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The Caledonian Pocket Companion
The Caledonian Pocket Companion
James Oswald, editor (and composer of a few tunes)
James Oswald was a musician, composer, editor and publisher of music in Edinburgh and London from the 1730s thru 1770s. He created "The Caledonian Pocket Companion" during the 1740s and 50s. It started as a booklet of 36 pages, with about 50 tunes. Most of the tunes have the basic tune plus one or more variations. This pattern was kept up in the 12 (or possibly more) booklets in the series. It includes a lot of the best-known tunes in the traditional Scottish repertoire. The variations give a reader some idea of how such tunes were likely played and performed by musicians at the time. These booklets were best sellers at the time, especially among country-dance musicians in the British Isles and the Colonies.

When six of the booklets had been printed and were successful, Oswald produced a book that combined all six of them. When the count reached twelve, he produced another combined book. But music historians have had some problems caused by his terminology, and it has been difficult to find them in archives. The same terms were used for the 6-booklet editions, none of which were dated. Numerous other combined books were published, such as one that contained booklets 8, 11 and 12. There may have been other booklets, but they haven't been found in archives (yet).

One thing that helped was that the National Library of Scotland, working with the folks at archive.org and imslp.org, settled on a somewhat consistent terminology. "Book" is used for the original (36 tunes, 50 pages) pocket-size booklets. "Vol(ume)" is used for the two main 6-Book collections, as well as for the assorted other combined collections. "Ed(ition)", when used, means the sometimes slightly-edited versions of any of these. Over a few years (roughly 2016-2019) images of these publications have been available online. I've used these photocopies to transcribe the tunes to the ABC music notation, to make them more available and easily used by musicians. Serious students of the origins of the music of Scotland (and the UK in general) might like to find and download the online copies of this collection, and read them as published. As of this writing, their URLs haven't been very stable, so I'd just suggest using "Caledonian Pocket Companion" and "James Oswald" to locate them.

I've kept scanned images of the two 6-book(let) "Volumes" in the src directory that you see below. Note that they followed in Oswald's confused footsteps by using similar names, with "01" in the name of the first 6-book volume, and "00" in the name of the second volume. ;-)

Below is a full listing of what's in this top-level directory. Here are some links that you may find useful:

all the tunes This lists the tunes in the entire collection, in the same order as in the booklets and (most) combined "volumes".

-- John Chambers
.||||||. Found 663 tune files in "/music/book/JamesOswald/CPC"
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C   top
get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg CPC-abc1 0:The CALEDONIAN POCKET COMPANION
11011:The Denkes dang ower my Deddie
11011:The Dukes dang o'er my &c.
11011:The Buff Coat Hath No Fellow
11011:Miss Peake's Delight
11021:Joky blythe and gay
11021:Joky blyth & gay
11031:Nansy's to the green Wood gane
11031:Nancy's to the green Wood gone
11041:Mary Scott
11041:Mary Scott, the Flower of Yarrow
11041:When ye cold winter nights were frozen
11051:Fife and a the Lands about it
11052:The Northern Lass
11053:Wally wally
11053:Wale' Wale' up yon Bank
11061:Polwart on the Green
11071:Fy on the Wars
11081:A Rock and a wi Pickle Tow
11091:The Lovely Lass of Inverness
11092:O Mother what shall I do
11093:William and Margaret
11101:My Dearie an ye die
11111:Pinkie House
11121:The Highland Lassie
11131:The Scots Recluse
11132:Valiant Joky
11141:When she cam ben she bobed
11151:The Bonny brucket Lassie
11151:The Bonny bruchet Lassie
11161:To dauntin me
11171:More W Inghean Ghibertan
11171:More w Inghean ghiberlan
11181:Green grows the Rasses
11181:Green grows the Rashes
11191:Blink over the Burn sweet Betty
11201:There are few good Fellows when Jamie's awa'
11202:Bonny Lad lay your Pipes down
11211:She rose and let me in
11212:She rose and let me out
11221:Failte na miosq
11231:The Fairy Queen
11241:Bonny Mary
11242:Alloway House
11242:Aloway House
11251:Lord John
11252:Cromlit's Lilt
11253:Balow my Boy
11261:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
11262:She's sweetest when she's naked
11271:Love is the Cause of my Mourning
11272:If e'er you do well it's a Wonder
11281:Tweed Side
11291:The Bottom of the Punch Bowl
11301:Magie Lawder
11301:Maggie Lauder
11311:Peggy I must love thee
11331:Fy gar rub her o'er with Straw
11331:Droun Drouth
11341:The Souters of Selkirk
11361:The Highland Laddie
11362:Will you to Flanders
12031:Dumbarton's Drums beat Bonny
12021:Lovely Nancy by Mr Oswald
12041:Lady McDuff's Lament and Scoon House
12042:Lady Macbeth's Dream
12051:The Banks of Tay
12052:Strily Vale
12052:Strily Vaile
12061:Banquo's Ghost
12062:Hamilton House
12063:The Bres of Birnam
12063:The Breas of Birnam
12071:The Bres of Ewes
12071:The Breas of Ewes
12072:Scoon House
12081:Eske Side
12082:The Banks of Sligoe
12081:The Bonniest Lass in a the Warld.
12101:Bonny Charity
12111:Bonny Jane
12121:The Yellow Haird Laddie
12131:The Gray Ey'd Morning
12141:The Lass of Paties Mill
12151:Lochaber no more
12161:An thou wert my ain Thing
12162:Oer the Moor to Katie
12171:The Bush aboon Traquair
12181:Leith Wynd
12191:Scots Lament By Mr Oswald
12201:The King shall enjoy
12202:The Ragged Sailor
12211:So Merry as we have been
12212:The Berks of Endermay
12221:Corn Riggs
12241:Through the Wood Laddie
12242:The Last Time I came o'er the Moor
12251:Steer her up and had her gaun
12261:I Love my Love in secret
12271:Barbara Allan
12281:The Bonny Boat Man
12291:Pegey's Lament
12291:Pegie's Lament
12292:Tak your Auld Cloak about you
12301:Sour Plums
12311:The Shepherds Pipe
12312:O Jenny come down to Jock
12321:Cumernad House
12322:Jocky's Gray Breeches
12331:The Cock Laird
12332:Come sweet Lass
12341:Jamy come try me By Mr Oswald
12342:Blow Bonnetts
12351:The Mucking of Geordys Byre
12361:The Low Lands of Holand
12362:Laslys March
14011:What shall I do to show how much I love her
14021:Katherine Ogie
14031:Roselana Castle
14031:Rosland Castle
14041:The Lady of the Flow'ry Field
14051:She griped at ye greatest on't
14051:She griped at the greatest on't
14061:The Plowman
14061:The Plow Man
14071:Over the water to Charlie
14071:O'er the water to Charlie
14081:Anthy the Lovely
14082:Scotch Gig
14082:Scots Jig
14082:The Moudiwort (or Moudiewart)
14091:Young Collin is ye Pride of the Plain
14091:Young Collin is the Pride of the Plain
14112:Miss Lawder
14112:Miss Lauder
14121:If ever I marry, I'll marry a Wright
14121:If ever I merry, I'll merry a Wright
14131:My Apron Deary
14131:My Apron Dearie
14142:The Irish Footman
14142:The Tears of Scotland
14161:Cold frostie morning
14161:Cold frosty Morning
14171:The Blossom of the Rasberry
14182:Down the Burn Davie
14201:Old Collin's Complaint
14211:Will ye lend me your Loom Lass
14212:A Bonny Lass to merry me
14221:John Anderson my Jo
14231:The Secret Kiss
14241:I wish that you were dead good man
14241:The Fiddler's Morris; A Lad Was Born In Kyle; Watson's Scots Measure
14251:Allan Water
14252:Oswald's Scotch Measure
14261:A Parcel of Rogues in the Nation
14262:By Moon light on the Green
14271:The Life we love
14281:Row your Rumple Sauney
14291:If Love's a Sweet Passion
14301:For the sake of some-body
14301:For the sake of some Body
14302:The Maid's Complaint
14311:The Lads of Leith
14321:Twas within a Furlong to Edinburgh
14321:Twas within a Furlong of Edinburgh Town
14322:Good Night and Joy be with you
15011:There's Three good fellows down in yon Glen
15011:Ther's Three good fellows down in yon Glen
15021:The Old Wife beyon the Fire
15022:Fife and all the lands about it
15031:My Nannie O
15032:My Love's in the Broom
15041:The Breas of Balandine
15051:Bonny Kate of Edinburgh
15052:O as I was Kiss'd th'Streen
15061:Norea's Scots Measure
15062:I cannot win at her for her big Belly
15071:Scots Jenny
15081:Hey my Nannie
15083:Wellcome from Vigo
15091:Cuddy claw'd her
15091:Cuddy clau'd her
15101:Sweet's the Lass that loves me
15102:The Glasgow Scots Measure
15111:Rob Shear'd in Her'st
15121:The Shepherds of Yerrow
15122:How can I be sad on my Wedding Day
15131:The Gaberlunzie Man
15141:I'll never leave thee
15142:The Bonny Earl of Murray
15151:Kittys Complaint
15151:Ketty's Complaint
15161:Norea's Lost to me
15162:The Aberdeens Scots Meassure
15171:The Colliers Daughter
15172:The Black Egle
15172:The Black Eagle
15181:Logan Water
15182:The Solitude
15191:The Old Jew
15201:Gilde Roy
15211:Aileen a roon
15221:Daintie Davie
15222:My dear I dow ne do ne mair
15231:Deel take the gair and the Bragrie o'it
15241:Willie was a Wanton Wagg
15251:Williams Ghost
15252:My love is Lost to me
15261:The Rashes
15262:Bonny Susie
15271:Murray's March
15272:Jenny and I
15281:The New way of Wooing
