Open Contras in New England

There are a number of contra dances around New England that have "open" bands, and allow visiting musicians to sit in without an explicit invitation. Here are some that I've learned about.

Date Time Caller Band Place Contact
--- Regular Dances ---
Most 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 8-20:30 pm varies varies MIT, Cambridge
Student Center
(usually Lobdell or Sala)
MIT Folk Dance Club
2nd Saturdays,
except in Summer
8:00-11:00; Tony Saletan Concord Country Dance Band Concord Scout House
74 Walden Strett
Concord, Mass
Josh Cohen
web page
--- Special Dances ---
May 18 2002 07:30-10:30 pm Byron Ricker Fiddler's Loft Sandown NH Town Hall George Kaulbach, 603-887-2166