2025-03-17 123432 PID=72643 B=0 "get.cgi" version 20221227 Vtest=1 V=1. RA="" UA="Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +https://openai.com/gptbot)" pathinfo="" cgiloc="minya-cgilocal.pm" ENV{PATH}: "/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/trillian-bin:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" URL="" DATA: F: "GIF" N: "/DonaldAndFlora.gif" S: "0.55" T: "DONALDANDFLORA" U: "/~jc/music/book/CaledonianMusicalRepository/1806/1806.abc" X: "22" n: "1" x: "1" Is V in form data? Is T in form data? Targ="DONALDANDFLORA" filName="DONALDANDFLORA-72643" client='Unknown' fmt='unknown-fmt' Check data{U} ... Urq='/~jc/music/book/CaledonianMusicalRepository/1806/1806.abc' title="1806" [from URL] title="1806" [from tText()] Extract title from "1806" ti="" tt="1806" ="" get.cgi/: tt="1806" get.cgi/: midfil="/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-1806.mid" get.cgi/: midifil="/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-1806.midi" get.cgi/: midialt="/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-1806.malt" ENV{PATH}: "/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/trillian-bin:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" Validate the data ... dataValidate: Called. dataValidate: X='22' dataValidate: T='DONALDANDFLORA' dataValidate: chkMulti=1 dataValidate: We have 8 names in %data. dataValidate: 0 errors. Is S (scale) in form data? get.cgi: botpat=/Baiduspider|SemrushBoti|MJ12bot|googlebot|mediapartners|becomebot|bingbot|msnbot|scoutjet|\w+search\/slurp|searchme|webreaper|crawler|yahoo|yandex|scirus-crawler|ezooms.bot|ahrefsbot|dotbot|siteexplorer/ ENV{PATH}: "/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/trillian-bin:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" X: "22" X:'22' x:'1' Find X:22 x:1 "DONALDANDFLORA" Fmts=GIF T="DONALDANDFLORA" X=22 x=1 URL="http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/CaledonianMusicalRepository/1806/1806.abc" Process form data: Flags: copt='' nopt='' xopt='' showX='0' [from data] V=1 Get scale ... V=1 Got scale='0.55' V=1 scale='0.55' Sopt='0.55' sbrk='' Sopt='0.55' sopt=' +s 0.55' Xrq=22 scl='55' fmt='_55' get.cgi called with ymd='2025-03-17' hms='123432' Can't write "/Users/jc/w/tmp/req/" (No such file or directory) D: 2025-03-17 123432 F: GIF N: /DonaldAndFlora.gif T: DONALDANDFLORA U: /~jc/music/book/CaledonianMusicalRepository/1806/1806.abc X: 22 Change to '/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc' cwd='/Users/jc/Sites/cgi/abc' fromCache: Can't find cache file for X:22 T:DONALDANDFLORA Getting tune from original file because selNdx=22 and lines=0 ... get.cgi: Default getcmd "curl -i -s 'http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/CaledonianMusicalRepository/1806/1806.abc'" get.cgi: Opened getcmd for reading, pid=72651, Fmts='GIF'. X:0000 selNdx="22" X=0000 Xgood=0. Got T:The Caledonian Musical Repository Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="The Caledonian Musical Repository" does not match gotTTL="CALEDONIANMUSICALREPOSITORY" Tune not accepted. X:1 selNdx="22" X=1 Xgood=0. Got T:ANE AND TWENTY, TAM Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="ANE AND TWENTY, TAM" does not match gotTTL="ANEANDTWENTYTAM" Tune not accepted. X:2 selNdx="22" X=2 Xgood=0. Got T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON" does not match gotTTL="BANKSANDBRAESOBONNYDOON" Tune not accepted. X:3 selNdx="22" X=3 Xgood=0. Got T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MOOR Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MOOR" does not match gotTTL="BATTLEOFSHERRAMOOR" Tune not accepted. X:4 selNdx="22" X=4 Xgood=0. Got T:BESS THE GAWKIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="BESS THE GAWKIE" does not match gotTTL="BESSTHEGAWKIE" Tune not accepted. X:5 selNdx="22" X=5 Xgood=0. Got T:the BIRKS OF INVERMAY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the BIRKS OF INVERMAY" does not match gotTTL="BIRKSOFINVERMAY" Tune not accepted. X:6 selNdx="22" X=6 Xgood=0. Got T:the BLATH'RIE