Aldersgate Bars Andrew Kerr Any Thing or Sunday Morning Athol Bray Bartons Maggot Berks of Abergelde Bessy Bell Black as a Cole Blazing Star Bleeding Heart Bonny Boat Man Bonny Lass Bonny Lass of our Town Border Reel Box and Dice or Boscomb Bucks Buttered Pease Cackny or new Camargo Camargo Cameronian Rant Cleaver Lad Cork or Thiselworth Assembly Down the Burn Davie Drown Drowth Dusty Miller Easter Thursday Easton Hall Fairly shot on her Fiddle Faddle Flower of Edinburgh Fortune Hunter Fourth of June Gallant Enterprize Gallaway Tom Gaveson Geminianis Minuet Gold Ring Green Room Greggs Frolick Hambletons Rant Hampstead Assembly Happy Pair Hare in the Corn Harlequin in the Mud Hay my Nancie Hermitage Highland Laddy Hobsons Choice Honest Yorkshire Man How can I keep my Maiden Head Humours of Marybon Huzza I will have a Wife of my own Jack Latine Jacks Delight John Blacks Daughter Kate Kick the World before me King of Damascus Reel Kings Arms Kiss quick my Mothers a comeing or Bonny Jock Lads of Dunce Lads of Leath Lady Tersichens Rant Larry Grogan Lets Shak her Weall Lewis Castle Luxborough Mac Fosets Farewell Major Marquiss of Carmarthens Birth Day Miss in her own Hair Mouse Trap Muirland Willie Musselborough My ain Kind Deary Nassau New Pierot New Way of Wooing No sure Pattys Delight Petticoat tight Prince Fredericks Hornpipe Princess Amelias Birth Day Pump Room Punchanellos Hornpipe Quadrille Ragg Ranting Highland Man Reel of Glames Ridotta Right Scotch Contention Riseing Sun Rosemary Lane Ross Meor Sandy Laddy Scornfull Nancy Scotch Contention Shuffle and Cut Silly Old Man Six and Sevens Soldier Ladie St Jamess Bason Stewards Rant Sulters of Selkerke Swines Tale to Georgia Tit for Tat Tods Assembly Trip to Bath Trip to Shorts Trip to the Lawndry Turnbridge Frisk Tweedside Walley Honey Wap at the Widow Wards Drop Wards Pill Whip her and Gird her Whip the Cat INCOMPLETE Willey Wilky Yellow Haird Laddie