15282:William and Margret
15291:The Banks of Severn
15301:When absent from the Nymph I love
15302:Ketty's Scots Measure
15311:Jocky & Jenney
15311:Jockey and Jenney
15312:Hardie Knute
15313:Cheevy Chace
15321:Faith I defie thee
16011:The Old Highland Laddie
16021:John Come Kiss me Now
16041:My Wife She Dang Me
16042:Andrew and his Cutie Gun
16051:Willie Winkies Testament
16052:What shou'd a Lassie do wi an auld Man
16061:Patie and Peggy
16061:Pattie and Peggy
16062:Sweet Annie fra the Sea Beach came
16071:The Breas of Branksom
16081:The Cyprus Grove
16082:Annie's Scots Measure
16091:Auld Rob Morrice
16101:Hossier's Ghost
16102:Will you go to Sherif Muir
16111:Wiell a' to Kelso go
16111:We'll a' to Kelso go
16211:Busk O Busk My bonny bonny Bride
16122:My Wifes a Wanton Wee thing
16131:Cease Your Funning
16141:Jenny Come Tye My Gravat
16141:Jenny Come Tie My Cravat
16151:Carle an the King Comes
16161:I'll never See him More
16162:A Body Love's me
16171:Hit her upon the Bume
16181:Appie McNabb
16191:There are few good Fellows When Jamies awa
16192:Away Whigs away
16201:Hey how the Ballop
16211:I was not -- Since Martinmass
16212:The Broom of Cowdon Knows
16221:Wallaces March
16222:Go to Berwick Johnnie
16231:Geld Him Lasses Geld him
16251:The Queen of May
16252:The Millar of Fife
16251:The Scots Wriggle
16252:Gallaway Tom
16261:The Old Stewarts back Again
16262:There was a Lad and a Lass in a Kilogie
16271:The Happy Night
16281:The Inverness Scots Measure
20011:Hey to the Camp
200012:The Old Gray Ey'd Morning
20021:Johnnny cock-up thy Beaver
20031:Walley Honey
20041:Lumps of Pudding
20051:The Corbey and the Pyett
20052:The Merry Meeting
20061:Low down in the Broom
20062:Old Sir Simon the King
20071:Walace's Lament
20081:The Happy Clown
20082:Jockie was the Blythist Lad in all our Town
20091:Ratling Roring Willie
20091:Rattling Roaring Willie
20101:Three Sheep Skins
20102:Sailers lead a merry Life
20111:Murland Willie
20121:The Hare in the Corn
20131:Lilli Burlare
20132:Seaton House
20141:McPhersons Farwell
20151:Woe is me what Man I do
20161:O'er the Muir to Maggie
20171:At setting Day
20181:Burlesque on Black Joak
20201:Had I the Wate she bade me
20211:Pout the Gown upon the Bushop
20212:The Auld Maid of Fife
20221:Where will our good man Laye
20231:Over the Hills and far away
20232:Johnie Faa
20241:Lady Barnards Lament
20242:The Milk Maid
20251:Up with Aily Aily
20252:Jenny my Blithest Maid
20261:Mount my Baggage
20271:The Maid in the Mill
20281:Fairly shot on her
20282:The Scot of Yarrow
20311:Earl Douglas's Lament
20312:Thro the Long Mair I Follow'd him Home
20311:Deil Stick the Minister
20322:The Highlanders March
20322:Clout the Cauldron
20331:My Love alass is Dead and Gone
20351:Here awa Willie
20361:The Wars Alarm's
20362:The Royall Lament
20371:My Mother says I Mannot
20372:My Loves a Bonny Naithing
20381:Green Sleevs
20381:Green Sleeves (and Yellow Lace)
20382:The Weary pound of tow
20391:The Country Farmer
20392:Robins Complaint
20401:Charles Lilt
20402:Coming thro the Broom my Jo
20411:Was ye at the Bridal
20412:Duncans Dance
20413:Omnia Vincit amor
20413:Love Conquers All
20421:Simon Brodie
20431:The Widow's Lilt
20441:The Scotts Gavot
20442:Carron Side
20451:Port Athol
20452:Wrquaharts Scotts measure
20452:Urquhart's Scots measure
20461:Drimen Duff
20462:Maggies Lamentation
20471:The Lassie with the yellow Coatie
20481:Duncan's Lilt
20482:Carrallan's Lament
20491:The Pangs of Love
20492:For the Love of Gean
20492:For the Love of Jean
20501:The Berks of Abergelde
20502:Da Mihi Manum
20502:Tabhair domh do Lámh
20502:(Oh) Give Me Your Hand
20511:Saw ye a Lassie of fifteen Years
20512:The House under the Hill
20521:Peggy of the Green
20522:Gentle Love
20531:Gallaways Lament
20532:McDonough's Lamentation
20541:The Lee Rigg
20541:The Lea Rigg
20551:When Sol had loos'd
20552:The Bride has a Bonny thing
20561:The Ale Wife and her Barrel
20571:Love Slip
20581:Rory Dalls Port
20591:Port Gordon
20601:The King of France he run a Race
20602:Carlands Devotion
20611:Open the Door to Three
20612:Alack and well a day
20611:The Vows of endless Love
20621:The Brave Lads of Gallawater
20631:The Bonny wi thing
20641:The Battle of Falkirk
20651:Lude's Lament
20652:Matthew Briggs
20661:How sweet it is to Love
20662:Oh Onochie O
20671:Fair Kitty
20680:A Highland Battle
20681:The March
20682:They Mend their Pace
20683:The Battle begins
20684:The Height of the Battle
20685:The Preparation for a Retreat
20691:The Cheif is Killed
20692:The Retreat
20693:The Lamentation for the cheif
20702:Annie and Colin
20703:Lundie's Dream
20711:Phillis's Complaint
20712:The Malt-man Comes on Monday
20721:I'll make you be fond to follow me
20722:Jumping Joan
20731:Johnny Cope
20741:The Last Pint Ale
20742:A Soldier and a Sailor
20743:He til't and She til't
20751:Armstrong's Farewell
20752:The Blind Lover
20761:The Pot stick
20762:The merry Beggars
20763:There was a Maid and she went to the Mill
20771:A Tenant of my own
20772:The Irish Pot stick
20781:Love sick Jocky
20782:The Ivy Buds
20783:The Beggars Meal Pokes.
20791:Artless Annie
20792:The New Broom
20801:The Flowers of the Forrest
20802:If you had been where I have been
20811:Kittie of Crile
20821:Sawney's Pipe
20822:The Lovely Lass of Monorgon
20832:The Bell of Craigfoodie
20832:Arthur's Seat
20841:A Bonny young Lad is my Jockey
20842:Nell of Connaught
20852:Duncans Complaint
20861:Maggy of Drumlanrig
20862:Maid of Allanbank
20863:Farewell to Edinburgh
20871:Hark the Cock crow'd
20872:Ye'll ay be Welcome back again
20881:Barley Cakes
20882:Gordon Castle
20891:What the Devil ails you
20892:The Beggar's Dance
20901:The Short Apron
20902:I have a Wife of my ain
20911:Col. Gardiner's Lament
20912:Woo'd and Married and a'
20913:Her answer was mum
20921:Lude's Supper
20931:The Strathspey Wriggle
20932:Young Collin
20941:Oswald's Complaint
20942:The Small Pin Cushion
20943:The Drunken Wife of Galloway
20944:Montrose Scots Measure
20951:Sleepy Maggy
20952:The Winter it is past
20953:The Stolen Kiss
20961:The Spinning Wheel
20962:McPherson's Farewell
20972:The Qeen of the May
20972:The Queen of the May
20981:The Lucky Minute
20982:Larry Grogan
20991:The Birth of Kisses
20992:Jockey's Dream
20993:One Evening as I lost my way
21001:Bonny Sally
21002:The Cries of Edinburgh
21003:Kate of Aberdeen
21011:I'll gae nae mair to your Town
21012:Kick the World before you
21012:Money in both pockets.
21021:Lauchlan's Lilt
21022:The Hole in the Riddle
21023:Well a Day
21031:The Milking Pail
21032:The Irish Lilt
21033:The Gimblet
21040:McIntosh's Lament [standard tuning]
21041:McIntosh's Lament [scordatura]
21060:Kennet's Dream [standard tuning]
21061:Kennet's Dream [scordatura]
21070:Purie's Farewell [standard tuning]
21071:Purie's Farewell [scordatura]
21080:Kirkforther [standard tuning]
21081:Kirkforther [scordatura]
21090:Glinquich's Bush [standard tuning]
21091:Glinquich's Bush [scordatura]
21100:Stormont's Ghost [standard tuning]
21101:Stormont's Ghost [scordatura]
21111:Lord Dunmore's delight
21112:Robin Hood's Delight
21121:The Cameronian's Rant
21131:Hugar Mu Fean
21141:We're a' Kiss'd sleeping
21142:Just as I was in the morning
21151:Black Eye'd Susan
21152:Hunt the squirrel
21161:Norea's Wish
21162:Hark 'tis a voice from the Tomb
21171:Seaforth's Farewell
21172:Bohd na Hesudh
21181:The Voice of my Love
21182:This is no mine ain House
21191:What Beauteous Scenes
21192:The Craigey Rock
21201:The Highland Queen
21202:Yemon O Nock
21211:The Banks of spey
21221:The Winding of the stream
21222:Mc Neill's Rant
21232:The Lass of Leweney
21241:Marsail Lochinalie
21251:Fair Sally lov'd a bonny seaman
21261:Under the Green wood Tree
21262:The Secret Stream
21263:The Widow's shall have Spouses
21271:Nunc est bibendum
21271:The Drink Now
21272:Willy's the Lad for me
21281:Bonny Lassie take a man
21282:The Bounding Roe
21291:My Appie
21292:McDuff's scots measure
21301:Oswalds Farewell
21302:Highland King
21311:The Bursting Sigh
21321:Crona's Vale
21322:St. Patricks Day
21331:The Glancing of her Apron
21332:When the King came o'er the water
21341:Oswald's Wish
21342:Wate you how the Play began
21351:Carril's Lament
21352:The Beam of joy
21353:Jenny's Lilt
21361:Drunken Magg Young
21371:I'll Love no more
21372:The Maid of Elgin
21381:Beware of the Ripples
21382:Lona's Vale
21391:The Scotch Queen
21392:Lord Antrim's Delight
21401:Annon side
21402:The Maid of Forfar
21403:Jack of the Green
21411:Oswald's Dream
21412:The Heither Tops
21413:The Reel of Harden
21421:The Bonny Lass of Aberdeen
21422:We'll Kiss the world before us
21431:Up in the morning Early
21432:Laddie lay near me
21451:Jack Latin
21451:The Shepherd of Neath
21452:The Bonny Widow of Wigtown
21461:When the Kine had given a Pail full
21462:Jenny's Joe
21463:The Brechin Lilt
21471:Of all Comforts I miscarry'd
21472:Gill Morris
21481:Kate of Kinross
21482:The Hilloch of Hay
21483:The Old Bard
21484:Be Constant still
21491:Because I was a bonny Lad
21492:The Lads of Nairn
21501:Gossip Joan
21502:Cadger Watty
21511:Castle Swien
21512:The Sun beam
21521:Pioberachd Mhie Dhonuil
21522:The Ferny Bed
21531:Whistle o'er the leave o't
21532:Port Patrick
21541:The Highland Sante
21542:The Farmer's Wish
21551:Hi ri ri ri ho.