O'T Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the BLATH'RIE O'T" does not match gotTTL="BLATHRIEOT" Tune not accepted. X:7 selNdx="22" X=7 Xgood=0. Got T:the BLYTHESOME BRIDAL Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the BLYTHESOME BRIDAL" does not match gotTTL="BLYTHESOMEBRIDAL" Tune not accepted. X:8 selNdx="22" X=8 Xgood=0. Got T:BONNY DUNDEE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="BONNY DUNDEE" does not match gotTTL="BONNYDUNDEE" Tune not accepted. Got T:ANOTHER SET Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="ANOTHER SET" does not match gotTTL="ANOTHERSET" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. Got T:JESSIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="JESSIE" does not match gotTTL="JESSIE" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:9 selNdx="22" X=9 Xgood=0. Got T:the BRAES OF YARROW Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the BRAES OF YARROW" does not match gotTTL="BRAESOFYARROW" Tune not accepted. Got T:the BRAES OF YARROW Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the BRAES OF YARROW" does not match gotTTL="BRAESOFYARROW" Tune not accepted. Got T:the old words Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the old words" does not match gotTTL="OLDWORDS" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:10 selNdx="22" X=10 Xgood=0. Got T:BRAW LADS ON YARROW BRAES Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="BRAW LADS ON YARROW BRAES" does not match gotTTL="BRAWLADSONYARROWBRAES" Tune not accepted. Got T:MARY'S CHARMS. Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="MARY'S CHARMS." does not match gotTTL="MARYSCHARMS" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. Got T:GALLA WATER. Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="GALLA WATER." does not match gotTTL="GALLAWATER" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:11 selNdx="22" X=11 Xgood=0. Got T:the BROOM OF COWDENKNOWS Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the BROOM OF COWDENKNOWS" does not match gotTTL="BROOMOFCOWDENKNOWS" Tune not accepted. Extra X:12 (was 11) X:12 selNdx="22" X=12 Xgood=0. Got T:the BROOM OF COWDENKNOWS Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the BROOM OF COWDENKNOWS" does not match gotTTL="BROOMOFCOWDENKNOWS" Tune not accepted. Got T:SECOND SET Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="SECOND SET" does not match gotTTL="SECONDSET" Tune not accepted. X:13 selNdx="22" X=13 Xgood=0. Got T:BURNS' FAREWEL TO AYRSHIRE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="BURNS' FAREWEL TO AYRSHIRE" does not match gotTTL="BURNSFAREWELTOAYRSHIRE" Tune not accepted. X:14 selNdx="22" X=14 Xgood=0. Got T:the BUSH ABOON TRAQUAIR Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the BUSH ABOON TRAQUAIR" does not match gotTTL="BUSHABOONTRAQUAIR" Tune not accepted. X:15 selNdx="22" X=15 Xgood=0. Got T:CALEDONIA Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="CALEDONIA" does not match gotTTL="CALEDONIA" Tune not accepted. X:16 selNdx="22" X=16 Xgood=0. Got T:CAPTAIN O'KAINE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="CAPTAIN O'KAINE" does not match gotTTL="CAPTAINOKAINE" Tune not accepted. Got T:the CHEVALIER'S LAMENT Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the CHEVALIER'S LAMENT" does not match gotTTL="CHEVALIERSLAMENT" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:17 selNdx="22" X=17 Xgood=0. Got T:CAULD KAIL IN ABERDEEN Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="CAULD KAIL IN ABERDEEN" does not match gotTTL="CAULDKAILINABERDEEN" Tune not accepted. Got T:ANOTHER SET Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="ANOTHER SET" does not match gotTTL="ANOTHERSET" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:18 selNdx="22" X=18 Xgood=0. Got T:the COLLIER'S BONNY LASSIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the COLLIER'S BONNY LASSIE" does not match gotTTL="COLLIERSBONNYLASSIE" Tune not accepted. Got T:BONNY LESLEY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="BONNY LESLEY" does not match