2025-03-18 002940 PID=82271 B=0 "get.cgi" version 20221227 Vtest=1 V=1. RA="" UA="Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +https://openai.com/gptbot)" pathinfo="" cgiloc="minya-cgilocal.pm" ENV{PATH}: "/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/trillian-bin:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" URL="" DATA: F: "EPS" N: "/Minuetto2Rondo.eps" S: "0.55" T: "MINUETTO2RONDO" U: "/~jc/music/book/IgnatiusSancho/MCCD_v2.abc" X: "041" n: "1" x: "1" Is V in form data? Is T in form data? Targ="MINUETTO2RONDO" filName="MINUETTO2RONDO-82271" client='Unknown' fmt='unknown-fmt' Check data{U} ... Urq='/~jc/music/book/IgnatiusSancho/MCCD_v2.abc' title="MCCD_v2" [from URL] title="MCCD_v2" [from tText()] Extract title from "MCCD_v2" ti="" tt="MCCD_v2" ="" get.cgi/: tt="MCCD_v2" get.cgi/: midfil="/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-82271-MCCD_v2.mid" get.cgi/: midifil="/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-82271-MCCD_v2.midi" get.cgi/: midialt="/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-82271-MCCD_v2.malt" ENV{PATH}: "/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/trillian-bin:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" Validate the data ... dataValidate: Called. dataValidate: X='041' dataValidate: T='MINUETTO2RONDO' dataValidate: chkMulti=1 dataValidate: We have 8 names in %data. dataValidate: 0 errors. Is S (scale) in form data? get.cgi: botpat=/Baiduspider|SemrushBoti|MJ12bot|googlebot|mediapartners|becomebot|bingbot|msnbot|scoutjet|\w+search\/slurp|searchme|webreaper|crawler|yahoo|yandex|scirus-crawler|ezooms.bot|ahrefsbot|dotbot|siteexplorer/ ENV{PATH}: "/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/abc:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc/trillian-bin:/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc:/Users/jc/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" X: "041" X:'041' x:'1' Find X:041 x:1 "MINUETTO2RONDO" Fmts=EPS T="MINUETTO2RONDO" X=041 x=1 URL="http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/IgnatiusSancho/MCCD_v2.abc" Process form data: Flags: copt='' nopt='' xopt='' showX='0' [from data] V=1 Get scale ... V=1 Got scale='0.55' V=1 scale='0.55' Sopt='0.55' sbrk='' Sopt='0.55' sopt=' +s 0.55' Xrq=041 scl='55' fmt='_55' get.cgi called with ymd='2025-03-18' hms='002940' Can't write "/Users/jc/w/tmp/req/" (No such file or directory) D: 2025-03-18 002940 F: EPS N: /Minuetto2Rondo.eps T: MINUETTO2RONDO U: /~jc/music/book/IgnatiusSancho/MCCD_v2.abc X: 041 Change to '/Users/jc/w/cgi/abc' cwd='/Users/jc/Sites/cgi/abc' fromCache: Can't find cache file for X:041 T:MINUETTO2RONDO Getting tune from original file because selNdx=041 and lines=0 ... get.cgi: Default getcmd "curl -i -s 'http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/IgnatiusSancho/MCCD_v2.abc'" get.cgi: Opened getcmd for reading, pid=82278, Fmts='EPS'. X:0000 selNdx="041" X=0000 Xgood=0. Got T:Minuets Cotillons & Country Dances Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Minuets Cotillons & Country Dances" does not match gotTTL="MINUETSCOTILLONSCOUNTRYDANCES" Tune not accepted. X:031 selNdx="041" X=031 Xgood=0. Got T:Minuetto 1 Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Minuetto 1" does not match gotTTL="MINUETTO1" Tune not accepted. X:041 selNdx="041" X=041 Xgood=1. Got T:Minuetto 2 Rondo Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Tune is good. Got P:A: Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="A:" does not match gotTTL="A" Tune is good. Got P:B: Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="B:" does not match gotTTL="B" Tune is good. Got P:C: Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="C:" does not match gotTTL="C" Tune is good. X:051 selNdx="041" X=051 Xgood=0. Got T:Minuetto 3 Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Minuetto 3" does not match gotTTL="MINUETTO3" Tune not accepted. X:061 selNdx="041" X=061 Xgood=0. Got T:Minuet 4 Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Minuet 4" does not match gotTTL="MINUET4" Tune not accepted. X:062 selNdx="041" X=062 Xgood=0. Got T:Minuet 5 Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Minuet 5" does not match gotTTL="MINUET5" Tune not accepted. X:071 selNdx="041" X=071 Xgood=0. Got T:Minuet 6 Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Minuet 6" does not match gotTTL="MINUET6" Tune not accepted. X:081 selNdx="041" X=081 Xgood=0. Got T:Le Jour de May F Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Le Jour de May F" does not match gotTTL="LEJOURDEMAYF" Tune not accepted. X:082 selNdx="041" X=082 Xgood=0. Got T:The Merry wives of Westminster. E Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="The Merry wives of Westminster. E" does not match gotTTL="MERRYWIVESOFWESTMINSTERE" Tune not accepted. X:091 selNdx="041" X=091 Xgood=0. Got T:Le Contes des Fees. F. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Le Contes des Fees. F." does not match gotTTL="LECONTESDESFEESF" Tune not accepted. X:101 selNdx="041" X=101 Xgood=0. Got T:Christmas Eve. E. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Christmas Eve. E." does not match gotTTL="CHRISTMASEVEE" Tune not accepted. X:102 selNdx="041" X=102 Xgood=0. Got T:Le Douze de Decembre. F. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Le Douze de Decembre. F." does not match gotTTL="LEDOUZEDEDECEMBREF" Tune not accepted. X:1 selNdx="041" X=1 Xgood=0. Got T:Nothing at all E. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Nothing at all E." does not match gotTTL="NOTHINGATALLE" Tune not accepted. X:121 selNdx="041" X=121 Xgood=0. Got T:Kew Gardens E. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Kew Gardens E." does not match gotTTL="KEWGARDENSE" Tune not accepted. X:122 selNdx="041" X=122 Xgood=0. Got T:La Loge de Richmont. F. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="La Loge de Richmont. F." does not match gotTTL="LALOGEDERICHMONTF" Tune not accepted. X:131 selNdx="041" X=131 Xgood=0. Got T:The Carravan E. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="The Carravan E." does not match gotTTL="CARRAVANE" Tune not accepted. X:141 selNdx="041" X=141 Xgood=0. Got T:L'Homme et La Femme F. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="L'Homme et La Femme F." does not match gotTTL="LHOMMEETLAFEMMEF" Tune not accepted. X:151 selNdx="041" X=151 Xgood=0. Got T:Les Nains F. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Les Nains F." does not match gotTTL="LESNAINSF" Tune not accepted. X:152 selNdx="041" X=152 Xgood=0. Got T:The Friendly Visit E. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="The Friendly Visit E." does not match gotTTL="FRIENDLYVISITE" Tune not accepted. X:161 selNdx="041" X=161 Xgood=0. Got T:Just so in the North E. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Just so in the North E." does not match gotTTL="JUSTSOINTHENORTHE" Tune not accepted. X:162 selNdx="041" X=162 Xgood=0. Got T:Les Matadors F. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Les Matadors F." does not match gotTTL="LESMATADORSF" Tune not accepted. X:171 selNdx="041" X=171 Xgood=0. Got T:Le Vieux Garcon F. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="Le Vieux Garcon F." does not match gotTTL="LEVIEUXGARCONF" Tune not accepted. X:181 selNdx="041" X=181 Xgood=0. Got T:La Maison de la Reine. F. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="La Maison de la Reine. F." does not match gotTTL="LAMAISONDELAREINEF" Tune not accepted. X:182 selNdx="041" X=182 Xgood=0. Got T:The Sword Knott E. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="The Sword Knott E." does not match gotTTL="SWORDKNOTTE" Tune not accepted. X:191 selNdx="041" X=191 Xgood=0. Got T:L'Etourderie de Catos. F. Trq="MINUETTO2RONDO" Title tTtl="L'Etourderie de Catos. F." does not match gotTTL="LETOURDERIEDECATOSF" Tune not accepted. get.cgi: Done with fetch of original file. abc2utf8: s="<tr><td>U</td><td>X:041</td><td>[N]</td><td>[H]</td><td>T:Minuetto 2 Rondo</td><td><a href="http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/IgnatiusSancho/MCCD_v2.abc">http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/IgnatiusSancho/MCCD_v2.abc</a></td></tr>" abc2utf8: v="<tr><td>U</td><td>X:041</td><td>[N]</td><td>[H]</td><td>T:Minuetto 2 Rondo</td><td><a href="http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/IgnatiusSancho/MCCD_v2.abc">http://roaringjelly.org/~jc/music/book/IgnatiusSancho/MCCD_v2.abc</a></td></tr>" Test scl='55' format Fmt='EPS' ... Convert PS to EPS. [/Users/jc/w/tmp/Tune-82271-MCCD_v2-001.eps] Minuetto 2 Rondoget.cgi: Exit with status 0.