21552:The Lauder Lilt
21561:Benney side
21562:The Thistle's Beard
21563:The Rising Breeze
21564:The Maid of Dornock
21571:Pentlend Hills
21572:The Leith Scots measure
21573:Peggie's Dream
21581:The Lazy Mist
21582:She wou'd not die a Maid
21591:The Old Witch of Ochiltree
21592:The Vocal Shell
21601:The Lassie lost her silken Snood
21602:The Lass of the Hill
21611:The Bride's Garter
21621:The Man has got his Mare again
21621:The Jessamine Bower
abc gif png pdf svg CPC-abc2 0:The CALEDONIAN POCKET COMPANION
11011:The Denkes dang ower my Deddie
11011:The Dukes dang o'er my &c.
11011:The Buff Coat Hath No Fellow
11011:Miss Peake's Delight
11021:Joky blythe and gay
11021:Joky blyth & gay
11031:Nansy's to the green Wood gane
11031:Nancy's to the green Wood gone
11041:Mary Scott
11041:Mary Scott, the Flower of Yarrow
11041:When ye cold winter nights were frozen
11051:Fife and a the Lands about it
11052:The Northern Lass
11053:Wally wally
11053:Wale' Wale' up yon Bank
11061:Polwart on the Green
11071:Fy on the Wars
11081:A Rock and a wi Pickle Tow
11091:The Lovely Lass of Inverness
11092:O Mother what shall I do
11093:William and Margaret
11101:My Dearie an ye die
11111:Pinkie House
11121:The Highland Lassie
11131:The Scots Recluse
11132:Valiant Joky
11141:When she cam ben she bobed
11151:The Bonny brucket Lassie
11151:The Bonny bruchet Lassie
11161:To dauntin me
11171:More W Inghean Ghibertan
11171:More w Inghean ghiberlan
11181:Green grows the Rasses
11181:Green grows the Rashes
11191:Blink over the Burn sweet Betty
11201:There are few good Fellows when Jamie's awa'
11202:Bonny Lad lay your Pipes down
11211:She rose and let me in
11212:She rose and let me out
11221:Failte na miosq
11231:The Fairy Queen
11241:Bonny Mary
11242:Alloway House
11242:Aloway House
11251:Lord John
11252:Cromlit's Lilt
11253:Balow my Boy
11261:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
11262:She's sweetest when she's naked
11271:Love is the Cause of my Mourning
11272:If e'er you do well it's a Wonder
11281:Tweed Side
11291:The Bottom of the Punch Bowl
11301:Magie Lawder
11301:Maggie Lauder
11311:Peggy I must love thee
11331:Fy gar rub her o'er with Straw
11331:Droun Drouth
11341:The Souters of Selkirk
11361:The Highland Laddie
11362:Will you to Flanders
12031:Dumbarton's Drums beat Bonny
12021:Lovely Nancy by Mr Oswald
12041:Lady McDuff's Lament and Scoon House
12042:Lady Macbeth's Dream
12051:The Banks of Tay
12052:Strily Vale
12052:Strily Vaile
12061:Banquo's Ghost
12062:Hamilton House
12063:The Bres of Birnam
12063:The Breas of Birnam
12071:The Bres of Ewes
12071:The Breas of Ewes
12072:Scoon House
12081:Eske Side
12082:The Banks of Sligoe
12081:The Bonniest Lass in a the Warld.
12101:Bonny Charity
12111:Bonny Jane
12121:The Yellow Haird Laddie
12131:The Gray Ey'd Morning
12141:The Lass of Paties Mill
12151:Lochaber no more
12161:An thou wert my ain Thing
12162:Oer the Moor to Katie
12171:The Bush aboon Traquair
12181:Leith Wynd
12191:Scots Lament By Mr Oswald
12201:The King shall enjoy
12202:The Ragged Sailor
12211:So Merry as we have been
12212:The Berks of Endermay
12221:Corn Riggs
12241:Through the Wood Laddie
12242:The Last Time I came o'er the Moor
12251:Steer her up and had her gaun
12261:I Love my Love in secret
12271:Barbara Allan
12281:The Bonny Boat Man
12291:Pegey's Lament
12291:Pegie's Lament
12292:Tak your Auld Cloak about you
12301:Sour Plums
12311:The Shepherds Pipe
12312:O Jenny come down to Jock
12321:Cumernad House
12322:Jocky's Gray Breeches
12331:The Cock Laird
12332:Come sweet Lass
12341:Jamy come try me By Mr Oswald
12342:Blow Bonnetts
12351:The Mucking of Geordys Byre
12361:The Low Lands of Holand
12362:Laslys March
14011:What shall I do to show how much I love her
14021:Katherine Ogie
14031:Roselana Castle
14031:Rosland Castle
14041:The Lady of the Flow'ry Field
14051:She griped at ye greatest on't
14051:She griped at the greatest on't
14061:The Plowman
14061:The Plow Man
14071:Over the water to Charlie
14071:O'er the water to Charlie
14081:Anthy the Lovely
14082:Scotch Gig
14082:Scots Jig
14082:The Moudiwort (or Moudiewart)
14091:Young Collin is ye Pride of the Plain
14091:Young Collin is the Pride of the Plain
14112:Miss Lawder
14112:Miss Lauder
14121:If ever I marry, I'll marry a Wright
14121:If ever I merry, I'll merry a Wright
14131:My Apron Deary
14131:My Apron Dearie
14142:The Irish Footman
14142:The Tears of Scotland
14161:Cold frostie morning
14161:Cold frosty Morning
14171:The Blossom of the Rasberry
14182:Down the Burn Davie
14201:Old Collin's Complaint
14211:Will ye lend me your Loom Lass
14212:A Bonny Lass to merry me
14221:John Anderson my Jo
14231:The Secret Kiss
14241:I wish that you were dead good man
14241:The Fiddler's Morris; A Lad Was Born In Kyle; Watson's Scots Measure
14251:Allan Water
14252:Oswald's Scotch Measure
14261:A Parcel of Rogues in the Nation
14262:By Moon light on the Green
14271:The Life we love
14281:Row your Rumple Sauney
14291:If Love's a Sweet Passion
14301:For the sake of some-body
14301:For the sake of some Body
14302:The Maid's Complaint
14311:The Lads of Leith
14321:Twas within a Furlong to Edinburgh
14321:Twas within a Furlong of Edinburgh Town
14322:Good Night and Joy be with you
15011:There's Three good fellows down in yon Glen
15011:Ther's Three good fellows down in yon Glen
15021:The Old Wife beyon the Fire
15022:Fife and all the lands about it
15031:My Nannie O
15032:My Love's in the Broom
15041:The Breas of Balandine
15051:Bonny Kate of Edinburgh
15052:O as I was Kiss'd th'Streen
15061:Norea's Scots Measure
15062:I cannot win at her for her big Belly
15071:Scots Jenny
15081:Hey my Nannie
15083:Wellcome from Vigo
15091:Cuddy claw'd her
15091:Cuddy clau'd her
15101:Sweet's the Lass that loves me
15102:The Glasgow Scots Measure
15111:Rob Shear'd in Her'st
15121:The Shepherds of Yerrow
15122:How can I be sad on my Wedding Day
15131:The Gaberlunzie Man
15141:I'll never leave thee
15142:The Bonny Earl of Murray
15151:Kittys Complaint
15151:Ketty's Complaint
15161:Norea's Lost to me
15162:The Aberdeens Scots Meassure
15171:The Colliers Daughter
15172:The Black Egle
15172:The Black Eagle
15181:Logan Water
15182:The Solitude
15191:The Old Jew
15201:Gilde Roy
15211:Aileen a roon
15221:Daintie Davie
15222:My dear I dow ne do ne mair
15231:Deel take the gair and the Bragrie o'it
15241:Willie was a Wanton Wagg
15251:Williams Ghost
15252:My love is Lost to me
15261:The Rashes
15262:Bonny Susie
15271:Murray's March
15272:Jenny and I
15281:The New way of Wooing
15282:William and Margret
15291:The Banks of Severn
15301:When absent from the Nymph I love
15302:Ketty's Scots Measure
15311:Jocky & Jenney
15311:Jockey and Jenney
15312:Hardie Knute
15313:Cheevy Chace
15321:Faith I defie thee
16011:The Old Highland Laddie
16021:John Come Kiss me Now
16041:My Wife She Dang Me
16042:Andrew and his Cutie Gun
16051:Willie Winkies Testament
16052:What shou'd a Lassie do wi an auld Man
16061:Patie and Peggy
16061:Pattie and Peggy
16062:Sweet Annie fra the Sea Beach came
16071:The Breas of Branksom
16081:The Cyprus Grove
16082:Annie's Scots Measure
16091:Auld Rob Morrice
16101:Hossier's Ghost
16102:Will you go to Sherif Muir
16111:Wiell a' to Kelso go
16111:We'll a' to Kelso go
16211:Busk O Busk My bonny bonny Bride
16122:My Wifes a Wanton Wee thing
16131:Cease Your Funning
16141:Jenny Come Tye My Gravat
16141:Jenny Come Tie My Cravat
16151:Carle an the King Comes
16161:I'll never See him More
16162:A Body Love's me
16171:Hit her upon the Bume
16181:Appie McNabb
16191:There are few good Fellows When Jamies awa
16192:Away Whigs away
16201:Hey how the Ballop
16211:I was not -- Since Martinmass
16212:The Broom of Cowdon Knows
16221:Wallaces March
16222:Go to Berwick Johnnie
16231:Geld Him Lasses Geld him
16251:The Queen of May
16252:The Millar of Fife
16251:The Scots Wriggle
16252:Gallaway Tom
16261:The Old Stewarts back Again