gotTTL="BONNYLESLEY" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:19 selNdx="22" X=19 Xgood=0. Got T:COME UNDER MY PLAIDY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="COME UNDER MY PLAIDY" does not match gotTTL="COMEUNDERMYPLAIDY" Tune not accepted. Got T:TIBBIE DUNBAR Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="TIBBIE DUNBAR" does not match gotTTL="TIBBIEDUNBAR" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:20 selNdx="22" X=20 Xgood=0. Got T:DAINTY DAVIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="DAINTY DAVIE" does not match gotTTL="DAINTYDAVIE" Tune not accepted. Got T:NOW ROSY MAY COMES IN Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="NOW ROSY MAY COMES IN" does not match gotTTL="NOWROSYMAYCOMESIN" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. Got T:CHARMING CHLOE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="CHARMING CHLOE" does not match gotTTL="CHARMINGCHLOE" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. Got T:LUCKY NANCY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="LUCKY NANCY" does not match gotTTL="LUCKYNANCY" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:21 selNdx="22" X=21 Xgood=0. Got T:the DAYS O' LANGSYNE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the DAYS O' LANGSYNE" does not match gotTTL="DAYSOLANGSYNE" Tune not accepted. X:22 selNdx="22" X=22 Xgood=1. Got T:DONALD AND FLORA Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Tune is good. X:23 selNdx="22" X=23 Xgood=0. Got T:ETTRICK BANKS Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="ETTRICK BANKS" does not match gotTTL="ETTRICKBANKS" Tune not accepted. X:24 selNdx="22" X=24 Xgood=0. Got T:the EWE-BUGHTS, MARION Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the EWE-BUGHTS, MARION" does not match gotTTL="EWEBUGHTSMARION" Tune not accepted. Got T:HOW BLYTHE HAE I BEEN Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="HOW BLYTHE HAE I BEEN" does not match gotTTL="HOWBLYTHEHAEIBEEN" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:25 selNdx="22" X=25 Xgood=0. Got T:FAREWEL TO LOCHABER Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="FAREWEL TO LOCHABER" does not match gotTTL="FAREWELTOLOCHABER" Tune not accepted. X:26 selNdx="22" X=26 Xgood=0. Got T:FOR LACK OF GOLD Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="FOR LACK OF GOLD" does not match gotTTL="FORLACKOFGOLD" Tune not accepted. X:27 selNdx="22" X=27 Xgood=0. Got T:GIL MORRICE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="GIL MORRICE" does not match gotTTL="GILMORRICE" Tune not accepted. X:28 selNdx="22" X=28 Xgood=0. Got T:GREEN GROW THE RASHES Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="GREEN GROW THE RASHES" does not match gotTTL="GREENGROWTHERASHES" Tune not accepted. X:29 selNdx="22" X=29 Xgood=0. Got T:GUDE FORGI'E ME FOR LYIN Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="GUDE FORGI'E ME FOR LYIN" does not match gotTTL="GUDEFORGIEMEFORLYIN" Tune not accepted. X:30 selNdx="22" X=30 Xgood=0. Got T:HEATHER BRAES Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="HEATHER BRAES" does not match gotTTL="HEATHERBRAES" Tune not accepted. X:31 selNdx="22" X=31 Xgood=0. Got T:HERE AWA, THERE AWA Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="HERE AWA, THERE AWA" does not match gotTTL="HEREAWATHEREAWA" Tune not accepted. Got T:WANDERING WILLIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="WANDERING WILLIE" does not match gotTTL="WANDERINGWILLIE" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:32 selNdx="22" X=32 Xgood=0. Got T:HIGHLAND HARRY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="HIGHLAND HARRY" does not match gotTTL="HIGHLANDHARRY" Tune not accepted. X:33 selNdx="22" X=33 Xgood=0. Got T:the HIGHLAND LADDIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the HIGHLAND LADDIE" does not match gotTTL="HIGHLANDLADDIE" Tune not accepted. Got T:the HIGHLAND LASSIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the HIGHLAND LASSIE" does not match gotTTL="HIGHLANDLASSIE" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:34 