iean 111:Bonny Iean
111:Bonny Jean
abc gif png pdf svg 121 Thro the Wood Laddie 121:Thro' the Wood Laddie
abc gif png pdf svg 122 Clout the Caltron 122:Clout the Caldron
abc gif png pdf svg 131 O dear Mother what shall I do 131:O dear Mother, what shall I do
abc gif png pdf svg 132 Broom of Cowden knows 132:Broom of Cowden Knows
abc gif png pdf svg 141 Where Helen lies 141:Where Helen lies
abc gif png pdf svg 142 Bonny Earl of Murray 142:the Bonny Earl of Murray
B   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg Barsanti CoOST 0:A Collection of Old Scots Tunes
0:With the Bass for Violoncello or Harpsichord
11:Dumbarton's Drums
12:Kat Oggie
21:Ettrick Banks
31:The Lass of Peatie's mill
32:The Highland Laddie
41:Busk ye busk ye my bonny bride
42:The Last time I came o'er the moor
51:Corn riggs are bonny
52:Waly Waly
61:Iohnnie Faa
61:Johnnie Faa
62:Lord Aboyne's welcome or Cumbernauld house
71:The Bush aboon Traquair
72:To danton me
81:The Birks of Envermay
82:Fife and all the Lands about it
91:Peggy I must love thee
92:Logan water
101:Pinkie House
102:The Sutours of Selkirk
112:Bonny Iean
112:Bonny Jean
121:Thro' the Wood Laddie
122:Clout the Caldron
131:O dear Mother, what shall I do
132:Broom of Cowden Knows
141:Where Helen lies
142:The Bonny Earl of Murray
P   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg proto 0:__

B: Bar count for once through the tune.
Class: The tune's classification (rhythm, dance, origin, etc.).
date: The earliest reported date for a tune. This is generally not very reliable, of course.
img: Source files of the type(s) shown. Image files are often formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
src: Source files of the type(s) shown. Source files are usually formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
info: Assorted information about the file, depending on what has been implemented and supplied. Currently only shows the date of (earliest known) publication.
K: The tune's initial or main key.
st: Staff count for this version of the tune.
Name: is taken from the file name, with underscores replaced by spaces. If a link, points to a directory with several versions of the tune. Bold names or titles mean that the tune is in the session's "first binder", and has been played more often than the tunes in a normal font.
Titles: is a list of the titles found in the file. Duplicate titles are only shown once. For tunes that don't have a T: title, the first P: value is shown.
w: Words (lyrics) line count for this version of the tune.

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