16262:There was a Lad and a Lass in a Kilogie
16271:The Happy Night
16281:The Inverness Scots Measure
20011:Hey to the Camp
200012:The Old Gray Ey'd Morning
20021:Johnnny cock-up thy Beaver
20031:Walley Honey
20041:Lumps of Pudding
20051:The Corbey and the Pyett
20052:The Merry Meeting
20061:Low down in the Broom
20062:Old Sir Simon the King
20071:Walace's Lament
20081:The Happy Clown
20082:Jockie was the Blythist Lad in all our Town
20091:Ratling Roring Willie
20091:Rattling Roaring Willie
20101:Three Sheep Skins
20102:Sailers lead a merry Life
20111:Murland Willie
20121:The Hare in the Corn
20131:Lilli Burlare
20132:Seaton House
20141:McPhersons Farwell
20151:Woe is me what Man I do
20161:O'er the Muir to Maggie
20171:At setting Day
20181:Burlesque on Black Joak
20201:Had I the Wate she bade me
20211:Pout the Gown upon the Bushop
20212:The Auld Maid of Fife
20221:Where will our good man Laye
20231:Over the Hills and far away
20232:Johnie Faa
20241:Lady Barnards Lament
20242:The Milk Maid
20251:Up with Aily Aily
20252:Jenny my Blithest Maid
20261:Mount my Baggage
20271:The Maid in the Mill
20281:Fairly shot on her
20282:The Scot of Yarrow
20311:Earl Douglas's Lament
20312:Thro the Long Mair I Follow'd him Home
20311:Deil Stick the Minister
20322:The Highlanders March
20322:Clout the Cauldron
20331:My Love alass is Dead and Gone
20351:Here awa Willie
20361:The Wars Alarm's
20362:The Royall Lament
20371:My Mother says I Mannot
20372:My Loves a Bonny Naithing
20381:Green Sleevs
20381:Green Sleeves (and Yellow Lace)
20382:The Weary pound of tow
20391:The Country Farmer
20392:Robins Complaint
20401:Charles Lilt
20402:Coming thro the Broom my Jo
20411:Was ye at the Bridal
20412:Duncans Dance
20413:Omnia Vincit amor
20413:Love Conquers All
20421:Simon Brodie
20431:The Widow's Lilt
20441:The Scotts Gavot
20442:Carron Side
20451:Port Athol
20452:Wrquaharts Scotts measure
20452:Urquhart's Scots measure
20461:Drimen Duff
20462:Maggies Lamentation
20471:The Lassie with the yellow Coatie
20481:Duncan's Lilt
20482:Carrallan's Lament
20491:The Pangs of Love
20492:For the Love of Gean
20492:For the Love of Jean
20501:The Berks of Abergelde
20502:Da Mihi Manum
20502:Tabhair domh do Lámh
20502:(Oh) Give Me Your Hand
20511:Saw ye a Lassie of fifteen Years
20512:The House under the Hill
20521:Peggy of the Green
20522:Gentle Love
20531:Gallaways Lament
20532:McDonough's Lamentation
20541:The Lee Rigg
20541:The Lea Rigg
20551:When Sol had loos'd
20552:The Bride has a Bonny thing
20561:The Ale Wife and her Barrel
20571:Love Slip
20581:Rory Dalls Port
20591:Port Gordon
20601:The King of France he run a Race
20602:Carlands Devotion
20611:Open the Door to Three
20612:Alack and well a day
20611:The Vows of endless Love
20621:The Brave Lads of Gallawater
20631:The Bonny wi thing
20641:The Battle of Falkirk
20651:Lude's Lament
20652:Matthew Briggs
20661:How sweet it is to Love
20662:Oh Onochie O
20671:Fair Kitty
20680:A Highland Battle
20681:The March
20682:They Mend their Pace
20683:The Battle begins
20684:The Height of the Battle
20685:The Preparation for a Retreat
20691:The Cheif is Killed
20692:The Retreat
20693:The Lamentation for the cheif
20702:Annie and Colin
20703:Lundie's Dream
20711:Phillis's Complaint
20712:The Malt-man Comes on Monday
20721:I'll make you be fond to follow me
20722:Jumping Joan
20731:Johnny Cope
20741:The Last Pint Ale
20742:A Soldier and a Sailor
20743:He til't and She til't
20751:Armstrong's Farewell
20752:The Blind Lover
20761:The Pot stick
20762:The merry Beggars
20763:There was a Maid and she went to the Mill
20771:A Tenant of my own
20772:The Irish Pot stick
20781:Love sick Jocky
20782:The Ivy Buds
20783:The Beggars Meal Pokes.
20791:Artless Annie
20792:The New Broom
20801:The Flowers of the Forrest
20802:If you had been where I have been
20811:Kittie of Crile
20821:Sawney's Pipe
20822:The Lovely Lass of Monorgon
20832:The Bell of Craigfoodie
20832:Arthur's Seat
20841:A Bonny young Lad is my Jockey
20842:Nell of Connaught
20852:Duncans Complaint
20861:Maggy of Drumlanrig
20862:Maid of Allanbank
20863:Farewell to Edinburgh
20871:Hark the Cock crow'd
20872:Ye'll ay be Welcome back again
20881:Barley Cakes
20882:Gordon Castle
20891:What the Devil ails you
20892:The Beggar's Dance
20901:The Short Apron
20902:I have a Wife of my ain
20911:Col. Gardiner's Lament
20912:Woo'd and Married and a'
20913:Her answer was mum
20921:Lude's Supper
20931:The Strathspey Wriggle
20932:Young Collin
20941:Oswald's Complaint
20942:The Small Pin Cushion
20943:The Drunken Wife of Galloway
20944:Montrose Scots Measure
20951:Sleepy Maggy
20952:The Winter it is past
20953:The Stolen Kiss
20961:The Spinning Wheel
20962:McPherson's Farewell
20972:The Qeen of the May
20972:The Queen of the May
20981:The Lucky Minute
20982:Larry Grogan
20991:The Birth of Kisses
20992:Jockey's Dream
20993:One Evening as I lost my way
21001:Bonny Sally
21002:The Cries of Edinburgh
21003:Kate of Aberdeen
21011:I'll gae nae mair to your Town
21012:Kick the World before you
21012:Money in both pockets.
21021:Lauchlan's Lilt
21022:The Hole in the Riddle
21023:Well a Day
21031:The Milking Pail
21032:The Irish Lilt
21033:The Gimblet
21040:McIntosh's Lament [standard tuning]
21041:McIntosh's Lament [scordatura]
21060:Kennet's Dream [standard tuning]
21061:Kennet's Dream [scordatura]
21070:Purie's Farewell [standard tuning]
21071:Purie's Farewell [scordatura]
21080:Kirkforther [standard tuning]
21081:Kirkforther [scordatura]
21090:Glinquich's Bush [standard tuning]
21091:Glinquich's Bush [scordatura]
21100:Stormont's Ghost [standard tuning]
21101:Stormont's Ghost [scordatura]
21111:Lord Dunmore's delight
21112:Robin Hood's Delight
21121:The Cameronian's Rant
21131:Hugar Mu Fean
21141:We're a' Kiss'd sleeping
21142:Just as I was in the morning
21151:Black Eye'd Susan
21152:Hunt the squirrel
21161:Norea's Wish
21162:Hark 'tis a voice from the Tomb
21171:Seaforth's Farewell
21172:Bohd na Hesudh
21181:The Voice of my Love
21182:This is no mine ain House
21191:What Beauteous Scenes
21192:The Craigey Rock
21201:The Highland Queen
21202:Yemon O Nock
21211:The Banks of spey
21221:The Winding of the stream
21222:Mc Neill's Rant
21232:The Lass of Leweney
21241:Marsail Lochinalie
21251:Fair Sally lov'd a bonny seaman
21261:Under the Green wood Tree
21262:The Secret Stream
21263:The Widow's shall have Spouses
21271:Nunc est bibendum
21271:The Drink Now
21272:Willy's the Lad for me
21281:Bonny Lassie take a man
21282:The Bounding Roe
21291:My Appie
21292:McDuff's scots measure
21301:Oswalds Farewell
21302:Highland King
21311:The Bursting Sigh
21321:Crona's Vale
21322:St. Patricks Day
21331:The Glancing of her Apron
21332:When the King came o'er the water
21341:Oswald's Wish
21342:Wate you how the Play began
21351:Carril's Lament
21352:The Beam of joy
21353:Jenny's Lilt
21361:Drunken Magg Young
21371:I'll Love no more
21372:The Maid of Elgin
21381:Beware of the Ripples
21382:Lona's Vale
21391:The Scotch Queen
21392:Lord Antrim's Delight
21401:Annon side
21402:The Maid of Forfar
21403:Jack of the Green
21411:Oswald's Dream
21412:The Heither Tops
21413:The Reel of Harden
21421:The Bonny Lass of Aberdeen
21422:We'll Kiss the world before us
21431:Up in the morning Early
21432:Laddie lay near me
21451:Jack Latin
21451:The Shepherd of Neath
21452:The Bonny Widow of Wigtown
21461:When the Kine had given a Pail full
21462:Jenny's Joe
21463:The Brechin Lilt
21471:Of all Comforts I miscarry'd
21472:Gill Morris
21481:Kate of Kinross
21482:The Hilloch of Hay
21483:The Old Bard
21484:Be Constant still
21491:Because I was a bonny Lad
21492:The Lads of Nairn
21501:Gossip Joan
21502:Cadger Watty
21511:Castle Swien
21512:The Sun beam
21521:Pioberachd Mhie Dhonuil
21522:The Ferny Bed
21531:Whistle o'er the leave o't
21532:Port Patrick
21541:The Highland Sante
21542:The Farmer's Wish
21551:Hi ri ri ri ho.