selNdx="22" X=34 Xgood=0. Got T:the HONEST MAN Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the HONEST MAN" does not match gotTTL="HONESTMAN" Tune not accepted. Got T:HOW HARD'S THE FATE OF WOMANKIND Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="HOW HARD'S THE FATE OF WOMANKIND" does not match gotTTL="HOWHARDSTHEFATEOFWOMANKIND" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. Got T:THOUGH WOMEN'S MINDS Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="THOUGH WOMEN'S MINDS" does not match gotTTL="THOUGHWOMENSMINDS" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:35 selNdx="22" X=35 Xgood=0. Got T:HOW SWEET THIS LONE VALE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="HOW SWEET THIS LONE VALE" does not match gotTTL="HOWSWEETTHISLONEVALE" Tune not accepted. X:36 selNdx="22" X=36 Xgood=0. Got T:I'LL NEVER LEAVE THEE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="I'LL NEVER LEAVE THEE" does not match gotTTL="ILLNEVERLEAVETHEE" Tune not accepted. X:37 selNdx="22" X=37 Xgood=0. Got T:I HAD A HORSE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="I HAD A HORSE" does not match gotTTL="IHADAHORSE" Tune not accepted. Got T:O POORTITH CAULD Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="O POORTITH CAULD" does not match gotTTL="OPOORTITHCAULD" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:38 selNdx="22" X=38 Xgood=0. Got T:JENNY'S BAWBEE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="JENNY'S BAWBEE" does not match gotTTL="JENNYSBAWBEE" Tune not accepted. X:39 selNdx="22" X=39 Xgood=0. Got T:JOHN ANDERSON, MY JO Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="JOHN ANDERSON, MY JO" does not match gotTTL="JOHNANDERSONMYJO" Tune not accepted. X:40 selNdx="22" X=40 Xgood=0. Got T:KAIL BROSE O' AULD SCOTLAND Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="KAIL BROSE O' AULD SCOTLAND" does not match gotTTL="KAILBROSEOAULDSCOTLAND" Tune not accepted. X:41 selNdx="22" X=41 Xgood=0. Got T:KATH'RINE OGIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="KATH'RINE OGIE" does not match gotTTL="KATHRINEOGIE" Tune not accepted. Got T:HIGHLAND MARY. Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="HIGHLAND MARY." does not match gotTTL="HIGHLANDMARY" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:42 selNdx="22" X=42 Xgood=0. Got T:KING ROBERT'S ADDRESS Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="KING ROBERT'S ADDRESS" does not match gotTTL="KINGROBERTSADDRESS" Tune not accepted. Got T:WEEL MAY WE A' BE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="WEEL MAY WE A' BE" does not match gotTTL="WEELMAYWEABE" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. Got T:THE LAND O' THE LEAL Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="THE LAND O' THE LEAL" does not match gotTTL="LANDOTHELEAL" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:43 selNdx="22" X=43 Xgood=0. Got T:the LAMMY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the LAMMY" does not match gotTTL="LAMMY" Tune not accepted. X:44 selNdx="22" X=44 Xgood=0. Got T:the LASS IN YON TOWN Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the LASS IN YON TOWN" does not match gotTTL="LASSINYONTOWN" Tune not accepted. X:45 selNdx="22" X=45 Xgood=0. Got T:the LASS OF BALLOCHMYLE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the LASS OF BALLOCHMYLE" does not match gotTTL="LASSOFBALLOCHMYLE" Tune not accepted. X:46 selNdx="22" X=46 Xgood=0. Got T:the LASS THAT MADE THE BED TO ME Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the LASS THAT MADE THE BED TO ME" does not match gotTTL="LASSTHATMADETHEBEDTOME" Tune not accepted. X:47 selNdx="22" X=47 Xgood=0. Got T:the LAST TIME I CAME O'ER THE MUIR Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the LAST TIME I CAME O'ER THE MUIR" does not match gotTTL="LASTTIMEICAMEOERTHEMUIR" Tune not accepted. Got T:YOUNG PEGGY BLOOMS Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="YOUNG PEGGY BLOOMS" does not match gotTTL="YOUNGPEGGYBLOOMS" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:48 