21552:The Lauder Lilt
21561:Benney side
21562:The Thistle's Beard
21563:The Rising Breeze
21564:The Maid of Dornock
21571:Pentlend Hills
21572:The Leith Scots measure
21573:Peggie's Dream
21581:The Lazy Mist
21582:She wou'd not die a Maid
21591:The Old Witch of Ochiltree
21592:The Vocal Shell
21601:The Lassie lost her silken Snood
21602:The Lass of the Hill
21611:The Bride's Garter
21621:The Man has got his Mare again
21621:The Jessamine Bower
abc gif png pdf svg CPCvol1-abc1 10000:The CALEDONIAN POCKET COMPANION (Volume 1)
11011:The Denkes dang ower my Deddie
11011:The Dukes dang o'er my &c.
11011:The Buff Coat Hath No Fellow
11011:Miss Peake's Delight
11021:Joky blythe and gay
11021:Joky blyth & gay
11031:Nansy's to the green Wood gane
11031:Nancy's to the green Wood gone
11041:Mary Scott
11041:Mary Scott, the Flower of Yarrow
11041:When ye cold winter nights were frozen
11051:Fife and a the Lands about it
11052:The Northern Lass
11053:Wally wally
11053:Wale' Wale' up yon Bank
11061:Polwart on the Green
11071:Fy on the Wars
11081:A Rock and a wi Pickle Tow
11091:The Lovely Lass of Inverness
11092:O Mother what shall I do
11093:William and Margaret
11101:My Dearie an ye die
11111:Pinkie House
11121:The Highland Lassie
11131:The Scots Recluse
11132:Valiant Joky
11141:When she cam ben she bobed
11151:The Bonny brucket Lassie
11151:The Bonny bruchet Lassie
11161:To dauntin me
11171:More W Inghean Ghibertan
11171:More w Inghean ghiberlan
11181:Green grows the Rasses
11181:Green grows the Rashes
11191:Blink over the Burn sweet Betty
11201:There are few good Fellows when Jamie's awa'
11202:Bonny Lad lay your Pipes down
11211:She rose and let me in
11212:She rose and let me out
11221:Failte na miosq
11231:The Fairy Queen
11241:Bonny Mary
11242:Alloway House
11242:Aloway House
11251:Lord John
11252:Cromlit's Lilt
11253:Balow my Boy
11261:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
11262:She's sweetest when she's naked
11271:Love is the Cause of my Mourning
11272:If e'er you do well it's a Wonder
11281:Tweed Side
11291:The Bottom of the Punch Bowl
11301:Magie Lawder
11301:Maggie Lauder
11311:Peggy I must love thee
11331:Fy gar rub her o'er with Straw
11331:Droun Drouth
11341:The Souters of Selkirk
11361:The Highland Laddie
11362:Will you to Flanders
12031:Dumbarton's Drums beat Bonny
12021:Lovely Nancy by Mr Oswald
12041:Lady McDuff's Lament and Scoon House
12042:Lady Macbeth's Dream
12051:The Banks of Tay
12052:Strily Vale
12052:Strily Vaile
12061:Banquo's Ghost
12062:Hamilton House
12063:The Bres of Birnam
12063:The Breas of Birnam
12071:The Bres of Ewes
12071:The Breas of Ewes
12072:Scoon House
12081:Eske Side
12082:The Banks of Sligoe
12081:The Bonniest Lass in a the Warld.
12101:Bonny Charity
12111:Bonny Jane
12121:The Yellow Haird Laddie
12131:The Gray Ey'd Morning
12141:The Lass of Paties Mill
12151:Lochaber no more
12161:An thou wert my ain Thing
12162:Oer the Moor to Katie
12171:The Bush aboon Traquair
12181:Leith Wynd
12191:Scots Lament By Mr Oswald
12201:The King shall enjoy
12202:The Ragged Sailor
12211:So Merry as we have been
12212:The Berks of Endermay
12221:Corn Riggs
12241:Through the Wood Laddie
12242:The Last Time I came o'er the Moor
12251:Steer her up and had her gaun
12261:I Love my Love in secret
12271:Barbara Allan
12281:The Bonny Boat Man
12291:Pegey's Lament
12291:Pegie's Lament
12292:Tak your Auld Cloak about you
12301:Sour Plums
12311:The Shepherds Pipe
12312:O Jenny come down to Jock
12321:Cumernad House
12322:Jocky's Gray Breeches
12331:The Cock Laird
12332:Come sweet Lass
12341:Jamy come try me By Mr Oswald
12342:Blow Bonnetts
12351:The Mucking of Geordys Byre
12361:The Low Lands of Holand
12362:Laslys March
14011:What shall I do to show how much I love her
14021:Katherine Ogie
14031:Roselana Castle
14031:Rosland Castle
14041:The Lady of the Flow'ry Field
14051:She griped at ye greatest on't
14051:She griped at the greatest on't
14061:The Plowman
14061:The Plow Man
14071:Over the water to Charlie
14071:O'er the water to Charlie
14081:Anthy the Lovely
14082:Scotch Gig
14082:Scots Jig
14082:The Moudiwort (or Moudiewart)
14091:Young Collin is ye Pride of the Plain
14091:Young Collin is the Pride of the Plain
14112:Miss Lawder
14112:Miss Lauder
14121:If ever I marry, I'll marry a Wright
14121:If ever I merry, I'll merry a Wright
14131:My Apron Deary
14131:My Apron Dearie
14142:The Irish Footman
14142:The Tears of Scotland
14161:Cold frostie morning
14161:Cold frosty Morning
14171:The Blossom of the Rasberry
14182:Down the Burn Davie
14201:Old Collin's Complaint
14211:Will ye lend me your Loom Lass
14212:A Bonny Lass to merry me
14221:John Anderson my Jo
14231:The Secret Kiss
14241:I wish that you were dead good man
14241:The Fiddler's Morris; A Lad Was Born In Kyle; Watson's Scots Measure
14251:Allan Water
14252:Oswald's Scotch Measure
14261:A Parcel of Rogues in the Nation
14262:By Moon light on the Green
14271:The Life we love
14281:Row your Rumple Sauney
14291:If Love's a Sweet Passion
14301:For the sake of some-body
14301:For the sake of some Body
14302:The Maid's Complaint
14311:The Lads of Leith
14321:Twas within a Furlong to Edinburgh
14321:Twas within a Furlong of Edinburgh Town
14322:Good Night and Joy be with you
15011:There's Three good fellows down in yon Glen
15011:Ther's Three good fellows down in yon Glen
15021:The Old Wife beyon the Fire
15022:Fife and all the lands about it
15031:My Nannie O
15032:My Love's in the Broom
15041:The Breas of Balandine
15051:Bonny Kate of Edinburgh
15052:O as I was Kiss'd th'Streen
15061:Norea's Scots Measure
15062:I cannot win at her for her big Belly
15071:Scots Jenny
15081:Hey my Nannie
15083:Wellcome from Vigo
15091:Cuddy claw'd her
15091:Cuddy clau'd her
15101:Sweet's the Lass that loves me
15102:The Glasgow Scots Measure
15111:Rob Shear'd in Her'st
15121:The Shepherds of Yerrow
15122:How can I be sad on my Wedding Day
15131:The Gaberlunzie Man
15141:I'll never leave thee
15142:The Bonny Earl of Murray
15151:Kittys Complaint
15151:Ketty's Complaint
15161:Norea's Lost to me
15162:The Aberdeens Scots Meassure
15171:The Colliers Daughter
15172:The Black Egle
15172:The Black Eagle
15181:Logan Water
15182:The Solitude
15191:The Old Jew
15201:Gilde Roy
15211:Aileen a roon
15221:Daintie Davie
15222:My dear I dow ne do ne mair
15231:Deel take the gair and the Bragrie o'it
15241:Willie was a Wanton Wagg
15251:Williams Ghost
15252:My love is Lost to me
15261:The Rashes
15262:Bonny Susie
15271:Murray's March
15272:Jenny and I
15281:The New way of Wooing
15282:William and Margret
15291:The Banks of Severn
15301:When absent from the Nymph I love
15302:Ketty's Scots Measure
15311:Jocky & Jenney
15311:Jockey and Jenney
15312:Hardie Knute
15313:Cheevy Chace
15321:Faith I defie thee
16011:The Old Highland Laddie
16021:John Come Kiss me Now
16041:My Wife She Dang Me
16042:Andrew and his Cutie Gun
16051:Willie Winkies Testament
16052:What shou'd a Lassie do wi an auld Man
16061:Patie and Peggy
16061:Pattie and Peggy
16062:Sweet Annie fra the Sea Beach came
16071:The Breas of Branksom
16081:The Cyprus Grove
16082:Annie's Scots Measure
16091:Auld Rob Morrice
16101:Hossier's Ghost
16102:Will you go to Sherif Muir
16111:Wiell a' to Kelso go
16111:We'll a' to Kelso go
16211:Busk O Busk My bonny bonny Bride
16122:My Wifes a Wanton Wee thing
16131:Cease Your Funning
16141:Jenny Come Tye My Gravat
16141:Jenny Come Tie My Cravat
16151:Carle an the King Comes
16161:I'll never See him More
16162:A Body Love's me
16171:Hit her upon the Bume
16181:Appie McNabb
16191:There are few good Fellows When Jamies awa
16192:Away Whigs away
16201:Hey how the Ballop
16211:I was not -- Since Martinmass
16212:The Broom of Cowdon Knows
16221:Wallaces March
16222:Go to Berwick Johnnie
16231:Geld Him Lasses Geld him
16251:The Queen of May
16252:The Millar of Fife
16251:The Scots Wriggle
16252:Gallaway Tom
16261:The Old Stewarts back Again
16262:There was a Lad and a Lass in a Kilogie
16271:The Happy Night
16281:The Inverness Scots Measure
abc gif png pdf svg CPCvol1-abc2 10000:The CALEDONIAN POCKET COMPANION (Volume 1)
11011:The Denkes dang ower my Deddie
11011:The Dukes dang o'er my &c.
11011:The Buff Coat Hath No Fellow
11011:Miss Peake's Delight
11021:Joky blythe and gay
11021:Joky blyth & gay
11031:Nansy's to the green Wood gane
11031:Nancy's to the green Wood gone
11041:Mary Scott
11041:Mary Scott, the Flower of Yarrow
11041:When ye cold winter nights were frozen
11051:Fife and a the Lands about it
11052:The Northern Lass
11053:Wally wally
11053:Wale' Wale' up yon Bank
11061:Polwart on the Green
11071:Fy on the Wars
11081:A Rock and a wi Pickle Tow
11091:The Lovely Lass of Inverness
11092:O Mother what shall I do
11093:William and Margaret
11101:My Dearie an ye die
11111:Pinkie House
11121:The Highland Lassie
11131:The Scots Recluse
11132:Valiant Joky
11141:When she cam ben she bobed
11151:The Bonny brucket Lassie
11151:The Bonny bruchet Lassie
11161:To dauntin me
11171:More W Inghean Ghibertan
11171:More w Inghean ghiberlan
11181:Green grows the Rasses
11181:Green grows the Rashes
11191:Blink over the Burn sweet Betty
11201:There are few good Fellows when Jamie's awa'
11202:Bonny Lad lay your Pipes down
11211:She rose and let me in
11212:She rose and let me out
11221:Failte na miosq
11231:The Fairy Queen
11241:Bonny Mary
11242:Alloway House
11242:Aloway House
11251:Lord John
11252:Cromlit's Lilt
11253:Balow my Boy
11261:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
11262:She's sweetest when she's naked
11271:Love is the Cause of my Mourning
11272:If e'er you do well it's a Wonder
11281:Tweed Side
11291:The Bottom of the Punch Bowl
11301:Magie Lawder
11301:Maggie Lauder
11311:Peggy I must love thee
11331:Fy gar rub her o'er with Straw
11331:Droun Drouth
11341:The Souters of Selkirk
11361:The Highland Laddie
11362:Will you to Flanders
12031:Dumbarton's Drums beat Bonny
12021:Lovely Nancy by Mr Oswald
12041:Lady McDuff's Lament and Scoon House
12042:Lady Macbeth's Dream
12051:The Banks of Tay
12052:Strily Vale
12052:Strily Vaile
12061:Banquo's Ghost
12062:Hamilton House
12063:The Bres of Birnam
12063:The Breas of Birnam
12071:The Bres of Ewes
12071:The Breas of Ewes
12072:Scoon House
12081:Eske Side
12082:The Banks of Sligoe
12081:The Bonniest Lass in a the Warld.
12101:Bonny Charity
12111:Bonny Jane
12121:The Yellow Haird Laddie
12131:The Gray Ey'd Morning
12141:The Lass of Paties Mill
12151:Lochaber no more
12161:An thou wert my ain Thing
12162:Oer the Moor to Katie
12171:The Bush aboon Traquair
12181:Leith Wynd
12191:Scots Lament By Mr Oswald
12201:The King shall enjoy
12202:The Ragged Sailor
12211:So Merry as we have been
12212:The Berks of Endermay
12221:Corn Riggs
12241:Through the Wood Laddie
12242:The Last Time I came o'er the Moor
12251:Steer her up and had her gaun
12261:I Love my Love in secret
12271:Barbara Allan
12281:The Bonny Boat Man
12291:Pegey's Lament
12291:Pegie's Lament
12292:Tak your Auld Cloak about you
12301:Sour Plums
12311:The Shepherds Pipe
12312:O Jenny come down to Jock
12321:Cumernad House
12322:Jocky's Gray Breeches
12331:The Cock Laird
12332:Come sweet Lass
12341:Jamy come try me By Mr Oswald
12342:Blow Bonnetts
12351:The Mucking of Geordys Byre
12361:The Low Lands of Holand
12362:Laslys March
14011:What shall I do to show how much I love her
14021:Katherine Ogie
14031:Roselana Castle
14031:Rosland Castle
14041:The Lady of the Flow'ry Field
14051:She griped at ye greatest on't
14051:She griped at the greatest on't
14061:The Plowman
14061:The Plow Man
14071:Over the water to Charlie
14071:O'er the water to Charlie
14081:Anthy the Lovely
14082:Scotch Gig
14082:Scots Jig
14082:The Moudiwort (or Moudiewart)
14091:Young Collin is ye Pride of the Plain
14091:Young Collin is the Pride of the Plain
14112:Miss Lawder
14112:Miss Lauder
14121:If ever I marry, I'll marry a Wright
14121:If ever I merry, I'll merry a Wright
14131:My Apron Deary
14131:My Apron Dearie
14142:The Irish Footman
14142:The Tears of Scotland
14161:Cold frostie morning
14161:Cold frosty Morning
14171:The Blossom of the Rasberry
14182:Down the Burn Davie
14201:Old Collin's Complaint
14211:Will ye lend me your Loom Lass
14212:A Bonny Lass to merry me
14221:John Anderson my Jo
14231:The Secret Kiss
14241:I wish that you were dead good man
14241:The Fiddler's Morris; A Lad Was Born In Kyle; Watson's Scots Measure
14251:Allan Water
14252:Oswald's Scotch Measure
14261:A Parcel of Rogues in the Nation
14262:By Moon light on the Green
14271:The Life we love
14281:Row your Rumple Sauney
14291:If Love's a Sweet Passion
14301:For the sake of some-body
14301:For the sake of some Body
14302:The Maid's Complaint
14311:The Lads of Leith
14321:Twas within a Furlong to Edinburgh
14321:Twas within a Furlong of Edinburgh Town
14322:Good Night and Joy be with you
15011:There's Three good fellows down in yon Glen
15011:Ther's Three good fellows down in yon Glen
15021:The Old Wife beyon the Fire
15022:Fife and all the lands about it
15031:My Nannie O
15032:My Love's in the Broom
15041:The Breas of Balandine
15051:Bonny Kate of Edinburgh
15052:O as I was Kiss'd th'Streen
15061:Norea's Scots Measure
15062:I cannot win at her for her big Belly
15071:Scots Jenny
15081:Hey my Nannie
15083:Wellcome from Vigo
15091:Cuddy claw'd her
15091:Cuddy clau'd her
15101:Sweet's the Lass that loves me
15102:The Glasgow Scots Measure
15111:Rob Shear'd in Her'st
15121:The Shepherds of Yerrow
15122:How can I be sad on my Wedding Day
15131:The Gaberlunzie Man
15141:I'll never leave thee
15142:The Bonny Earl of Murray
15151:Kittys Complaint
15151:Ketty's Complaint
15161:Norea's Lost to me
15162:The Aberdeens Scots Meassure
15171:The Colliers Daughter
15172:The Black Egle
15172:The Black Eagle
15181:Logan Water
15182:The Solitude
15191:The Old Jew
15201:Gilde Roy
15211:Aileen a roon
15221:Daintie Davie
15222:My dear I dow ne do ne mair
15231:Deel take the gair and the Bragrie o'it
15241:Willie was a Wanton Wagg
15251:Williams Ghost
15252:My love is Lost to me
15261:The Rashes
15262:Bonny Susie
15271:Murray's March
15272:Jenny and I
15281:The New way of Wooing
15282:William and Margret
15291:The Banks of Severn
15301:When absent from the Nymph I love
15302:Ketty's Scots Measure
15311:Jocky & Jenney
15311:Jockey and Jenney
15312:Hardie Knute
15313:Cheevy Chace
15321:Faith I defie thee
16011:The Old Highland Laddie
16021:John Come Kiss me Now
16041:My Wife She Dang Me
16042:Andrew and his Cutie Gun
16051:Willie Winkies Testament
16052:What shou'd a Lassie do wi an auld Man
16061:Patie and Peggy
16061:Pattie and Peggy
16062:Sweet Annie fra the Sea Beach came
16071:The Breas of Branksom
16081:The Cyprus Grove
16082:Annie's Scots Measure
16091:Auld Rob Morrice
16101:Hossier's Ghost
16102:Will you go to Sherif Muir
16111:Wiell a' to Kelso go
16111:We'll a' to Kelso go
16211:Busk O Busk My bonny bonny Bride
16122:My Wifes a Wanton Wee thing
16131:Cease Your Funning
16141:Jenny Come Tye My Gravat
16141:Jenny Come Tie My Cravat
16151:Carle an the King Comes
16161:I'll never See him More
16162:A Body Love's me
16171:Hit her upon the Bume
16181:Appie McNabb
16191:There are few good Fellows When Jamies awa
16192:Away Whigs away
16201:Hey how the Ballop
16211:I was not -- Since Martinmass
16212:The Broom of Cowdon Knows
16221:Wallaces March
16222:Go to Berwick Johnnie
16231:Geld Him Lasses Geld him
16251:The Queen of May
16252:The Millar of Fife
16251:The Scots Wriggle
16252:Gallaway Tom
16261:The Old Stewarts back Again
16262:There was a Lad and a Lass in a Kilogie
16271:The Happy Night
16281:The Inverness Scots Measure
abc gif png pdf svg CPCvol2-abc1 20000:The CALEDONIAN POCKET COMPANION (Volume 2)
20011:Hey to the Camp
200012:The Old Gray Ey'd Morning
20021:Johnnny cock-up thy Beaver
20031:Walley Honey
20041:Lumps of Pudding