selNdx="22" X=48 Xgood=0. Got T:LET ME IN THIS AE NIGHT Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="LET ME IN THIS AE NIGHT" does not match gotTTL="LETMEINTHISAENIGHT" Tune not accepted. X:49 selNdx="22" X=49 Xgood=0. Got T:LEWIS GORDON Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="LEWIS GORDON" does not match gotTTL="LEWISGORDON" Tune not accepted. X:50 selNdx="22" X=50 Xgood=0. Got T:LOCH-ERROCH SIDE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="LOCH-ERROCH SIDE" does not match gotTTL="LOCHERROCHSIDE" Tune not accepted. Got T:the LASS OF GOWRIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the LASS OF GOWRIE" does not match gotTTL="LASSOFGOWRIE" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:51 selNdx="22" X=51 Xgood=0. Got T:LOGIE O' BUCHAN Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="LOGIE O' BUCHAN" does not match gotTTL="LOGIEOBUCHAN" Tune not accepted. X:52 selNdx="22" X=52 Xgood=0. Got T:LORD THOMAS AND FAIR ANNET Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="LORD THOMAS AND FAIR ANNET" does not match gotTTL="LORDTHOMASANDFAIRANNET" Tune not accepted. X:53 selNdx="22" X=53 Xgood=0. Got T:LOVELY JEAN Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="LOVELY JEAN" does not match gotTTL="LOVELYJEAN" Tune not accepted. X:54 selNdx="22" X=54 Xgood=0. Got T:the LOVELY LASS O' INVERNESS Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the LOVELY LASS O' INVERNESS" does not match gotTTL="LOVELYLASSOINVERNESS" Tune not accepted. X:55 selNdx="22" X=55 Xgood=0. Got T:MARY OF CASTLE CARY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="MARY OF CASTLE CARY" does not match gotTTL="MARYOFCASTLECARY" Tune not accepted. X:56 selNdx="22" X=56 Xgood=0. Got T:MUCKING O' GEORDIE'S BYRE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="MUCKING O' GEORDIE'S BYRE" does not match gotTTL="MUCKINGOGEORDIESBYRE" Tune not accepted. Got T:TAM GLEN Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="TAM GLEN" does not match gotTTL="TAMGLEN" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:57 selNdx="22" X=57 Xgood=0. Got T:MY AIN KIND DEARIE, O Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="MY AIN KIND DEARIE, O" does not match gotTTL="MYAINKINDDEARIEO" Tune not accepted. X:58 selNdx="22" X=58 Xgood=0. Got T:MY LOVE SHE'S BUT A LASSIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="MY LOVE SHE'S BUT A LASSIE" does not match gotTTL="MYLOVESHESBUTALASSIE" Tune not accepted. X:59 selNdx="22" X=59 Xgood=0. Got T:MY MARY, DEAR DEPARTED SHADE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="MY MARY, DEAR DEPARTED SHADE" does not match gotTTL="MYMARYDEARDEPARTEDSHADE" Tune not accepted. X:60 selNdx="22" X=60 Xgood=0. Got T:MY NANNIE, O Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="MY NANNIE, O" does not match gotTTL="MYNANNIEO" Tune not accepted. Got T:BEHIND YON HILLS Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="BEHIND YON HILLS" does not match gotTTL="BEHINDYONHILLS" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:61 selNdx="22" X=61 Xgood=0. Got T:MY ONLY JO AND DEARIE, O Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="MY ONLY JO AND DEARIE, O" does not match gotTTL="MYONLYJOANDDEARIEO" Tune not accepted. X:62 selNdx="22" X=62 Xgood=0. Got T:NANCY'S TO THE GREEN-WOOD GANE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="NANCY'S TO THE GREEN-WOOD GANE" does not match gotTTL="NANCYSTOTHEGREENWOODGANE" Tune not accepted. X:63 selNdx="22" X=63 Xgood=0. Got T:OSCAR'S GHOST Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="OSCAR'S GHOST" does not match gotTTL="OSCARSGHOST" Tune not accepted. X:64 selNdx="22" X=64 Xgood=0. Got T:PATIE'S WEDDING Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="PATIE'S WEDDING" does not match gotTTL="PATIESWEDDING" Tune not accepted. X:65 selNdx="22" X=65 Xgood=0. Got T:the POSIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the POSIE" does not match gotTTL="POSIE" Tune not accepted. X:66 selNdx="22" X=66 Xgood=0. Got T:ROCK AND WEE PICKLE