20051:The Corbey and the Pyett
20052:The Merry Meeting
20061:Low down in the Broom
20062:Old Sir Simon the King
20071:Walace's Lament
20081:The Happy Clown
20082:Jockie was the Blythist Lad in all our Town
20091:Ratling Roring Willie
20091:Rattling Roaring Willie
20101:Three Sheep Skins
20102:Sailers lead a merry Life
20111:Murland Willie
20121:The Hare in the Corn
20131:Lilli Burlare
20132:Seaton House
20141:McPhersons Farwell
20151:Woe is me what Man I do
20161:O'er the Muir to Maggie
20171:At setting Day
20181:Burlesque on Black Joak
20201:Had I the Wate she bade me
20211:Pout the Gown upon the Bushop
20212:The Auld Maid of Fife
20221:Where will our good man Laye
20231:Over the Hills and far away
20232:Johnie Faa
20241:Lady Barnards Lament
20242:The Milk Maid
20251:Up with Aily Aily
20252:Jenny my Blithest Maid
20261:Mount my Baggage
20271:The Maid in the Mill
20281:Fairly shot on her
20282:The Scot of Yarrow
20311:Earl Douglas's Lament
20312:Thro the Long Mair I Follow'd him Home
20311:Deil Stick the Minister
20322:The Highlanders March
20322:Clout the Cauldron
20331:My Love alass is Dead and Gone
20351:Here awa Willie
20361:The Wars Alarm's
20362:The Royall Lament
20371:My Mother says I Mannot
20372:My Loves a Bonny Naithing
20381:Green Sleevs
20381:Green Sleeves (and Yellow Lace)
20382:The Weary pound of tow
20391:The Country Farmer
20392:Robins Complaint
20401:Charles Lilt
20402:Coming thro the Broom my Jo
20411:Was ye at the Bridal
20412:Duncans Dance
20413:Omnia Vincit amor
20413:Love Conquers All
20421:Simon Brodie
20431:The Widow's Lilt
20441:The Scotts Gavot
20442:Carron Side
20451:Port Athol
20452:Wrquaharts Scotts measure
20452:Urquhart's Scots measure
20461:Drimen Duff
20462:Maggies Lamentation
20471:The Lassie with the yellow Coatie
20481:Duncan's Lilt
20482:Carrallan's Lament
20491:The Pangs of Love
20492:For the Love of Gean
20492:For the Love of Jean
20501:The Berks of Abergelde
20502:Da Mihi Manum
20502:Tabhair domh do Lámh
20502:(Oh) Give Me Your Hand
20511:Saw ye a Lassie of fifteen Years
20512:The House under the Hill
20521:Peggy of the Green
20522:Gentle Love
20531:Gallaways Lament
20532:McDonough's Lamentation
20541:The Lee Rigg
20541:The Lea Rigg
20551:When Sol had loos'd
20552:The Bride has a Bonny thing
20561:The Ale Wife and her Barrel
20571:Love Slip
20581:Rory Dalls Port
20591:Port Gordon
20601:The King of France he run a Race
20602:Carlands Devotion
20611:Open the Door to Three
20612:Alack and well a day
20611:The Vows of endless Love
20621:The Brave Lads of Gallawater
20631:The Bonny wi thing
20641:The Battle of Falkirk
20651:Lude's Lament
20652:Matthew Briggs
20661:How sweet it is to Love
20662:Oh Onochie O
20671:Fair Kitty
20680:A Highland Battle
20681:The March
20682:They Mend their Pace
20683:The Battle begins
20684:The Height of the Battle
20685:The Preparation for a Retreat
20691:The Cheif is Killed
20692:The Retreat
20693:The Lamentation for the cheif
20702:Annie and Colin
20703:Lundie's Dream
20711:Phillis's Complaint
20712:The Malt-man Comes on Monday
20721:I'll make you be fond to follow me
20722:Jumping Joan
20731:Johnny Cope
20741:The Last Pint Ale
20742:A Soldier and a Sailor
20743:He til't and She til't
20751:Armstrong's Farewell
20752:The Blind Lover
20761:The Pot stick
20762:The merry Beggars
20763:There was a Maid and she went to the Mill
20771:A Tenant of my own
20772:The Irish Pot stick
20781:Love sick Jocky
20782:The Ivy Buds
20783:The Beggars Meal Pokes.
20791:Artless Annie
20792:The New Broom
20801:The Flowers of the Forrest
20802:If you had been where I have been
20811:Kittie of Crile
20821:Sawney's Pipe
20822:The Lovely Lass of Monorgon
20832:The Bell of Craigfoodie
20832:Arthur's Seat
20841:A Bonny young Lad is my Jockey
20842:Nell of Connaught
20852:Duncans Complaint
20861:Maggy of Drumlanrig
20862:Maid of Allanbank
20863:Farewell to Edinburgh
20871:Hark the Cock crow'd
20872:Ye'll ay be Welcome back again
20881:Barley Cakes
20882:Gordon Castle
20891:What the Devil ails you
20892:The Beggar's Dance
20901:The Short Apron
20902:I have a Wife of my ain
20911:Col. Gardiner's Lament
20912:Woo'd and Married and a'
20913:Her answer was mum
20921:Lude's Supper
20931:The Strathspey Wriggle
20932:Young Collin
20941:Oswald's Complaint
20942:The Small Pin Cushion
20943:The Drunken Wife of Galloway
20944:Montrose Scots Measure
20951:Sleepy Maggy
20952:The Winter it is past
20953:The Stolen Kiss
20961:The Spinning Wheel
20962:McPherson's Farewell
20972:The Qeen of the May
20972:The Queen of the May
20981:The Lucky Minute
20982:Larry Grogan
20991:The Birth of Kisses
20992:Jockey's Dream
20993:One Evening as I lost my way
21001:Bonny Sally
21002:The Cries of Edinburgh
21003:Kate of Aberdeen
21011:I'll gae nae mair to your Town
21012:Kick the World before you
21012:Money in both pockets.
21021:Lauchlan's Lilt
21022:The Hole in the Riddle
21023:Well a Day
21031:The Milking Pail
21032:The Irish Lilt
21033:The Gimblet
21040:McIntosh's Lament [standard tuning]
21041:McIntosh's Lament [scordatura]
21060:Kennet's Dream [standard tuning]
21061:Kennet's Dream [scordatura]
21070:Purie's Farewell [standard tuning]
21071:Purie's Farewell [scordatura]
21080:Kirkforther [standard tuning]
21081:Kirkforther [scordatura]
21090:Glinquich's Bush [standard tuning]
21091:Glinquich's Bush [scordatura]
21100:Stormont's Ghost [standard tuning]
21101:Stormont's Ghost [scordatura]
21111:Lord Dunmore's delight
21112:Robin Hood's Delight
21121:The Cameronian's Rant
21131:Hugar Mu Fean
21141:We're a' Kiss'd sleeping
21142:Just as I was in the morning
21151:Black Eye'd Susan
21152:Hunt the squirrel
21161:Norea's Wish
21162:Hark 'tis a voice from the Tomb
21171:Seaforth's Farewell
21172:Bohd na Hesudh
21181:The Voice of my Love
21182:This is no mine ain House
21191:What Beauteous Scenes
21192:The Craigey Rock
21201:The Highland Queen
21202:Yemon O Nock
21211:The Banks of spey
21221:The Winding of the stream
21222:Mc Neill's Rant
21232:The Lass of Leweney
21241:Marsail Lochinalie
21251:Fair Sally lov'd a bonny seaman
21261:Under the Green wood Tree
21262:The Secret Stream
21263:The Widow's shall have Spouses
21271:Nunc est bibendum
21271:The Drink Now
21272:Willy's the Lad for me
21281:Bonny Lassie take a man
21282:The Bounding Roe
21291:My Appie
21292:McDuff's scots measure
21301:Oswalds Farewell
21302:Highland King
21311:The Bursting Sigh
21321:Crona's Vale
21322:St. Patricks Day
21331:The Glancing of her Apron
21332:When the King came o'er the water
21341:Oswald's Wish
21342:Wate you how the Play began
21351:Carril's Lament
21352:The Beam of joy
21353:Jenny's Lilt
21361:Drunken Magg Young
21371:I'll Love no more
21372:The Maid of Elgin
21381:Beware of the Ripples
21382:Lona's Vale
21391:The Scotch Queen
21392:Lord Antrim's Delight
21401:Annon side
21402:The Maid of Forfar
21403:Jack of the Green
21411:Oswald's Dream
21412:The Heither Tops
21413:The Reel of Harden
21421:The Bonny Lass of Aberdeen
21422:We'll Kiss the world before us
21431:Up in the morning Early
21432:Laddie lay near me
21451:Jack Latin
21451:The Shepherd of Neath
21452:The Bonny Widow of Wigtown
21461:When the Kine had given a Pail full
21462:Jenny's Joe
21463:The Brechin Lilt
21471:Of all Comforts I miscarry'd
21472:Gill Morris
21481:Kate of Kinross
21482:The Hilloch of Hay
21483:The Old Bard
21484:Be Constant still
21491:Because I was a bonny Lad
21492:The Lads of Nairn
21501:Gossip Joan
21502:Cadger Watty
21511:Castle Swien
21512:The Sun beam
21521:Pioberachd Mhie Dhonuil
21522:The Ferny Bed
21531:Whistle o'er the leave o't
21532:Port Patrick
21541:The Highland Sante
21542:The Farmer's Wish
21551:Hi ri ri ri ho.
21552:The Lauder Lilt
21561:Benney side
21562:The Thistle's Beard
21563:The Rising Breeze
21564:The Maid of Dornock
21571:Pentlend Hills
21572:The Leith Scots measure
21573:Peggie's Dream
21581:The Lazy Mist
21582:She wou'd not die a Maid
21591:The Old Witch of Ochiltree
21592:The Vocal Shell
21601:The Lassie lost her silken Snood
21602:The Lass of the Hill
21611:The Bride's Garter
21621:The Man has got his Mare again
21621:The Jessamine Bower
abc gif png pdf svg CPCvol2-abc2 20000:The CALEDONIAN POCKET COMPANION (Volume 2)
20011:Hey to the Camp
200012:The Old Gray Ey'd Morning
20021:Johnnny cock-up thy Beaver
20031:Walley Honey
20041:Lumps of Pudding
20051:The Corbey and the Pyett
20052:The Merry Meeting
20061:Low down in the Broom
20062:Old Sir Simon the King
20071:Walace's Lament
20081:The Happy Clown
20082:Jockie was the Blythist Lad in all our Town
20091:Ratling Roring Willie
20091:Rattling Roaring Willie
20101:Three Sheep Skins
20102:Sailers lead a merry Life
20111:Murland Willie
20121:The Hare in the Corn
20131:Lilli Burlare
20132:Seaton House
20141:McPhersons Farwell
20151:Woe is me what Man I do
20161:O'er the Muir to Maggie
20171:At setting Day
20181:Burlesque on Black Joak
20201:Had I the Wate she bade me
20211:Pout the Gown upon the Bushop
20212:The Auld Maid of Fife
20221:Where will our good man Laye
20231:Over the Hills and far away
20232:Johnie Faa
20241:Lady Barnards Lament
20242:The Milk Maid
20251:Up with Aily Aily
20252:Jenny my Blithest Maid
20261:Mount my Baggage
20271:The Maid in the Mill
20281:Fairly shot on her
20282:The Scot of Yarrow
20311:Earl Douglas's Lament
20312:Thro the Long Mair I Follow'd him Home
20311:Deil Stick the Minister
20322:The Highlanders March
20322:Clout the Cauldron
20331:My Love alass is Dead and Gone
20351:Here awa Willie
20361:The Wars Alarm's
20362:The Royall Lament
20371:My Mother says I Mannot
20372:My Loves a Bonny Naithing
20381:Green Sleevs
20381:Green Sleeves (and Yellow Lace)
20382:The Weary pound of tow
20391:The Country Farmer
20392:Robins Complaint
20401:Charles Lilt
20402:Coming thro the Broom my Jo
20411:Was ye at the Bridal
20412:Duncans Dance
20413:Omnia Vincit amor
20413:Love Conquers All
20421:Simon Brodie
20431:The Widow's Lilt
20441:The Scotts Gavot
20442:Carron Side
20451:Port Athol
20452:Wrquaharts Scotts measure
20452:Urquhart's Scots measure
20461:Drimen Duff
20462:Maggies Lamentation
20471:The Lassie with the yellow Coatie
20481:Duncan's Lilt
20482:Carrallan's Lament
20491:The Pangs of Love
20492:For the Love of Gean
20492:For the Love of Jean
20501:The Berks of Abergelde
20502:Da Mihi Manum
20502:Tabhair domh do Lámh
20502:(Oh) Give Me Your Hand
20511:Saw ye a Lassie of fifteen Years
20512:The House under the Hill
20521:Peggy of the Green
20522:Gentle Love
20531:Gallaways Lament
20532:McDonough's Lamentation
20541:The Lee Rigg
20541:The Lea Rigg
20551:When Sol had loos'd
20552:The Bride has a Bonny thing
20561:The Ale Wife and her Barrel
20571:Love Slip
20581:Rory Dalls Port
20591:Port Gordon
20601:The King of France he run a Race
20602:Carlands Devotion
20611:Open the Door to Three
20612:Alack and well a day
20611:The Vows of endless Love
20621:The Brave Lads of Gallawater
20631:The Bonny wi thing
20641:The Battle of Falkirk
20651:Lude's Lament
20652:Matthew Briggs
20661:How sweet it is to Love
20662:Oh Onochie O
20671:Fair Kitty
20680:A Highland Battle
20681:The March
20682:They Mend their Pace
20683:The Battle begins
20684:The Height of the Battle
20685:The Preparation for a Retreat
20691:The Cheif is Killed
20692:The Retreat
20693:The Lamentation for the cheif
20702:Annie and Colin
20703:Lundie's Dream
20711:Phillis's Complaint
20712:The Malt-man Comes on Monday
20721:I'll make you be fond to follow me
20722:Jumping Joan
20731:Johnny Cope
20741:The Last Pint Ale
20742:A Soldier and a Sailor
20743:He til't and She til't
20751:Armstrong's Farewell
20752:The Blind Lover
20761:The Pot stick
20762:The merry Beggars
20763:There was a Maid and she went to the Mill
20771:A Tenant of my own
20772:The Irish Pot stick
20781:Love sick Jocky
20782:The Ivy Buds
20783:The Beggars Meal Pokes.
20791:Artless Annie
20792:The New Broom
20801:The Flowers of the Forrest
20802:If you had been where I have been
20811:Kittie of Crile
20821:Sawney's Pipe
20822:The Lovely Lass of Monorgon
20832:The Bell of Craigfoodie
20832:Arthur's Seat
20841:A Bonny young Lad is my Jockey
20842:Nell of Connaught
20852:Duncans Complaint
20861:Maggy of Drumlanrig
20862:Maid of Allanbank
20863:Farewell to Edinburgh
20871:Hark the Cock crow'd
20872:Ye'll ay be Welcome back again
20881:Barley Cakes
20882:Gordon Castle
20891:What the Devil ails you
20892:The Beggar's Dance
20901:The Short Apron
20902:I have a Wife of my ain
20911:Col. Gardiner's Lament
20912:Woo'd and Married and a'
20913:Her answer was mum
20921:Lude's Supper
20931:The Strathspey Wriggle
20932:Young Collin
20941:Oswald's Complaint
20942:The Small Pin Cushion
20943:The Drunken Wife of Galloway
20944:Montrose Scots Measure
20951:Sleepy Maggy
20952:The Winter it is past
20953:The Stolen Kiss
20961:The Spinning Wheel
20962:McPherson's Farewell
20972:The Qeen of the May
20972:The Queen of the May
20981:The Lucky Minute
20982:Larry Grogan
20991:The Birth of Kisses
20992:Jockey's Dream
20993:One Evening as I lost my way
21001:Bonny Sally
21002:The Cries of Edinburgh
21003:Kate of Aberdeen
21011:I'll gae nae mair to your Town
21012:Kick the World before you
21012:Money in both pockets.
21021:Lauchlan's Lilt
21022:The Hole in the Riddle
21023:Well a Day
21031:The Milking Pail
21032:The Irish Lilt
21033:The Gimblet
21040:McIntosh's Lament [standard tuning]
21041:McIntosh's Lament [scordatura]
21060:Kennet's Dream [standard tuning]
21061:Kennet's Dream [scordatura]
21070:Purie's Farewell [standard tuning]
21071:Purie's Farewell [scordatura]
21080:Kirkforther [standard tuning]
21081:Kirkforther [scordatura]
21090:Glinquich's Bush [standard tuning]
21091:Glinquich's Bush [scordatura]
21100:Stormont's Ghost [standard tuning]
21101:Stormont's Ghost [scordatura]
21111:Lord Dunmore's delight
21112:Robin Hood's Delight
21121:The Cameronian's Rant
21131:Hugar Mu Fean
21141:We're a' Kiss'd sleeping
21142:Just as I was in the morning
21151:Black Eye'd Susan
21152:Hunt the squirrel
21161:Norea's Wish
21162:Hark 'tis a voice from the Tomb
21171:Seaforth's Farewell
21172:Bohd na Hesudh
21181:The Voice of my Love
21182:This is no mine ain House
21191:What Beauteous Scenes
21192:The Craigey Rock
21201:The Highland Queen
21202:Yemon O Nock
21211:The Banks of spey
21221:The Winding of the stream
21222:Mc Neill's Rant
21232:The Lass of Leweney
21241:Marsail Lochinalie
21251:Fair Sally lov'd a bonny seaman
21261:Under the Green wood Tree
21262:The Secret Stream
21263:The Widow's shall have Spouses
21271:Nunc est bibendum
21271:The Drink Now
21272:Willy's the Lad for me
21281:Bonny Lassie take a man
21282:The Bounding Roe
21291:My Appie
21292:McDuff's scots measure
21301:Oswalds Farewell
21302:Highland King
21311:The Bursting Sigh
21321:Crona's Vale
21322:St. Patricks Day
21331:The Glancing of her Apron
21332:When the King came o'er the water
21341:Oswald's Wish
21342:Wate you how the Play began
21351:Carril's Lament
21352:The Beam of joy
21353:Jenny's Lilt
21361:Drunken Magg Young
21371:I'll Love no more
21372:The Maid of Elgin
21381:Beware of the Ripples
21382:Lona's Vale
21391:The Scotch Queen
21392:Lord Antrim's Delight
21401:Annon side
21402:The Maid of Forfar
21403:Jack of the Green
21411:Oswald's Dream
21412:The Heither Tops
21413:The Reel of Harden
21421:The Bonny Lass of Aberdeen
21422:We'll Kiss the world before us
21431:Up in the morning Early
21432:Laddie lay near me
21451:Jack Latin
21451:The Shepherd of Neath
21452:The Bonny Widow of Wigtown
21461:When the Kine had given a Pail full
21462:Jenny's Joe
21463:The Brechin Lilt
21471:Of all Comforts I miscarry'd
21472:Gill Morris
21481:Kate of Kinross
21482:The Hilloch of Hay
21483:The Old Bard
21484:Be Constant still
21491:Because I was a bonny Lad
21492:The Lads of Nairn
21501:Gossip Joan
21502:Cadger Watty
21511:Castle Swien
21512:The Sun beam
21521:Pioberachd Mhie Dhonuil
21522:The Ferny Bed
21531:Whistle o'er the leave o't
21532:Port Patrick
21541:The Highland Sante
21542:The Farmer's Wish
21551:Hi ri ri ri ho.
21552:The Lauder Lilt
21561:Benney side
21562:The Thistle's Beard
21563:The Rising Breeze
21564:The Maid of Dornock
21571:Pentlend Hills
21572:The Leith Scots measure
21573:Peggie's Dream
21581:The Lazy Mist
21582:She wou'd not die a Maid
21591:The Old Witch of Ochiltree
21592:The Vocal Shell
21601:The Lassie lost her silken Snood
21602:The Lass of the Hill
21611:The Bride's Garter
21621:The Man has got his Mare again
21621:The Jessamine Bower
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abc gif png pdf svg [lnk] [No title for "slurs.abc/proto"]
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get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg [lnk] [No title for "test.abc/proto"]
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get gif png pdf svg img src Class K B st w Name Titles d i
abc gif png pdf svg [lnk] [No title for "v12.abc/proto"]

B: Bar count for once through the tune.
Class: The tune's classification (rhythm, dance, origin, etc.).
date: The earliest reported date for a tune. This is generally not very reliable, of course.
img: Source files of the type(s) shown. Image files are often formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
src: Source files of the type(s) shown. Source files are usually formatted for printing, and may contain extra information in addition to the music.
info: Assorted information about the file, depending on what has been implemented and supplied. Currently only shows the date of (earliest known) publication.
K: The tune's initial or main key.
st: Staff count for this version of the tune.
Name: is taken from the file name, with underscores replaced by spaces. If a link, points to a directory with several versions of the tune. Bold names or titles mean that the tune is in the session's "first binder", and has been played more often than the tunes in a normal font.
Titles: is a list of the titles found in the file. Duplicate titles are only shown once. For tunes that don't have a T: title, the first P: value is shown.
w: Words (lyrics) line count for this version of the tune.

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