TOW Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="ROCK AND WEE PICKLE TOW" does not match gotTTL="ROCKANDWEEPICKLETOW" Tune not accepted. Got T:THE SPINNING O'T Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="THE SPINNING O'T" does not match gotTTL="SPINNINGOT" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:67 selNdx="22" X=67 Xgood=0. Got T:ROSLIN CASTLE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="ROSLIN CASTLE" does not match gotTTL="ROSLINCASTLE" Tune not accepted. Got T:the ANSWER Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the ANSWER" does not match gotTTL="ANSWER" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:68 selNdx="22" X=68 Xgood=0. Got T:SAW YE MY FATHER Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="SAW YE MY FATHER" does not match gotTTL="SAWYEMYFATHER" Tune not accepted. X:69 selNdx="22" X=69 Xgood=0. Got T:the SOLDIER'S RETURN Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the SOLDIER'S RETURN" does not match gotTTL="SOLDIERSRETURN" Tune not accepted. Got T:the MILL MILL O Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the MILL MILL O" does not match gotTTL="MILLMILLO" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:70 selNdx="22" X=70 Xgood=0. Got T:the SONG OF DEATH Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the SONG OF DEATH" does not match gotTTL="SONGOFDEATH" Tune not accepted. X:71 selNdx="22" X=71 Xgood=0. Got T:SWEETEST MAY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="SWEETEST MAY" does not match gotTTL="SWEETESTMAY" Tune not accepted. X:72 selNdx="22" X=72 Xgood=0. Got T:SWEET ANNY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="SWEET ANNY" does not match gotTTL="SWEETANNY" Tune not accepted. Got T:WI' WAEFU' HEART AND SORROWING EB Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="WI' WAEFU' HEART AND SORROWING EB" does not match gotTTL="WIWAEFUHEARTANDSORROWINGEB" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:73 selNdx="22" X=73 Xgood=0. Got T:TAK YOUR AULD CLOAK ABOUT YE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="TAK YOUR AULD CLOAK ABOUT YE" does not match gotTTL="TAKYOURAULDCLOAKABOUTYE" Tune not accepted. X:74 selNdx="22" X=74 Xgood=0. Got T:TARRY WOO Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="TARRY WOO" does not match gotTTL="TARRYWOO" Tune not accepted. X:75 selNdx="22" X=75 Xgood=0. Got T:TIBBIE, I HAE SEEN THE DAY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="TIBBIE, I HAE SEEN THE DAY" does not match gotTTL="TIBBIEIHAESEENTHEDAY" Tune not accepted. Got T:MY MARY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="MY MARY" does not match gotTTL="MYMARY" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:76 selNdx="22" X=76 Xgood=0. Got T:TWEEDSIDE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="TWEEDSIDE" does not match gotTTL="TWEEDSIDE" Tune not accepted. Got T:ORIGINAL OF TWEEDSIDE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="ORIGINAL OF TWEEDSIDE" does not match gotTTL="ORIGINALOFTWEEDSIDE" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:77 selNdx="22" X=77 Xgood=0. Got T:TWINE WEEL THE PLAIDEN Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="TWINE WEEL THE PLAIDEN" does not match gotTTL="TWINEWEELTHEPLAIDEN" Tune not accepted. X:78 selNdx="22" X=78 Xgood=0. Got T:the WAEFU' HEART Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the WAEFU' HEART" does not match gotTTL="WAEFUHEART" Tune not accepted. X:79 selNdx="22" X=79 Xgood=0. Got T:WALY, WALY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="WALY, WALY" does not match gotTTL="WALYWALY" Tune not accepted. X:80 selNdx="22" X=80 Xgood=0. Got T:WHISTLE AND I'LL COME TO YOU Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="WHISTLE AND I'LL COME TO YOU" does not match gotTTL="WHISTLEANDILLCOMETOYOU" Tune not accepted. X:81 selNdx="22" X=81 Xgood=0. Got T:WILLY'S RARE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="WILLY'S RARE" does not match gotTTL="WILLYSRARE" Tune not accepted. X:82 selNdx="22" X=82 Xgood=0. Got T:WILT THOU BE MY DEARIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="WILT THOU BE MY DEARIE" does not match gotTTL="WILTTHOUBEMYDEARIE" Tune not accepted. X:83 selNdx="22" X=83 Xgood=0. Got T:WOO'D AND MARRIED AND A' Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="WOO'D AND MARRIED AND A'" does not match gotTTL="WOODANDMARRIEDANDA" Tune not accepted. Got T:DONALD McDONALD Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="DONALD McDONALD" does not match gotTTL="DONALDMCDONALD" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. Got T:LAIGH-COUNTRY SANDY Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="LAIGH-COUNTRY SANDY" does not match gotTTL="LAIGHCOUNTRYSANDY" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. X:84 selNdx="22" X=84 Xgood=0. Got T:the YELLOW-HAIR'D LADDIE Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the YELLOW-HAIR'D LADDIE" does not match gotTTL="YELLOWHAIRDLADDIE" Tune not accepted. Got T:the ORIGINAL WORDS Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="the ORIGINAL WORDS" does not match gotTTL="ORIGINALWORDS" Tune not accepted. Got T:to the same air Trq="DONALDANDFLORA" Title tTtl="to the same air" does not match gotTTL="TOTHESAMEAIR" Tune not accepted. get.cgi: Done with fetch of original file. abc2utf8: s="<tr><td>U</td><td>X:22</td><td>[N]</td><td>[H]</td><td>T:DONALD AND FLORA</td><td><a href="http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/CaledonianMusicalRepository/1806/1806.abc">http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/CaledonianMusicalRepository/1806/1806.abc</a></td></tr>" abc2utf8: v="<tr><td>U</td><td>X:22</td><td>[N]</td><td>[H]</td><td>T:DONALD AND FLORA</td><td><a href="http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/CaledonianMusicalRepository/1806/1806.abc">http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/CaledonianMusicalRepository/1806/1806.abc</a></td></tr>" Test scl='55' format Fmt='GIF' ... Output formats GIF in PS/GIF/PNG/PDF/SVG Fmts='GIF' scl='55' fmt='_55' Fopt='-F fmt/pdf_55.fmt' hres=512 vres=512 Flags: copt='' nopt='' Xopt'' xopt='' showX='0' ENV{PATH}: "/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/trillian-bin:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" pscmd: "(jcabc2ps /Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-1806.abc -F fmt/pdf_55.fmt +s 0.55 +maxs 2000 )>/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-1806.ps 2>>/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-get.log" /Users/jc/bin/jcabc2ps timecmd: limit=5 "(jcabc2ps /Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-1806.abc -F fmt/pdf_55.fmt +s 0.55 +maxs 2000 )>/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-1806.ps 2>>/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-get.log" timecmd: Waiting for process 72653 ... timecmd: Run "(jcabc2ps /Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-1806.abc -F fmt/pdf_55.fmt +s 0.55 +maxs 2000 )>/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-1806.ps 2>>/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-get.log" ... Output written to stdout (2 pages, 1 title) timecmd: 1 sec. Convert PS to GIF. gifcmd="(ps2gif 512 512 /Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-1806.ps) >>/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-72643-get.log 2>&1" ps2gif: Output file "" not found. sh: pnmcrop: command not found sh: ppmtogif: command not found Error: /ioerror in --showpage-- Operand stack: 1 true Execution stack: %interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 1999 1 3 %oparray_pop 1998 1 3 %oparray_pop 1982 1 3 %oparray_pop 1868 1 3 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- %errorexec_pop .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- 1874 0 3 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- --nostringval-- Dictionary stack: --dict:983/1684(ro)(G)-- --dict:0/20(G)-- --dict:237/300(L)-- Current allocation mode is local Last OS error: Broken pipe Current file position is 37594 GPL Ghostscript 9.23: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 get.cgi: Exit with status 0.